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joined Apr 20, 2015

kyra?? I must be seeing things. Time to get my eyes checked

You, my dear Anonymous, are a treasure. You deserve a lifetime supply of internet cookies.

joined Apr 20, 2015

Seol-a's sporting a lot of Pinocchio nose second half of the chapter.

joined Apr 20, 2015


I was gonna mention about the dude too! Maybe this explains why mole-dude has such a strong obsession with Seju.

joined Apr 20, 2015

Yay more flashbacks. Yay no Seolrae for another week \ ^o^ /

ahem back to the topic

I think Sung Pyo and Norae were too similar in terms of their tendency to withdraw from other people when there are conflicts or unpleasantness. Thats why when Sung Pyo withdrew himself, Norae didnt have the agressiveness to get him out of his shell. And that eventually led to their breakup.

I was thinking of the same thing. Given how in love No-rae and Sung-Pyo were supposed to be, their relationship fell apart too easily when disaster hits. Makes you wonder if the two of them ever got past each other's outer shells. And No-rae is the type that doesn't like confrontations, so she kept it in and hoped that things will turn out okay (which never happens in real life or fiction -.-).

As for the break-up, I think Sung-Pyo must've done something more to push it past the breaking point. In that chapter when she turned down Ji-Hwan, No-rae did said her trust was betrayed. Their relationship is strained, and it seems like they're falling out of love, but him withdrawing and running away (to Australia we go~) isn't something that should break her trust in him. I'm thinking he pulled a Seju or something, got wasted and cheated on her while he's "away" :P

joined Apr 20, 2015

wednesday best day. the newest chapter, I thought that the redhead's appearance (the chairman) was quite random; I thought her story was already finished.. Why did they bring her back? what's her purpose? Isn't it supposed to be focusing on Sungji/ Seju now.) No point in bringing up Sumin's sexcapades from the past.) Otherwise 12/10 chapter.

I think it's to show the parallel between past/present? I mean, Sumin and the redhead were totally fooling around while at work (and weren't caught seems like). Later in the chapter, we see Sumin and Sungji flirting around, holding dates in Sumin's office, kissing etc. If they're not setting themselves up to be caught (and further drama) I don't know what they're doing.....And someone did caught them in the act, so to speak, at the end of the chapter.

Wonder who it is, though. My bet is either Seju or the glasses-girl, since she's been suspicious of the two before.

joined Apr 20, 2015

Wow.....Damn.......Now I feel bad for Yuji.

Their Story discussion 24 Oct 01:14
joined Apr 20, 2015

Oh. Oh my. Is that what I think it is? XD

Although between the sporadic releases and the other break, it feels a bit disjointed going back to the main story line. I'm still wearing my shit eating grin watching Sun Jing's and Qiu Tong's interactions, but the enjoyment is not as great as before since I kinda forgot what've happened.

joined Apr 20, 2015

Forgot FF is back today. Thanks halmoni for translations!

Well, I'm glad Ssamba took that break to figure out her living arrangements. I'm perfectly happy with Ssamba taking as many breaks as she needs if she can work on FF as she wants and not rush the ending.

joined Apr 20, 2015

What I still don’t understand though is why did Sumin came back to Seju’s arms? At the hospital, she told Seju to just go and die. But sometime after her wounds healed, before she got that tattoo, she came back crawling to Seju, and was telling Seju about her recent break up?(Chapter 14 if I’m not mistaken) what made her come back? And it was shown that they were already on good terms with each other (?). but the timeline shown in chapter 27 kind of confused me, because I got the impression that Sumin only came back to Seju after she got the tattoo. But maybe the scene was not put together in order. I was also kind of wondering if Sumin would’ve still came back to Seju if that incident never

Ah, you worded it much better than I did in my post. Sumin more or less cut off all contact with Seju after they broke up, was planning a fresh start, etc. Yet she still comes looking for Seju after every relationship of hers failed. Until Sumin gives a proper explanation for why she keeps on doing so (and it seems like she herself doesn't even know why--chapter 14), then the debate on whether Sumin has agency vs Seju's controlling her isn't ever gonna end.

Seju doesn't have anyone except Sumin

For the time being, yes. I wonder why that is. I don't see why Seju cannot move on. Seju might be able to find someone who can actually bring her happiness. Though she got to do it for herself.

Seju can't move on if Sumin keeps on coming back. It's like what NozoEli_trash says, if Sumin just made a clean cut back when they first broke up, then it would've been easier for the both of them to move on. Now if Sumin never contacts her again after that, and Seju is still stuck on the "I'll wait for you forever/the two of us until we die" mentality, then I can say that Seju's misfortunes is her own fault. But the issue here is Sumin keeps on returning, and that just gives Seju false hope and her thinking "she will always return to me, etc."

joined Apr 20, 2015

I don't think of Seju as evil, but I do call her for being manipulative for whatever she's planning when she was pushing Sumin towards Sungji in the early chapters, and that conversation she had with Sungji in the office in chapter 13/14 (?).

About the claiming of Sumin as an object, I don't see it like that. Yes, she has this weird, unhealthy possessive streak regarding Sumin, but I can understand her point of view. Her family is horrible so she grew up emotionally warped and she clung to the first person to ever show her a bit of love, Sumin. She's always considered Sumin her family, whatever "family" means to her (familial love, romantic love, both, something else?). And now, they're even more similar to each other, one who can't love and one who's lost the ability to love. They're birds of a feather. Granted, Seju's cheating and the dude made Sumin that way. But it's small wonders Seju thinks the way she does, "Look, we're such wretched creatures that I'm the only one for you...." That's just sad.

@ jmv, yeah Sumin isn't an object to claim, but she has been returning to Seju's bed for the past decade by her own will. I do wonder about that though. She was all drop-dead/screw-your-face/you-can-die-in-a-ditch-for-all-I-care towards Seju right after the accident, but she seeks out Seju time and time again. Why? Familiarity? Because Seju was her first everything and forgetting is impossible? We'll need an explanation for that. But Sumin's actions doesn't help but further cement Seju's confidence that Sumin will eventually return to her side.
I agree that Seju is the one ultimately responsible for her own life and moving forward. I want her to for her own sake, but it's hard do so if Sumin keeps on coming back.

joined Apr 20, 2015

Damn, Sumin and Seju are just spirals of destruction aren't they. Both of them are so messed up psychologically (because of each other) it's gonna take a miracle for them to recover (Team Gaji I'm looking at you guys). I don't really care who ends up with who at this point, I just want them all to move on and have a happy ending. Yes, even Seju (I'm always suckered for a hot, sexy, manipulative evil b*tch haha).

But that man! (Seju's uncle?). Hell, are we sure Seju's family ain't some mafia gang? He sure acts like one lol. But srsly, Sumin should've sued his sorry ass to kingdom come.

And that cliffhanger! The wait!!!!!! I'm almost terrified to think of Seju's reactions when she finds out Sumin might be serious towards Sungji (all these bloody S- names, almost forgot who's who). Please don't harm the poor innocent Cinnamon Roll, that's all I'm asking Seju. Otherwise, I still like your evil, manipulative ass.

P.S. Almost forgot to thank halmoni!!
(damn this is long)

joined Apr 20, 2015

THIS CHAPTER IS GOLD!!! Thanks halmoni for all your hard work! And good luck on finals~

i'm a little confused about why seol-a says "I'm terrible, aren't I...? You're probably shocked at how utterly terrible I am, right?"

is it because she seemed kind of demanding when she said she wanted to sleep over at no-rae's? like something along the lines of needing to have things her way or something? 'cause it didn't really seem too much like that to me and that doesn't warrant her claiming she's "utterly terrible" that no-rae must be shocked. am i missing something or just being stupid and not reading carefully enough?

To me, it sounds like Seol-A is continuing out loud with her line of thought from the "I think I like you..." line. Something like "on noes, I'm in love with my friend. What's worse, she's a girl. There must be something wrong with me. I"m a horrible human being...blah blah" Of course, in a more serious manner than what I put. And then when No-rae comforts her and more or less says that she accepts Seol-A, Seol-A turns it from "I think I like you" to "I KNOW I like you".

joined Apr 20, 2015

If the timeline fits, if Seol-A and No-Rae was already in Australia before Yu-Ji passed away, moonfrost and Alextasha's theory might be possible.And maybe Yu-Ji and No-Rae met somewhere in Australia and became friends. I mean maybe Ssmba has her reason for sending all of them to Australia.Unless she just loves Australia so much xD
I wonder how the news of Yu-ji's death will effect Seol-A, will it push her to confront her feelings? And now that we already got a peak into Seol-A's past, I'm waiting and hoping for a story about No-Rae's past relationship. If ever. :3

I think the possibility of any of them meeting each other in Australia is next to nil?

The timeline for each of them goes like this:

  • Yu-ji: High school graduation --> immigrate (?) to Australia --> car accident within that year or soon after
  • No-rae/Seol-a: high school graduation --> college year 1 --> exchange program in Australia year 2 --> college year 3 where they meet.

Also, the friend said it's been 2 years since Yu-ji's death. Let's say the count starts at present time with them in their 3rd year of college, then 3-2 = college year 1. Yu-ji died before our lovebirds even set foot in Australia.

I might be wrong cuz I'm remembering things off the top of my head so someone correct me if I'm wrong (coughourresidentanonymous). And seems like Ssamba really likes Australia huh v(" ")v

Their Story discussion 19 Aug 02:19
joined Apr 20, 2015

Whoohoo! 4 chapters update!!

joined Apr 20, 2015


If you don't care about reading a half decent story that contains characters with pasts that contribute to who they are/how they act in the present, you're probably reading FF for the wrong reasons.


You're saying that the point of FF isn't the HARDCORE S&M SECKS SCENES starting from Chapter 42?!?!!!

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

*deletes all the fan art*

*deletes the Imgur site*

*hacks into halmoni's Pastebin and deletes everything*

*huddles into a corner and crais*

Haha you think FF is like WDTFS,its completely different.
In FF there is NO sex scene,or kiss scene but rather have a good story,i think lol

I'm sorry, this is too good to pass up.

joined Apr 20, 2015

Is it just me or is Seol-a wearing No-rae's uniform skirt, cuz it looks like No-rae is wearing a random pair of shorts....

joined Apr 20, 2015

Seems like comico has unlocked all the chapters in preparation for tomorrow's return.

joined Apr 20, 2015

@ Halmoni
I just made a tumblr account and messaged you......hope I did it right since I have no idea how to navigate tumblr.

joined Apr 20, 2015

Damn the drama about this manhwa merits its own serialization....

But seriously, is there gonna be an official announcement regarding halmoni's decision to stop translating and how it's gonna be for us innocent plebs to keep up with the series? I was faithfully using the overlay method and shelling out my money to buy coins until this bee's nest with /u/ got kicked over and shit storms happened.

Not hating on you and your team or anything halmoni, because it's thanks to your work that brought us FF and this series. But I am bitter about /u/ :/

So to parrot the people above me again, how can we readers who just wants to read the series in peace do so?

joined Apr 20, 2015


This is random....but the nurse is exactly like the store clerk from Their Story. Dat indulgent yuri smile XD


From why-because-idk:

HAH! snort

Thank you d.d.d. for the typeset! And the one that translated in the first place!!!

After reading it over again, I feel that that last scene is really sensual. The way Seol-a's hands went from No-rae's cheeks, to her neck/shoulder. And how No-rae leans in while reaching forward, and her coat dropping. Then Seol-a freezing for a moment then hugging her back. The intimacy and how it feels like it's just the two of them at that moment. And the quote at the end nails it. fan-girling to the max right now

Samba why you so good at storytelling T_T

joined Apr 20, 2015

This is random....but the nurse is exactly like the store clerk from Their Story. Dat indulgent yuri smile XD

joined Apr 20, 2015


And then Seol-a realises its not about the umbrella

Holy crap. Is that really what it says? Impressive.

I honestly thought No-rae was just upset about the umbrella...I can't see why she'd be upset otherwise? -well aside from almost dying-

You just answered your question I think LOL. She did just go through a near-death experience so she's in shock for sure (hell I would be if that happened to me). She's probably fixating on the last "normal" thing before the accident, which is the umbrella.

joined Apr 20, 2015

I am TOTALLY studying for my finals and not reading FF (ha!).

Did anyone notice the symmetry/reversal to Ch 3 with Seol-a and her crazy ex-bf? Now it's No-rae that's in shock and is clinging to Seol-a.

And that last scene with the hug. If Seol-a doesn't get a clue that something's going on, then she's can be crowned Queen of Cluelessness.

joined Apr 20, 2015

I seem to be having trouble with the overlay. I tried the addon and bookmark options on both Firefox and Chrome. Neither work for either sites. It's weird. I tried clearing cookies/cache whatnot, deleting/re-installing, etc. and I still can't get it to work. Help please?

joined Apr 20, 2015

@ kyra Can't you do both, put it on imgur and do the text overlay? I know it's better for the view counts, but some might like going to imgur more (like me) and there's also the locking/unlocking going on at comico after every 3 days.