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joined Feb 13, 2016

Man, the Internet signal in this hospital sucks. I guess I will have a lot of pages to read when I get home.

GraciousLlama, glad that you looked for a doctor. I think ideally you should have stayed in the hospital for observation, then repeat the ct scan to see if the concussion is stable. So be extra careful there. If you start feeling sleepy or confused, you have to go back to the hospital immediately.

joined Mar 8, 2014

I will never tell anyone about anything relates to it about me. I rather date someone in super far away so no one i know will ever see me with that person.

Trying to mentally wrap my head around this statement, and it's just not happening lol.

yeah >.>... it's a bit sad though :<, why should you feel embarrassed about being in love or dating someone? you don't have to go ahead and announce it to the whole world but there's no reason to be secretive about it... wouldn't that bother your partner?

joined Jan 13, 2016

Hey, yr age is 85% below 25. I can tell..

Hahaha maybe. i want to be 25 forever though.

joined Feb 8, 2016

Now that you mention it, I guess you have a point.. A lot of people from my class back then started dating at around the same age, but most of them aren't as serious about it even now. Which is why I had decided to set my focus on older people. XD

I won't tell Lin you called her an older person

Older as in "older than myself" XD I don't think she's actually old, lol. But anway, thank you. ^^;;

Lol I knew what you meant :P

joined Mar 17, 2016

Man, the Internet signal in this hospital sucks. I guess I will have a lot of pages to read when I get home.

GraciousLlama, glad that you looked for a doctor. I think ideally you should have stayed in the hospital for observation, then repeat the ct scan to see if the concussion is stable. So be extra careful there. If you start feeling sleepy or confused, you have to go back to the hospital immediately.

Is your internship in a hospital, I can't remember if you had mentioned this before lol it's pretty easy for me to get lost in all these pages. My doctor said it wasn't bad enough to need to stay in the hosipital, however I do have a follow up appointment. My devil sister sang me a lullaby so clearly she is ready for me to slip into a coma lol

joined Mar 17, 2016

Hey, yr age is 85% below 25. I can tell..

Hahaha maybe. i want to be 25 forever though.

Lol we will just keep a 25 candle for you and continue to reuse it every year for your cake XD

joined Mar 8, 2014

I don't think i can do. I will just end up embarrassing myself twice lol. So it is better and more interesting to listen to others romance. Like listening to your love story is fun for me hehehe.

Lol suit yourself. Though I'd cut your supposed age of 37 by at least 15 years just from you saying that haha

oh come on! I like being embarrassed! you know when I had a crush I would just randomly say hello to her when she was walking down the hallways! I looked like an idiot... >.> ^-^''' but it's a fun memory. I also wish I had done more than that but I was always afraid and now I wish I hadn't been because losing chances like that is a waste! though she turned out not to be my type anyway buuuut I'm just saaaaying... I would probably have felt better if I had talked to her more and... told her how I felt. And, Cyprus is very conservative regarding that so...

joined Nov 20, 2015

Hey, yr age is 85% below 25. I can tell..

Hahaha maybe. i want to be 25 forever though.

Lol we will just keep a 25 candle for you and continue to reuse it every year for your cake XD

I like yr idea...
Plus same cake and hat party..

joined Nov 20, 2015

Llama, stay tune here will keep u from comma...

joined Mar 8, 2014

Considerably more precocious than myself lol

Can't deny that. XD I started dating when I was 13 so by the time I met Lin (when I was 18), I already had a pretty clear picture of what kind of person I was looking for. By then I had also realized that, sadly enough, I probably wouldn't find it in someone my own age. It's kinda like I've already had my share of adventure when everyone else my age is just getting started, lol.

So you must have come out when you were pretty young. Sounds about right then actually. I didn't come out to my family until the end of high school, and didn't date anyone until I was in a college.

My first few "partners" were all guys, actually. You can't really call these relationships though. I mean, we usually were together a month or 6 weeks before breaking up (btw back then, I referred to this as "long term" X'D I thought a short relationship was just a week or a few days or something. XD). I think I was like 15 or something when I realized I was attracted to girls as well and I experimented a bit. Looking back at all of it, I'd say Lin is the first person I date while having the right intentions. I love her as a person, as in I really like what she's all about and I just want to be part of it all. I didn't feel that sense of wanting to be connected on that level with my previous boyfriends and girlfriends. That's the main reason why I didn't really have any doubts about moving in with her. ^^

oh wow, I was a bit surprised by your age! I don't know if I could see myself living with someone by the time I'm 22.
but oh my gosh, it's so cuteee >.< I wish you two the best, you are such a cute couple!! ^-^

joined Feb 8, 2016

Oh and I almost forgot about the anime recommendations:

Historical, drama, action: Rurouni Kenshin: Trust and Betrayal (Best OVA ever...)
Action, fantasy, comedy: Is It Wrong to try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? (Dumbest name, cutest shit ever)
Yuri, kissing, kissing, kissing, kissing, kissing: Sakura Trick (assume we've all seen this, also stupid, also cute as fuck)
Ecchi, cooking, wtf: Shokugeki no Soma
Short (2-3 min episodes) Comedy: I Can't Understand What My Husband is Saying and Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san

joined Mar 8, 2014

Man, the Internet signal in this hospital sucks. I guess I will have a lot of pages to read when I get home.

GraciousLlama, glad that you looked for a doctor. I think ideally you should have stayed in the hospital for observation, then repeat the ct scan to see if the concussion is stable. So be extra careful there. If you start feeling sleepy or confused, you have to go back to the hospital immediately.

Is your internship in a hospital, I can't remember if you had mentioned this before lol it's pretty easy for me to get lost in all these pages. My doctor said it wasn't bad enough to need to stay in the hosipital, however I do have a follow up appointment. My devil sister sang me a lullaby so clearly she is ready for me to slip into a coma lol

I hope you get better soon :), your sister sounds kind of mean... >.>

joined Mar 8, 2014

what type of anime do you like??
I really like mystery/drama, not that I dislike comedy, ah unless it's like... Haratakou no Maou-sama or something, I didn't like that. I don't like those shounen anime, they get on my nerves ^-^**
I really liked Haibane Renmei but it's a biiiit heavy in the last half. Also Niea Under 7, it's kind of comedy-light hearted and it makes you want to eat curry and fried rice :D
Monster! I love Monster. It's mystery drama and it's a bit episodic at time, each episode giving you clues to resolve the biggest mystery.
Oh btw, some anime films are really good! My favorite one is Sennen Joyuu. It's mostly drama and romance but not exactly. The romance is like the plot device. Also anything by Makoto Shinkai is great :D
Also!!!! Re: Cutie Honey! It's pretty ecchi but it's so funny and super cute! I liked it :), I really related to the character in some aspects. I liked how she was pretty 'realistic', they worked on different feelings and emotions of hers and she wasn't one dimensional at all, like most characters in these type of anime. Also the officer was super cool ♥_♥
Kobato, it's really cute and sweet with a bit of drama and romance :)
As for manga hmm... besides the ones in here I'd recommend Hoshi wa Utau. It's by the same mangaka who made Fruits Basket, if you know it. I really liked this manga because it had a unique take on relationships and romance, I mean mentality-wise.

last edited at Apr 4, 2016 11:54AM

joined Mar 17, 2016

Oh and I almost forgot about the anime recommendations:

Historical, drama, action: Rurouni Kenshin: Trust and Betrayal (Best OVA ever...)
Action, fantasy, comedy: Is It Wrong to try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? (Dumbest name, cutest shit ever)
Yuri, kissing, kissing, kissing, kissing, kissing: Sakura Trick (assume we've all seen this, also stupid, also cute as fuck)
Ecchi, cooking, wtf: Shokugeki no Soma
Short (2-3 min episodes) Comedy: I Can't Understand What My Husband is Saying and Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san

Thanks for the recommenations! I have seen Sakura Trick lol
Yeah my sister can be mean haha but we actually get a long really well

joined Feb 8, 2016

And might as well throw mangas in there:
Yuri: Anything on my list
Otoyomegatari by Mori Kaoru -- In my opinion, no better manga artist exists. Gorgeous, excruciatingly detailed art. It's a historical romance/slice of life. To my surprise, volume 7 turns out to be really really gay, and by gay I mean yuri, and by yuri I mean really it's bisexual.
Akatsuki no Yona -- Shoujo, sort of historical fantasy? Really surprised how much I ended up enjoying it. Also an anime. Takes an enormous amount of time before you can start to like the main character.

last edited at Apr 4, 2016 12:10PM

joined Jan 13, 2016

Hey, yr age is 85% below 25. I can tell..

Hahaha maybe. i want to be 25 forever though.

Lol we will just keep a 25 candle for you and continue to reuse it every year for your cake XD

Actually i want to be 30 forever. 25 looks like a kid.

joined Nov 20, 2015

And might as well throw mangas in there:
Yuri: Anything on my list
Otoyomegatari by Kaoru Mori -- In my opinion, no better artist exists. Gorgeous, excruciatingly detailed art. To my surprise, volume 7 turns out to be really really gay, and by gay I mean yuri, and by yuri I mean really it's bisexual.
Akatsuki no Yona -- Shoujo, sort of historical fantasy? Really surprised how much I ended up enjoying it. Also an anime. Takes an enormous amount of time before you can start to like the main character.

I'm currently reading Otoyomegatari, till ch 3.
The art is great, just as expected from Mori sensei..
Thanks for suggesting this manga..

Sleeping time.. c u

joined Nov 20, 2015

Hey, yr age is 85% below 25. I can tell..

Hahaha maybe. i want to be 25 forever though.

Lol we will just keep a 25 candle for you and continue to reuse it every year for your cake XD

Actually i want to be 30 forever. 25 looks like a kid.

Wishy washy..
I prefer you 25 or 37. 30 is not a choice..

joined Jan 13, 2016

Hey, yr age is 85% below 25. I can tell..

Hahaha maybe. i want to be 25 forever though.

Lol we will just keep a 25 candle for you and continue to reuse it every year for your cake XD

Actually i want to be 30 forever. 25 looks like a kid.

Wishy washy..
I prefer you 25 or 37. 30 is not a choice..

Ok i will be 25 forever. Oh well.

joined Mar 8, 2014

Oh and I almost forgot about the anime recommendations:

Historical, drama, action: Rurouni Kenshin: Trust and Betrayal (Best OVA ever...)
Action, fantasy, comedy: Is It Wrong to try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? (Dumbest name, cutest shit ever)
Yuri, kissing, kissing, kissing, kissing, kissing: Sakura Trick (assume we've all seen this, also stupid, also cute as fuck)
Ecchi, cooking, wtf: Shokugeki no Soma
Short (2-3 min episodes) Comedy: I Can't Understand What My Husband is Saying and Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san

Thanks for the recommenations! I have seen Sakura Trick lol
Yeah my sister can be mean haha but we actually get a long really well

That's nice :) omg I'm so sleepy... I think I should sleep because I wanna work well and show this thing to my professor tomorrow >.< omg I'm hungry tooo... my soy milk has run out... :<... soy milk is pretty good actually but I read that the estrogen-like things in it can be unhealthy (but it's no conclusive as always -.-) also apparently they use some artificial ways to make it which are not great...? but apparently that only counts for the U.S? I don't even know anymore... honestly... -.- I looked up almond milk as well and there were studies on that one being unhealthy too, not to mention the studies on cow milk saying it causes arthritis because the calcium doesn't get absorbed well or who-knows-what. I have this roommate she always tells me about certain foods she's read are unhealthy, but I always tell her there's always some study out there saying this is unhealthy that is unhealthy and another study refuting everything -.- you just can't blindly trust it... IT's safer to go with the official recommendations I think, I highly doubt there's a conspiracy to sell products and market them as healthy. Yeah, companies will exaggerate and say that milk is super healthy when it might actually be kind of neutral but that to actually making the whole world live a lie... I doubt the industry is that powerful that so many doctors would let this happen while at the same time there would be ones supporting it's healthy and "being payed by the industry". They just like to blow everything out of proportion... I'm like gosh, I'll never eat anything, next they'll tell me oxygen is unhealthy -.- Like, I don't know, microwaves cause cancer, ugh, maybe if you cook every single food in your microwave for 200 years -3- goooosh. It's just so hard to believe but at the same time I'm confused and I don't know what to do... and my dad is always like "always ask me first! I know these things! I research!" he's a chemical engineer... I mean he's helpful but he's not a doctor and even doctors don't agree so what's the point!? they're suppose to educate other people on how to be healthy but the just confuse us!
Yeah, sorry for rambling... >.> my diet is pretty healthy in general, I don't usually eat as much chocolate as I did these days... I do need some exercise thoughhhh... sigh~ it's teeeerrible, I'm skinny but I have love handles and some fat instead of muscle and I want to get rid of it but it's really hard since I'm already skinny and my upper body is like too skinny actually which makes it harder. I have no choice but to exercise because if I drop my food intake I'll just starve and I will lose muscle ;_; Once I get rid of the fat I have to put on muscle, which also seems kind of hard... like... exercising to death and stuffing myself with steaks... I'll probably end up constipated... okay okay, I'll just eat fish and eggs, and lentils... >.> I know they have protein buuuut. It's hard to eat too much of that, it's it's chocolate I can eat a lot though ^-^'''... but I don't even remember the last time I ate a bunch of chocolate without any restraint... anyway... summer is coming soon... maybe not in England >.> but I'm going back to Greece for the holidays and I have some 'bikini goals' to accomplish!! >.<

joined Mar 8, 2014

omg just like me!
I honestly put things in certain places so that I don't lose them and forget where they are! though it hasn't happened much lately and I end up finding them at some point haha

joined Feb 8, 2016

Eat whatever the hell you want. Dance around your home as much as possible.

joined Mar 17, 2016

Didn't you pull an all nighter? I would think you would be beyound exhausted lol. I prefer almond milk to soy milk, my dad is a nutritionist/personal trainer and prefers almond milk as well. I suck at working out, even though my dad nags at me all the time about it lol. Plus you don't want to drop your food intake because then when you do eat all that food will want to cling to you so then you really wouldn't end up losing any weight. It's better to snack on healthy stuff throughout the day so that way your body doesn't feel starved.

joined Mar 17, 2016

Eat whatever the hell you want. Dance around your home as much as possible.

Lmao this is what I do XD except when I just randomly dance around my home I will usually turn around and find out someone in my house had been watching me. Clearly they are jealous of my dance moves...

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Eat whatever the hell you want. Dance around your home as much as possible.

You can dance if you wanna.

You can leave your friends behind.

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