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joined Jul 27, 2015

LOL, she did her psych thing on you guys? I should seriously backread more. I didn't even see that. XD

Lol one time there was this Asian girl I swear she looked like she was in highschool. I asked for her ID and she gave me this smirk n said 'Im probably double your age heh' . The double your age thing wasnt true but turns out she was 38 lol.. My mind was blown that day.

Bahahaha X'D I would've paid to see that.

last edited at Apr 4, 2016 10:38AM

joined Mar 17, 2016

Morning! I was going to work a couple hours ago when I some idiot ran a red light and t-boned me T^T

Can anyone recommend me some good anime to watch? Looks like today is just going to be a chill at home all day sorta Monday heh

I would love to hear some recommendations too since it now looks like I'll be in bed all day

joined Feb 8, 2016

Considerably more precocious than myself lol

Can't deny that. XD I started dating when I was 13 so by the time I met Lin (when I was 18), I already had a pretty clear picture of what kind of person I was looking for. By then I had also realized that, sadly enough, I probably wouldn't find it in someone my own age. It's kinda like I've already had my share of adventure when everyone else my age is just getting started, lol.

So you must have come out when you were pretty young. Sounds about right then actually. I didn't come out to my family until the end of high school, and didn't date anyone until I was in a college.

joined Mar 2, 2016

Can anyone recommend me some good anime to watch? Looks like today is just going to be a chill at home all day sorta Monday heh
I would ask for manga recommendations but Ive probably already read it :P

College students look real kiddies like Dofu mentioned a bit earlier. I always tell my cousins that they still look like kids at their age so they shouldn't get married. It would be hard for me to see them pregnant.

Im not a student :( although I do have plans to go back to school. But its k I wont deny that I look like a kiddie.. sigh.

last edited at Apr 4, 2016 10:41AM

joined Feb 8, 2016

LOL, she did her psych thing on you guys? I should seriously backread more. I didn't even see that. XD

I backread some of it as well and was laughing a lot. Reminds me of my mom.

joined Nov 20, 2015

Lol one time there was this Asian girl I swear she looked like she was in highschool. I asked for her ID and she gave me this smirk n said 'Im probably double your age heh' . The double your age thing wasnt true but turns out she was 38 lol.. My mind was blown that day.

And the shocking u finally realized that she is Asian woman, not a girl.. i wanna see yr face at that time...

joined Mar 2, 2016

Lol one time there was this Asian girl I swear she looked like she was in highschool. I asked for her ID and she gave me this smirk n said 'Im probably double your age heh' . The double your age thing wasnt true but turns out she was 38 lol.. My mind was blown that day.

And the shocking u finally realized that she is Asian woman, not a girl.. i wanna see yr face at that time...

Ahahhaah its funny I tried to play it cool and just laughed it off with her, but inside I was just like wtf...... and couldnt forget about it for the rest of the day .

joined Jul 27, 2015

Considerably more precocious than myself lol

Can't deny that. XD I started dating when I was 13 so by the time I met Lin (when I was 18), I already had a pretty clear picture of what kind of person I was looking for. By then I had also realized that, sadly enough, I probably wouldn't find it in someone my own age. It's kinda like I've already had my share of adventure when everyone else my age is just getting started, lol.

So you must have come out when you were pretty young. Sounds about right then actually. I didn't come out to my family until the end of high school, and didn't date anyone until I was in a college.

My first few "partners" were all guys, actually. You can't really call these relationships though. I mean, we usually were together a month or 6 weeks before breaking up (btw back then, I referred to this as "long term" X'D I thought a short relationship was just a week or a few days or something. XD). I think I was like 15 or something when I realized I was attracted to girls as well and I experimented a bit. Looking back at all of it, I'd say Lin is the first person I date while having the right intentions. I love her as a person, as in I really like what she's all about and I just want to be part of it all. I didn't feel that sense of wanting to be connected on that level with my previous boyfriends and girlfriends. That's the main reason why I didn't really have any doubts about moving in with her. ^^

joined Mar 2, 2016

Morning! I was going to work a couple hours ago when I some idiot ran a red light and t-boned me T^T

Can anyone recommend me some good anime to watch? Looks like today is just going to be a chill at home all day sorta Monday heh

I would love to hear some recommendations too since it now looks like I'll be in bed all day

Woah you okay?! Your car must be damaged quite a bit as well.

joined Jul 27, 2015

I backread some of it as well and was laughing a lot. Reminds me of my mom.

Dude, did you just say my girlfriend reminds you of your mom? That's just....wrong, yo. :/

Morning! I was going to work a couple hours ago when I some idiot ran a red light and t-boned me T^T

O_O Geezus. Are you okay?

last edited at Apr 4, 2016 10:47AM

joined Feb 8, 2016

I backread some of it as well and was laughing a lot. Reminds me of my mom.

Dude, did you just say my girlfriend reminds you of your mom? That's just....wrong, yo. :/

Well my mom's a shrink, so yes lol

joined Mar 2, 2016

I backread some of it as well and was laughing a lot. Reminds me of my mom.

Dude, did you just say my girlfriend reminds you of your mom? That's just....wrong, yo. :/

LOL. I was actually waiting for your reaction on that but I didnt say anything.
Oh nvm.

last edited at Apr 4, 2016 10:49AM

joined Feb 8, 2016

So you must have come out when you were pretty young. Sounds about right then actually. I didn't come out to my family until the end of high school, and didn't date anyone until I was in a college.

My first few "partners" were all guys, actually. You can't really call these relationships though. I mean, we usually were together a month or 6 weeks before breaking up (btw back then, I referred to this as "long term" X'D I thought a short relationship was just a week or a few days or something. XD). I think I was like 15 or something when I realized I was attracted to girls as well and I experimented a bit. Looking back at all of it, I'd say Lin is the first person I date while having the right intentions. I love her as a person, as in I really like what she's all about and I just want to be part of it all. I didn't feel that sense of wanting to be connected on that level with my previous boyfriends and girlfriends. That's the main reason why I didn't really have any doubts about moving in with her. ^^

Yeah I wouldn't say it's that weird to move in or even marry someone at your age in this country. Really depends on your upbringing, too. All of my high school friends, even the ones without the obstacle of coming out, were late bloomers when it came to dating.

joined Nov 20, 2015

In a live-in relationship at 22. Considerably more precocious than myself lol. At 22 I'd broken up with my college girlfriend and was having sex with my boss's sister in pretty much every room of their condo (they lived together). Live and learn :|

Wow Dofu you sure have done plenty of stuff in your younger days. Lucky you!

I would never in a million years tell someone to do some of the stuff I did when I was younger, but hey, it's my life, no point in denying it. I was lying a bit earlier when I'd said I hadn't grown up since I was 24-25; I at mellowed out a lot of my partying habits after meeting my girlfriend; but part of me is still a horny idiot, which I don't think she minds.

If you had gone to a women's college like I did you probably end up seducing every women on campus. Lol there was this one girl that lived with my friend at that time. She always brought her girlfriend into their room to make out while my friend was just on the other bed. Couldn't believe how scare my friend was that she ended up moving in with me.

Anything interesting happened?

Thanks. Someone just declared my age at 37 lol. So in this thread i just turned 37. Now i am older than ya all.

You make me feel guilty.. sorry :3

joined Feb 8, 2016

I would never in a million years tell someone to do some of the stuff I did when I was younger, but hey, it's my life, no point in denying it. I was lying a bit earlier when I'd said I hadn't grown up since I was 24-25; I at mellowed out a lot of my partying habits after meeting my girlfriend; but part of me is still a horny idiot, which I don't think she minds.

If you had gone to a women's college like I did you probably end up seducing every women on campus. Lol there was this one girl that lived with my friend at that time. She always brought her girlfriend into their room to make out while my friend was just on the other bed. Couldn't believe how scare my friend was that she ended up moving in with me.

Not a women's college, but there was a large lgbt community. And your friend's roommate is just rude lol.

joined Mar 17, 2016

Newp and Suzuma
I'm okay except my I hit my head so I've got that pain right now lol
I'm not even sure how to show you a picture of my car but I am amazed by how many airbags my car had..

joined Mar 2, 2016

Newp and Suzuma
I'm okay except my I hit my head so I've got that pain right now lol
I'm not even sure how to show you a picture of my car but I am amazed by how many airbags my car had..

Have you been to the hospital? If not, you should get your head checked out just incase..

joined Feb 8, 2016

I'm okay except my I hit my head so I've got that pain right now lol
I'm not even sure how to show you a picture of my car but I am amazed by how many airbags my car had..

Glad they all worked. You've seen a doctor I hope?

joined Nov 20, 2015

Newp and Suzuma
I'm okay except my I hit my head so I've got that pain right now lol
I'm not even sure how to show you a picture of my car but I am amazed by how many airbags my car had..

How many?
Kiddin'.. get well soon..

joined Mar 17, 2016

Yeah I saw a doctor and have a slight concusion so my parents have my sister making sure I don't fall asleep because apparently you aren't supposed to do that. She is not the person that should be taking care of anyone, she's like a mini version of the devil lol

joined Jul 27, 2015

Now that you mention it, I guess you have a point.. A lot of people from my class back then started dating at around the same age, but most of them aren't as serious about it even now. Which is why I had decided to set my focus on older people. XD

That one time, I was driving to work and the front airbag of my car just spontaneously combusted or something. XD Literally nothing happened, I didn't even drive over a bump or anything, and suddenly my steering wheel goes BOOM! That plastic cover that usually keeps the airbag stashed away smashed right into my face (which hurt like fucking hell!) and then this huge airbag was all in my face. I was lucky there wasn't too much traffic that day and I didn't lose control of the wheel. That was one of the biggest WTF moments in my history of driving though. XD

joined Feb 8, 2016

Now that you mention it, I guess you have a point.. A lot of people from my class back then started dating at around the same age, but most of them aren't as serious about it even now. Which is why I had decided to set my focus on older people. XD

I won't tell Lin you called her an older person

joined Mar 17, 2016

Hahaha that sounds like a serious WTF moment I probably would have just sat there for awhile just in shock because that actually happened XD my front airbags didn't come out but the passenger ones all did, so the front and side passenger airbags as well as the back seat airbags. Good thing the invisible people in my back seat are okay though.

joined Jul 27, 2015

Now that you mention it, I guess you have a point.. A lot of people from my class back then started dating at around the same age, but most of them aren't as serious about it even now. Which is why I had decided to set my focus on older people. XD

I won't tell Lin you called her an older person

Older as in "older than myself" XD I don't think she's actually old, lol. But anway, thank you. ^^;;

joined Nov 20, 2015

Hey, yr age is 85% below 25. I can tell..

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