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joined Apr 3, 2016

what if the person who likes to do romantic things doesn't like to receive romantic things that often though??

This could mean, that the person has selfless and humble traits and likes to put another person's happiness above their own. It could also hint at a low self esteem. ("I'm not worth their love/attention." "I need to do things for them so they won't leave me.") Or it's something else entirely. xD

also please tell me what you meant when you said that I said a lot about myself when I said I get addicted to songs and put them on repeat!! O_O

xD I have a degree in psychology and sociology, so putting the pieces of a human together like a puzzle is literally something I learned in school. Music is a way of communication, that a lot of people subconsciously use to express themselves. The way people listen to music usually says a lot more about them than the kind of music they listen to. When you said you look for songs, that either reflect your mood or put you into a specific mood and then binge-listen to them like it's an addiction, you basically just told me three things about yourself:
1. You are emotionally very sensitive and you wear your feelings on your sleeve, even if you aren't fully aware of it.
2. You tend to have trouble expressing yourself and understanding yourself. You spend a lot of time thinking and trying to figure things out, but you end up in dead ends a lot, which frustrates you.
3. You're good at feeling your own emotions and distinguishing them. You're very in touch with yourself - you just don't know what to make of it most of the time.

joined Mar 8, 2014

Morning to you all.. Although it's afternoon here..

what if the person who likes to do romantic things doesn't like to receive romantic things that often though??

Never met/heard one... unless, it's the mood factor..

mood factor?

joined Mar 8, 2014

what if the person who likes to do romantic things doesn't like to receive romantic things that often though??

This could mean, that the person has selfless and humble traits and likes to put another person's happiness above their own. It could also hint at a low self esteem. ("I'm not worth their love/attention." "I need to do things for them so they won't leave me.") Or it's something else entirely. xD

also please tell me what you meant when you said that I said a lot about myself when I said I get addicted to songs and put them on repeat!! O_O

xD I have a degree in psychology and sociology, so putting the pieces of a human together like a puzzle is literally something I learned in school. Music is a way of communication, that a lot of people subconsciously use to express themselves. The way people listen to music usually says a lot more about them than the kind of music they listen to. When you said you look for songs, that either reflect your mood or put you into a specific mood and then binge-listen to them like it's an addiction, you basically just told me three things about yourself:
1. You are emotionally very sensitive and you wear your feelings on your sleeve, even if you aren't fully aware of it.
2. You tend to have trouble expressing yourself and understanding yourself. You spend a lot of time thinking and trying to figure things out, but you end up in dead ends a lot, which frustrates you.
3. You're good at feeling your own emotions and distinguishing them. You're very in touch with yourself - you just don't know what to make of it most of the time.

w-wow... I'm not sure if I have trouble expressing myself. Maybe sometimes, depends on how you mean... but the rest is pretty accurate O_O that's so impressive! how did you find a relation between those things?? O_O

last edited at Apr 4, 2016 4:04AM

joined Apr 3, 2016

how did you find a relation between those things?? O_O

Like I said: I quite literally learned to do that at uni. In some of my soci classes, I learned about typical human behavioral patterns and psych classes taught me how to interpret those. It's pretty important to be able to notice and interpret things for my job too, so I guess a few years of experience are showing their effect already. xD

last edited at Apr 4, 2016 4:23AM

joined Mar 8, 2014

how did you find a relation between those things?? O_O

Like I said: I quite literally learned to do that at uni. In some of my soci classes, I learned about typical human behavioral patterns and psych classes taught me how to interpret those. It's pretty important to be able to notice and interpret things for my job too, so I guess a few years of experience are showing their effect already. xD

Yeah I know you said that but how exactly does that work? I mean if it's not complicated to explain, I'm really curious ^-^
I never thought you could actually get this much information from a simple thing like that.

joined Nov 20, 2015

also please tell me what you meant when you said that I said a lot about myself when I said I get addicted to songs and put them on repeat!! O_O

xD I have a degree in psychology and sociology, so putting the pieces of a human together like a puzzle is literally something I learned in school. Music is a way of communication, that a lot of people subconsciously use to express themselves. The way people listen to music usually says a lot more about them than the kind of music they listen to. When you said you look for songs, that either reflect your mood or put you into a specific mood and then binge-listen to them like it's an addiction, you basically just told me three things about yourself:
1. You are emotionally very sensitive and you wear your feelings on your sleeve, even if you aren't fully aware of it.
2. You tend to have trouble expressing yourself and understanding yourself. You spend a lot of time thinking and trying to figure things out, but you end up in dead ends a lot, which frustrates you.
3. You're good at feeling your own emotions and distinguishing them. You're very in touch with yourself - you just don't know what to make of it most of the time.

Like I said: I quite literally learned to do that at uni. In some of my soci classes, I learned about typical human behavioral patterns and psych classes taught me how to interpret those. It's pretty important to be able to notice and interpret things for my job too, so I guess a few years of experience are showing their effect already. xD

Whoaaa.. you amazed me..
I am a person who will play the same songs (frequently a single song) over and over again.
My coworker complaints me a lot, as I dont like using earphone. I even play the same song once I get home, and get another complain from my sister...

I dont expect to meet you personally (not as i could), i am kinda avoid somebody who saw through me..

last edited at Apr 4, 2016 4:40AM

joined Apr 3, 2016

how did you find a relation between those things?? O_O

Like I said: I quite literally learned to do that at uni. In some of my soci classes, I learned about typical human behavioral patterns and psych classes taught me how to interpret those. It's pretty important to be able to notice and interpret things for my job too, so I guess a few years of experience are showing their effect already. xD

Yeah I know you said that but how exactly does that work? I mean if it's not complicated to explain, I'm really curious ^-^
I never thought you could actually get this much information from a simple thing like that.

It wouldn't be too complicated to explain, but the thing is that there isn't really anything I could explain in the first place, because there isn't a set methodology behind it. You listen to what a person has to say and you make a mental note about what exactly that could mean aka what this tells you about their inner world. /scratches head/ I think you just have to be the right type of person to be able to do that. A human is not a machine. There's no manual. It takes a lot of empathy, focus and understanding to work with each one individually.

last edited at Apr 4, 2016 4:47AM

joined Mar 8, 2014

how did you find a relation between those things?? O_O

Like I said: I quite literally learned to do that at uni. In some of my soci classes, I learned about typical human behavioral patterns and psych classes taught me how to interpret those. It's pretty important to be able to notice and interpret things for my job too, so I guess a few years of experience are showing their effect already. xD

Yeah I know you said that but how exactly does that work? I mean if it's not complicated to explain, I'm really curious ^-^
I never thought you could actually get this much information from a simple thing like that.

It wouldn't be too complicated to explain, but the thing is that there isn't really anything I could explain in the first place, because there isn't a set methodology behind it. You listen to what a person has to say and you make a mental note about what exactly that could mean aka what this tells you about their inner world. /scratches head/ I think you just have to be the right type of person to be able to do that. A human is not a machine. There's no manual. It takes a lot of empathy, focus and understanding to work with each one individually.

hmm... okaaay? ^-^ buuuuut can you explain how repeating the same song means I'm sensitive?? like, how could you tell? is there something about sensitive people that makes them repeat the same song over and over again?
ahhh I have to rush to class now, I'm kind of happy the holidays are over... also... there are some workers in the road... my ears are dreading this... T_T

last edited at Apr 4, 2016 4:51AM

joined Apr 3, 2016

hmm... okaaay? ^-^ buuuuut can you explain how repeating the same song means I'm sensitive?? like, how could you tell? is there something about sensitive people that makes them repeat the same song over and over again?

The repeating of songs wasn't what told me you're sensitive. The part when you said you specifically look for songs that reflect your mood and put you in a special mood was what gave you away. xD

joined Nov 20, 2015

SoftLikeSteel, what do you do for a living?

The repeating of songs wasn't what told me you're sensitive. The part when you said you specifically look for songs that reflect your mood and put you in a special mood was what gave you away. xD

And what do you say about the habit of repeating the same song? One day sometimes is not enough for me.. My record is almost a week with the same song. Now, i feel bad to my coworker..

last edited at Apr 4, 2016 5:11AM

joined Apr 3, 2016

SoftLikeSteel, what do you do for a living?

Just call me Lin if you like, it's shorter. :-)
I don't know the English word for it, but if I had to translate it, I guess I'd call it "youth counselor." In a nutshell, I help teenagers and young adults figure out problems they have with their friends, family, classmates, teachers and with themselves. It's a job of the social worker branch.

And what do you say about the habit of repeating the same song? One day sometimes is not enough for me.. My record is almost a week with the same song. Now, i feel bad to my coworker..

Repeating a song over and over could mean a whole lot of things. xD In Faylicia's case, I interpreted it means she tends to have problems figuring herself out, because she said she links her song choice directly to her own feelings and moods and specifically looks for songs, that trigger emotional reactions in her. Basically, humans usually find repetitions of any kind boring and annoying after a while. If your mind has picked up all the input there is to gather, it usually moves on and busies itself with something else. If you get hooked on songs for that long, it could simply mean you're extremely audiosensitive, which means you subconsciously find something new and exciting about that song each time you listen to it, which is what keeps your mind from getting bored. It could also mean you link that song to your emotions, just like Faylicia, and you either simply love feeling that emotion or you have trouble expressing that emotion yourself and you use the song as a catalyst to do it for you. Or it could mean the song triggers an emotion within you, which you can't really put your finger on and you subconsciously use the song to keep triggering it over and over again, because you want to figure out what's going on with you.

last edited at Apr 4, 2016 5:41AM

joined Feb 13, 2016

SoftLikeSteel, what do you do for a living?

Just call me Lin if you like, it's shorter. :-)
I don't know the English word for it, but if I had to translate it, I guess I'd call it "youth counselor." In a nutshell, I help teenagers and young adults figure out problems they have with their friends, family, classmates, teachers and with themselves. It's a job of the social worker branch.

And what do you say about the habit of repeating the same song? One day sometimes is not enough for me.. My record is almost a week with the same song. Now, i feel bad to my coworker..

Repeating a song over and over could mean a whole lot of things. xD In Faylicia's case, I interpreted it means she tends to have problems figuring herself out, because she said she links her song choice directly to her own feelings and moods and specifically looks for songs, that trigger emotional reactions in her. Basically, humans usually find repetitions of any kind boring and annoying after a while. If your mind has picked up all the input there is to gather, it usually moves on and busies itself with something else. If you get hooked on songs for that long, it could simply mean you're extremely audiosensitive, which means you subconsciously find something new and exciting about that song each time you listen to it, which is what keeps your mind from getting bored. It could also mean you link that song to your emotions, just like Faylicia, and you either simply love feeling that emotion or you have trouble expressing that emotion yourself and you use the song as a catalyst to do it for you. Or it could mean the song triggers an emotion within you, which you can't really put your finger on and you subconsciously use the song to keep triggering it over and over again, because you want to figure out what's going on with you.

Damn, the badass title in our bunch is now claimed.
On a side note, I hope Lin doesn't have a team or is Team Pink. It will be hard to argue against you I guess. Or Thiaguinho-sama may try and we will enjoy the showdown. Anyway, leaving for work (seriously guys, don't leave me so far behind).

last edited at Apr 4, 2016 5:55AM

joined Apr 3, 2016


Damn, now we know who is the badass in our bunch.

Lol, thank you. xD
I actually am Team Pink, but I tend to avoid fandom discussions. That's more Su's thing. xD I just usually slink into the background and watch.

And I'll have to leave now as well. I'll use my free day to take care of some stuff I've neglected for a while and I really should get started now. See you guys around! :-)

joined Mar 8, 2014

SoftLikeSteel, what do you do for a living?

Just call me Lin if you like, it's shorter. :-)
I don't know the English word for it, but if I had to translate it, I guess I'd call it "youth counselor." In a nutshell, I help teenagers and young adults figure out problems they have with their friends, family, classmates, teachers and with themselves. It's a job of the social worker branch.

oh I see! like counselors in high schools and universities then? you seem to know a lot of things! that's so cool!!! I have talked to psychologists before but they never told me anything as surprising as you did! I don't usually get too desperate with the songs but when I need to do work and I can't I feel like I have to find a song that helps me. Tbh, I have lots of trouble starting work and I always seem to have this fear that I will mess up so I avoid it until I have no choice but not to avoid it but I don't have time to care too much about messing up some things. Because it's common for me to redo things again and again because I don't like them but it makes me really stressed... But also when I avoid things I end up thinking about it all the time and I every night I go to sleep and I'm thinking that I haven't worked enough today and this and that... and the more I think that I need to do things correctly and not just for a grade but to improve my skills the more stressed I get and I start thinking I may not be cut for this... Er... anyway, sorry for rambling about that. I don't intend to bother you with this ^-^''' I just thought you might be able to offer some insight.
But anyway, see you next time :)

last edited at Apr 4, 2016 6:32AM

joined Mar 8, 2014

What in the name of Yoda...So I woke up to a new thread and already 13 pages? You guys are really something XD

Oh also happy belated birthday mvl89

Thanks. Someone just declared my age at 37 lol. So in this thread i just turned 37. Now i am older than ya all.

hmm... you are a very mysterious person... Tell us something about yourself :)

joined Jul 27, 2015

yaaaaawns & stretches
I have decided to use this day to do absolutely nothing.
lounges on couch with the cat, a movie and a seriously unhealthy amount of chips

last edited at Apr 4, 2016 7:50AM

joined Feb 8, 2016

I will never tell anyone about anything relates to it about me. I rather date someone in super far away so no one i know will ever see me with that person.

Trying to mentally wrap my head around this statement, and it's just not happening lol.

I have decided to use this day to do absolutely nothing.
lounges on couch with the cat, a movie and a seriously unhealthy amount of chips

Oh so you live with two pussies. That's nice.

G'morning, folks.

joined Sep 15, 2015

Good morning (z.Z)

joined Feb 8, 2016

That is why romance is weakest link. I am too embarrassed being lovey dovey with someone.

You'll get over that part faster than you think. Trick is to embarrass the hell out of them, too.

Good morning (z.Z)

( -_-)旦~ Tea for you KittoKatto-san

last edited at Apr 4, 2016 8:15AM

joined Sep 15, 2015

Uhh. Thank you, tofu-san. But I would like it even better if you offer me coffee instead. :>

joined Feb 8, 2016

Uhh. Thank you, tofu-san. But I would like it even better if you offer me coffee instead. :>

(。・・)_且 So sorry, coffee instead. I'm more of a coffee in the morning, tea in the evening type of person now that I think about it.

joined Feb 8, 2016

I don't think i can do. I will just end up embarrassing myself twice lol. So it is better and more interesting to listen to others romance. Like listening to your love story is fun for me hehehe.

Lol suit yourself. Though I'd cut your supposed age of 37 by at least 15 years just from you saying that haha

joined Feb 8, 2016

I don't think i can do. I will just end up embarrassing myself twice lol. So it is better and more interesting to listen to others romance. Like listening to your love story is fun for me hehehe.

Lol suit yourself. Though I'd cut your supposed age of 37 by at least 15 years just from you saying that haha

Lol you will be surprised at how old i really am which is a secret.

Well I just got you to reveal a little more info ;) Faylicia's too direct to deal with people like you lol

last edited at Apr 4, 2016 8:26AM

joined Feb 8, 2016

Can't get this song out of my head... Was dancing around in the shower to it lol...

last edited at Apr 4, 2016 8:29AM

joined Sep 15, 2015

Uhh. Thank you, tofu-san. But I would like it even better if you offer me coffee instead. :>

(。・・)_且 So sorry, coffee instead. I'm more of a coffee in the morning, tea in the evening type of person now that I think about it.

Yep. Definitely coffee in the morning. And still coffee all day xD
I tried to go for tea buuuuut~~ it wasn't to my taste and it doesn't have that kick unlike the coffee does. Lol

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