Really appreciate that you liked it, suzutsuki, it means a lot to me.
I've never been that into "first love is destiny", since I've known very, very few people that's actually happened to. Especially in your teens. Which is why I love Takemiya Jin's My Beloved so much.
And I'm not scared to admit I cried too, while writing it, several times.
As to fanfiction as a genre, I'm a firm believer that what matters most in fanfiction is not the quality of the writing, but the love for the source material. Fanfiction, at its best, is about loving a series or game or book or whatever so much that you've got to share that or you'll bust, and throwing that feeling onto the page. Most of it is first drafts, raw and honest. No polish or structure at all. Which is what makes them charming. It's nice when you get a well-written fic, of course, but that's not the most critical piece in my opinion.