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joined Oct 12, 2013

I've never really felt like either of the girls are actually bi. Maybe it's just me.

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Tiroskan posted:

I've never really felt like either of the girls are actually bi. Maybe it's just me.

Yea, neither of them seems to be attracted to males so.

joined Dec 9, 2014

I just read this manga for the first time. All I have to say is that Hotaru's personality is really bugging me. It has nothing to do with her sexuality, it's just how she is a cheater and is trying to pull Yuma to her with devious ways.

Takeda is actually nice, I don't see him as stupid. I don't want to get shit for this, but when read this manga in the beggining I was like, why is this yuri? it doesn't make me want to ship the two girls more because of Hotaru

last edited at Apr 9, 2016 12:06PM

joined May 11, 2012

I don't think you can really say Hotaru is cheating when it's more than obvious that she and Fujiwara not only don't love each other but he's basically forcing her to stay in the relationship, as for the "devious ways", Yuma could have rejected anything Hotaru did if she wanted, but she didn't cause she's too dumb to notice that what they did was not something friends do and counted as cheating on Takeda, not to mention that she never really loved him too, I think it's funny that you call Hotaru devious while Fujiwara is the worst character in there, what she did might not be right, but it's not even close to what he does, if she is devious then what is he?

As for why this is yuri, why it can't be? It's nice to see a yuri that is different, just because most yuri is fluffy that doesn't mean they can't be like this too, we need more variety for yuri so I think it's a nice change that at least some mangakas try different types of story.

As for Takeda being nice, taking in account how he reacted when Yuma didn't want to have sex with him, I think we can question how nice he really is, only reason people focus on how "nice" he is is because the other characters are not good, because if everyone was nice people would probably not forgive how he treated Yuma for denying sex.

last edited at Apr 9, 2016 12:30PM

joined Dec 9, 2014

Yes Fujiwara is the worst, but he does not belong on the main couple of the story. He has nothing to do with the yuri couple, besides creating really big drama. So I don't care much about his character except how he will influence the main couple. Someone is not good just because there is another person who is worse than them.

I wasn't talking about Hotaru cheating on him, I was refering to her manipulating Yuma to cheat on Takeda and screw their relationship up. Her way of approaching Yuma is just not pleasant.
I;m not saying yuri has to be fluffy all the time, in fact I like the darker stories where the characters are not your typical highschool girl. It is solely the fact how Hotaru is treating Yuma so far.

Also about their sexuality. Yuma was blushing with Takeda right? Isn't that an indication that maybe she liked him a little bit? I could be wrong.

joined May 11, 2012

I didn't say Hotaru is good just because Fujiwara is worse, I just find silly to judge her when we don't even know why she's like that, yeah she did kind of manipulate Yuma, but pretty much anyone could manipulate her if she trusted that person, she's typical retarded girl from manga who will believe in anything others tell her, not to mention that in no moment she thought that maybe what they did was cheating just because they're both girls and it doesn't count, she just believed blindly what Hotaru said too, you can't really complain about she being manipulated when the mangaka made her almost brain dead so that would be possible, like Fujiwara all the drama is forced because they're both acting like idiots.

As for Takeda, Hotaru didn't do that to screw his relationship with Yuma, she did all that so maybe Yuma would stop being blind and see that Hotaru is in love with her, you can't even really say it was cheating when Yuma didn't even see it like that, I do agree that the way Hotaru is doing things is not the most pleasant and definitely questionable, but she's basically doing what she can in the situation she's in, in part she's doind that probably because she's desperate, as for how she treated Yuma, yeah it's not nice that she's manipulating her, but she never treated her in a bad way or did something with malicious intent, the main reason she did everything like that was so Yuma would maybe notice she's in love with her because she's too afraid of losing Yuma if she confess her feelings because it's more than obvious that Yuma never saw Hotaru as an option.

As for Yuma sexuality, I think both are bisexual in part because it was originally going to be a story about two married couples, but the fact that she blushed is pretty much meaningless, in manga characters can blush because of even a small compliment, so of course she's going to blush because Takeda is nice a few times, but don't forget that he's nice in part because he want to sleep with her, as soon as she denied sex he stopped being nice to her, that just shows what is his priority in their relationship, in my opinion she never really liked him too, only reason she's going out with him is because he asked her out, if not for that she would probably not even know who he is.

I do get why some people don't like Hotaru, I just think that we shouldn't judge her yet because we don't even know why she's so screwed up, did you see the raws? She never had any friend besides Yuma, when she was a child an older guy was the one who got her at school and Yuma saw him kiss her in the mouth, Hotaru looked at Yuma with a face that was pretty obviously of someone not happy, apparently the reason she never had friends was because even when she was a child people already talked that she supposedly got out with lots of guys, so I can't help but feel that later we're going to find that she had a pretty fucked up life which will explain why she's like that and why she's so afraind of losing Yuma, not to mention that the kind of situation that she's in doesn't leave her with much choices since she's pretty much being forced to stay with Fujiwara or he was going to tell Takeda about what she did with Yuma, only reason she endured that is because she didn't want to see Yuma hurt.

Really, if Fujiwara didn't took that picture of them almost having sex the story would end in a few chapters since Yuma even broke up with Takeda already, Hotaru might look all manipulative but she's actually almost as dumb as Yuma since all that's happening could easily end now that Yuma is not with Takeda anymore, but since the mangaka likes soap opera we're going to have more forced drama and Hotaru acting in questionable ways until Yuma finally decides to save her from Fujiwara.

last edited at Apr 9, 2016 1:15PM

joined Dec 9, 2014

Yes she is probably traumatised for a reason, this is why she behaves like that. But this is where I dissagree with you.
Everyone handles their past different. Some people who have been through shit, they still are decent people. others, on the other hand turn out manipulative.
It is a personal taste i guess, I just am not fond of these type of characters no matter the reason. Maybe her character will get redeemed in the future, like the raw chapter, i liked it more than how she usually acts to Yuma.

I was thinking that her living with a single father has something to do with it. maybe he abused her as a child, who knows.

last edited at Apr 9, 2016 1:23PM

joined Mar 28, 2015

As for me, I agree with Nevri that neither Yuma or Hotaru are bi. It's not because you are/have been in a relationship with a guy that you're bi. It can be because at the time, you didn't know about yourself or just used him as a beard.

Yuma feels really uncomfortable when Takeda tries to get busy. She blushes because she's embarassed, not because she wants the D. From the very beginning, the only one who made Yuma feel lust is... Hotaru.

As for Hotaru, I get she has a lot more experience than Yuma with guys, but I think she doesn't feel anything toward them. The only one she truely desires is... Yuma.

joined May 11, 2012

But being through shit and being though a trauma is not the same, not everyone reacts the same way to a trauma, to some it changes them in a way and they stay like that for years or their entire life, it has nothing to do with being a decent person or not, being through shit doesn't necessarily turn them in a manipulative person, they can turn out in lots of ways, but when it's trauma they don't always have much choice on how they'll act with others, though I'm not trying to make a excuse to Hotaru, I just think we need to wait and see why she's like that, at least she has some reason to be like that, while Fujiwara probably never had a reason and is a lot worse, but we don't see him get shit from people because of that.

But yeah, trauma or not, when it comes to manipulative character for some people it doesn't matter if they're sympathetic or not, though I do believe that later she'll be redeemed when they're finally out of this shitty situation, cause that's the only reason she's being like that.

I don't think it was her father, well maybe him too, but that guy who got her at school looked young and gave impression he might have abused her.

Nevri and Nya-chan
I doubt we'll ever know if they're bi or or lesbian, pretty much all yuri ignores the character sexuality, the story is always about how they're in love with each other so in most cases they don't even talk about this issue, so it always end up to our imagination.

I think Yuma might be lesbian, it's pretty obvious she never really cared about guys but never thought girls were an option either, while Hotaru could be bisexual, but I'm not sure about how much experience she has, but since she slept too easily with Fujiwara she probably had sex before when she tried to forget Yuma by having relationships with guys, we don't really have much information to support any side.

last edited at Apr 9, 2016 1:48PM

joined Apr 1, 2013

So the raws show Yuma got upset/depressed because of how Hotaru manipulated her and used her. Also the fact that Takeda-kun feels rejected and she blew her chances with him too. I have a feeling Fujiwara is going to send that video all over social medias and Takeda is going to eventually find out the truth. Yuma still has feelings for Hotaru but doesnt know what to do. I think Hotaru x Yuma are supposed to be shipped but i think Fujiwara is going to make sure it wont happen by the looks of it.

joined Apr 21, 2016

When is the next chapter gonna get translated?!?!? >.<

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

When is the next chapter gonna get translated?!?!? >.<

You created a new account just for that?

Go to the translation group's site and ask them.

joined Oct 12, 2013

When is the next chapter gonna get translated?!?!? >.<

You created a new account just for that?

Go to the translation group's site and ask them.

It's just some anon from /u/

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

When is the next chapter gonna get translated?!?!? >.<

You created a new account just for that?

Go to the translation group's site and ask them.

It's just some anon from /u/

All the more reason Dynasty wouldn't have the information, then.

joined Oct 12, 2013

When is the next chapter gonna get translated?!?!? >.<

You created a new account just for that?

Go to the translation group's site and ask them.

It's just some anon from /u/

All the more reason Dynasty wouldn't have the information, then.

Yup. Just figured I'd say.

joined Apr 20, 2014

Where the next story???I'm waiting..

joined Aug 2, 2015

Where the next story???I'm waiting..


joined Sep 21, 2014

Where the next story???I'm waiting..

jfc can people stop making these posts?

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Where the next story???I'm waiting..

Good. Your suffering sustains me.

joined May 19, 2015

I sorta hate all the characters, but I must read on!

joined Mar 30, 2016

(I forgot how to use spoiler tags) [but the mod remembers, so here we go] I honestly thought this couldn't get any worse. I read ch. 10 and I couldn't believe the stunt that Hotaru pulled. Hotaru works at a shop that sells her body for money. Luckily it wasn't actually sex or it would've been even worse. Yuma got really pissed for seeing her there and then Hotaru said something but I'm really sure what it was. :/

last edited at May 20, 2016 9:15PM by Nezchan

joined Jan 27, 2016

Hey guys no more chapters?

joined Mar 28, 2015

The title clearly says what about it's going to be. No surprise.

And for all the criticism Kodama gets, I think she does a really good job in eliciting the kind of emotions NTR stories are supposed to elicit. All 4 MCs stir different kinds of reactions.

People relate, are upset, and can't stop reading.

She wins.

joined Sep 12, 2014

all the characters really piss me off but I can't stop to keep reading

last edited at Jun 2, 2016 3:27AM

joined May 17, 2016

I'm about to go all out on fujiwara's ass !!!!!

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