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joined Apr 26, 2015

On a side note...talking about the sounds.
I really love Reina and Kumiko voices. Reina has this mature voice that really feels every word go deep through your heart.
While Kimiko's voice, as it is childish when speaking with all other characters, it really change when talking with Reina and sometimes has this gentle jingle like sound , I don't know how to describe it, like the sound of someone speaking when emotions overwhelm them and the voice shaken as if they are about to cry (listen to the moment when she says "Reina is different from everyone else" while recalling a flash back of Reina in a white dress. By the way, I loved the music part that came with this flashback, also the one escalating with Reina closing her eyes with happiness from hearing the words of love from Kumiko (the music in that moment felt like a piece from studio gibli OST). This is not the first one I am captured by the sounds in this anime, the same joy was also there when listening to the OST from the episode of the mountain hiking.

joined Apr 26, 2015

Fan art by junsola:

One of my favorites !! nicely done indeed

joined Apr 26, 2015



Oh my... I wasn't ready for this...

Fan art explosion by lildevilinhell:


AH this is really nice !!!!!!

joined Apr 26, 2015

Random Reader

Thank you all for the feedback. All logical possibilities, including the one of sniffing hahaha. I actually won't be surprised if Seol-A had kept the clothes and we will see it later with Seol-A holding them to her when she sleeps.

joined Apr 26, 2015


You sure surprised me. Seeing everything I wanted to say already written under your name, I felt my soul had sneaked behind me and whispered everything I had in my heart down to this form before I even open the page !!
I was at one point trying to get a grasp of what the future holds for those two through the novel, but I was hit by a lot of disappointments and words of warning not to have hopes high and all. But, just when I watched again the EPIC scene of them at that mountain hiking, I felt with a know what,,,, I don't care what is happening in the novel or whatever, what I see here is magical, what I see here is true love in its most pure, beautiful, exciting and warmest form.
Then comes today, and MY GOD that moment in episode 11...was just beautiful...the love between those two was as bright as the summer sun light that sparkled around them. Ah this raising hands of Reina, the gentle whispers of Kumiko, her TO DIE FOR confession, and most of all, the reaction of reina, all surprised with Kumiko's feelings, that made her eye closed with happiness (just like she always do when overwhelmed by her love to Kumiko.

I haven't felt happier watching such beautiful love since the days of Oniisama E.
So forget the novel...I am happy with what I see and I still expect more amazing moments like that. Even if the overall anime ended suddenly with no conclusion between those two (which is what I expect) but still, it will remain an anime that we will always go back to its special moments to watch over and over with the same passion.

joined Apr 26, 2015

One thing puzzled me. The part where Seol-A had her beer then noticed no-rae's clothes she wore from the accident and gave such surprise/sad look and it ended there. What was that all about? and what happened to them?

joined Apr 26, 2015

One thing for me is certain, Seol-A will not be running away from this. In fact, she already had her all night thinking about all this from the moment she saw no-rae's desperate eyes and realized how much she is attracted to her herself. Her escape sanctuary after her sleepless night was a hard game where she sorted out all her feelings and things she felt in the past and came up with that strong sentence" little %$#". I found that recalling that particular scene from the past (which was out of nowhere) to be used to draw the conclusion of Seol-A feelings was such a strong move from Ssamba.
As I mentioned, Seol-A is not running anymore, but she is also not confronting anything with words, fearing that no-rae may run away from her like last time. She is however not holding back anymore and want to seize every moment to be with no-rae, feel no-rae, and hold no-rae while making it look as "natural" as possible.
Ah the next chapter if it went on to the sushi dinner at Seol-A house, will be hot ! and so will be the next few chapters, building up a lot of awkward moments until both suddenly will surrender to these feelings, both at one moment.

last edited at Jun 15, 2015 6:13AM

joined Apr 26, 2015

Could anyone pick up on how Seol-a was behaving?? No-rea was saying she was stiff and acting...different somehow. Of course, being a comic/manhwa/manga and all.. it was hard for me to tell. Can anyone point anything out that stands out?? I went through it several times but I couldn't find any cues...

Considering that ssamba drawing is generally simple lines that you would think the expressions can hardly be possible. But ssamba is genius as she can to my surprise, even with small fine lines, draw variable expressions.

I actually noticed how Seol-A was indeed tens from the beginning (at the cap where she had this serious, deep thinking face that made me really worried thinking "oah no, please don't start rejecting what you just discovered about yourself/no-rae. Also in the morning, she was short tempered a little and got irritated even with little things like no-rae saying she is fine, or that no-rae worry about her rather than herself (I think at that point, she was really hoping no-rae would explain more about what happened in the hospital, the look and the hug, and to open her heart to Seol-A rather than just continue with the "all fine" thing and keeping everything deep inside her walls as she always do).

joined Apr 26, 2015

Ah thank you so much Halmoni, really couldn't sleep tonight waiting to know what has been said.
Reading......So no-rae was actually abducted under threat hahaha

joined Apr 26, 2015

I wonder if the next chapter will be a continuation of this evening visit to no-rae's house or it just ends there and we will move on into a whole new scene, college maybe? The reason I am curious is, if this last scene continue as it is into no-rae's house, I feel an intimate moment is to follow

joined Apr 26, 2015


Korean-wise I got stuck at Seol-a's line in the tennis ball or whatever it's called. I know the first word means brother, but the second one's a mystery. Gaeppul. lol

Hahaha, glad to know it is not only me, who is out of despair spent 15 minutes drawing letters on google translator but still the outcome made no sense ! I got a word of "life" though, if it is correct, I wonder if Seol-A think how life can be so unpredictable and that love can hit you out of no where.

joined Apr 26, 2015

Yes, totally! In fact, I think Seol-a was handsy quite intentionally too this time! xDD<<


I thought so too, and that made no-rae an embarrassing happy girl, and me happier

last edited at Jun 14, 2015 6:17PM

joined Apr 26, 2015

Logical prediction:
Seol-a will bring them back to her place and offers No-rae her bed to sleep while she gets the living room. No-rae still feels traumatised and wants company, so Seol-a watches her sleep. Some flash back on how No-rae opens up and confusion of feelings on her part.

I-would-die-for prediction:
Seol-a hugs No-rae to sleep, and offers to help her take a shower the next day. Love ensues.
Well, I can wish hahaha


Your logic prediction was almost perfect !! Nice. Although I know that you, as I , wished the other, to die-for, prediction was the true one

joined Apr 26, 2015

As I expected! after reading that last moment of previous chapter, it was all there ! that look of No-rae, and that slow hug, all was the spark that changed something in Seol-A's feeling and she realized it, this is love she sees infront of her.

Can't wait to read Halmoni's translation and d.d.d. typing as there is so much things between those two today that I am dying to know, what was said here.

"dear destiny, please let us borrow your strength.
we cannot help ourselves”

AAAAH Finally !
I knew the last hug meant something for Seol-A, but it is the last phrase that made it official
TODAY IS THE DAY that Seol-A realized No-rae's feelings !!

last edited at Jun 14, 2015 6:10PM

joined Apr 26, 2015

So what for today?
I guess our ladies are heading home now after such tiring long night, most likely to no-rae's home.
Seol-A will offer some meal but I don't think anyone is hungry. Then the awkward moments parts. No-rae need some help to change as her arm hurt ^^ so Seol-A insists to help @@.
I don't think she can take a shower now with her open wounds so no hopes of Seol-A helping with that...sadly.
Then it is good night time, I wonder if Seol-A will offer to stay the night with no-rae? I have no predictions...what do you think?

last edited at Jun 14, 2015 10:36AM

joined Apr 26, 2015

It is the day of the week again
The day where we are filled with "fluttering feelings" while awaiting for the next coming chapter.
Seriously, I wish this series would last for another year...with nice developments ofcourse ^^.

joined Apr 26, 2015

Whispers of the heart

No-Rae : You...asking me to look at can I do that? How can I hide all my feelings if you looked at the windows of my soul. Ah no, now I can't help but to draw my eyes away from yours, so please don't look any deeper. let me hide my face once again in you chest. Let me hide my love in the night of your beautiful dark hair. Let me embrace you once more, and let me stay like this for a while. Let me hold you tight this time, as I almost lost you. That is all I want, that is all I need for now.

Seol-A : Ah poor you, to be shaking like that. You, who had always been so strong, to hold me so tight like that. Let me support you this time, let me give you strength, so look at me, look at me. But...what..what is this that I see in your eyes? that shines deeper than the tears that flowing down softly on your cheeks and reaching my fingers? Love? is it love? that can't be? But then, it is you who is leaning slowly closer, so close that I feel your heart beating so fast. It is you who is wrapping her arms around me with such passion. I don't understand, I am so confused. But, I can't help but to hold your fragile body for now... as I can't stand the thoughts of losing you...even if I don't know why.

last edited at Jun 9, 2015 9:52AM

Lara 77
Looking for good yuri 08 Jun 07:53
joined Apr 26, 2015


Ah that is easy, Fluttering Feelings, and nothing but Fluttering Feelings. That matches all the things you want.

Hello everyone.

I'm kinda starting to get sick of trying to find stories that I actually want to read. If anyone can recommend me a yuri that:

  1. Shows couple's life. I don't mind if they don't start as a couple, but I wish to read something that shows how their are doing after getting together.
  2. Is overall focused on slice of life/comedy. I don't mind angst or drama, as long as it's not next forced to break up/love triangle driven drama. I'm tired of those boring cliche. I want to see some real problems.

Mangas off the top of my head, that would be a good examples of what I'm looking for:
Hanjuku Joshi

joined Apr 26, 2015

Is it safe to assume the quote:

"Dear destiny, please let us borrow your strength.
We cannot help ourselves.”

is purposely ambiguous and could be applied to both Seol-A and No-Rae?

The quote and the whole last hug said it all.
No-rae know her feelings......and god help her she can't hide it anymore.
Seol-A realized it just now

And they both now need all the strength in the universe to help them deal with this deep feeling they have now

joined Apr 26, 2015

"dear destiny, please let us borrow your strength.
we cannot help ourselves”

AAAAH Finally !
I knew the last hug meant something for Seol-A, but it is the last phrase that made it official
TODAY IS THE DAY that Seol-A realized No-rae's feelings !!

Thanks to everyone who helped with the translation and typing, you really saved our waiting souls here
I am also happy to know that the little bit I did with google was spot on ^^ but god it was not easy to draw the letters

last edited at Jun 8, 2015 2:50AM

joined Apr 26, 2015

So being so stubborn to know what is being said, here is google translation. Can't wait for Halmoni to come back and give the actual one so that we can laugh together on whatever I wrote. Hahaha
Seol-A: Thinking: Need to calm abit
Seol-A: No-rae, Look at me
Seol-A: Look at me, huh?
Seol-A: Stop.....
Seol-A: ?
Seol-A: ............


last edited at Jun 7, 2015 6:43PM

joined Apr 26, 2015

After ten minutes of trial and error with the last pages, I think Seol-A after the end of the first hugs is thinking in the bubble: Need to calm abit..
One REALLY appreciate Halmoni at such days......

joined Apr 26, 2015

As she lost conscious for a while and was indeed at the hospital, shall I consider the third option a winner ^^

1) No-rae is not affected/injured because she wasn't in the bus anymore
2) No-rae was in the bus at time of accident but is totally fine/mild scratch
3) No-rae seriously injured in the accident (coma/broken bone,,etc) and they took her to hospital

Mine goes to number 3.

I think it's number 2, in that kind of accident I think it's not weird for all the victims to be brought to the hospital to be examined. And while she does seems to have passed out, It doesn't look too bad

That would be the fair option, you are right

joined Apr 26, 2015

As she lost conscious for a while and was indeed at the hospital, shall I consider the third option a winner ^^

May I suggest something to kill the slow walking time till next week?
I will make a pool of what do you think happened to No-rae and you can choose one of the following:

1) No-rae is not affected/injured because she wasn't in the bus anymore
2) No-rae was in the bus at time of accident but is totally fine/mild scratch
3) No-rae seriously injured in the accident (coma/broken bone,,etc) and they took her to hospital

Mine goes to number 3.

joined Apr 26, 2015


And she could only think about that umbrella Seol-a gave her. (I think she is apologizing Seol-a that she lost it and ofc Seol-a is like "don't think about it, I'm glad that you are ok")

Glad to know it is not only me who thought the same