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Who else thinks these two make a great couple?

joined Jan 22, 2014

I ship this so much XD

joined Nov 9, 2014

I think they do. :) Love live gotta ship em all! (Sings like Pokémon theme song)

joined Sep 5, 2012

I feel something different with this ship, like something I can't feels so good seeing them together...
I can't understand it, it's so frustrating.. Maybe you guys know what is this..?
I can't help but hold my tummy just to keep myself together...

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

This pairing is a blessing

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I went through yesterday, and for the life of me I can't find any good NozoNico fics that really seem to get the characters. Either they're just cutouts, the washi-washi fortuneteller x the flat-chested tsundere, or they're just templates that you could fit anyone into and have pretty much the same story. Nothing that leverages their history together, giving Nozomi a way to get behind the walls Nico put up during her time alone, or anything like that.

It's a shame, since it's a pairing with a lot of fic potential.

joined Jan 31, 2013

I remember having the same experience when looking for NozoNico on Really lacking. I gave up at looking for anything [Nico, Nozomi] now. :P

The best NozoNico interactions I remember in some NicoMaki fanfics where Nozomi and Nico dated at some point. Or they were just best buds.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

For anyone who's disappointed that there are no good NozoNico fics, well.....I wrote one!

I'd love for y'all to go check it out. AO3 link - link

joined Jan 31, 2013

I shall have to take a look!

joined Jul 1, 2014

For anyone who's disappointed that there are no good NozoNico fics, well.....I wrote one!

I'd love for y'all to go check it out. AO3 link - link

You know, I'm not generally a big consumer of fanfiction. I have nothing against it, of course, it's wonderful and I admire the people who write it and even have a few favorite stories I've sat, read and Favorited too! I mostly find it difficult to sit and sift through things trying to find those that... click with me, I suppose, which is a shame, but I really love this pairing so I was pretty eager to give this a read.

So I just wanted to tell you I loved it. The writing itself was wonderful and it felt very... real. True to the characters, in my opinion; I think you captured them marvelously. I always love a story where I can read the dialogue easily in their voices.
I especially appreciate the detail that Nozomi had had history with Eli beforehand; I think too many people try to stick to "character only has eyes for other character x ever" so I like that things between them were addressed.
The emotions really hit me. The history all the way up to the resolution was satisfying and great.
I even cried a little at the end. I guess having gotten recently engaged to my long time best friend and then girlfriend myself, it struck a chord. Hahah.
But thank you for writing a wonderful piece about a pairing I wish had a lil more love. I really enjoyed reading it.

edited to blot stuff out. I feel those details might be spoilers and I wouldn't want to spoil the story. Sorry to not do that beforehand!

last edited at Nov 9, 2016 9:40AM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Really appreciate that you liked it, suzutsuki, it means a lot to me.

I've never been that into "first love is destiny", since I've known very, very few people that's actually happened to. Especially in your teens. Which is why I love Takemiya Jin's My Beloved so much.

And I'm not scared to admit I cried too, while writing it, several times.

As to fanfiction as a genre, I'm a firm believer that what matters most in fanfiction is not the quality of the writing, but the love for the source material. Fanfiction, at its best, is about loving a series or game or book or whatever so much that you've got to share that or you'll bust, and throwing that feeling onto the page. Most of it is first drafts, raw and honest. No polish or structure at all. Which is what makes them charming. It's nice when you get a well-written fic, of course, but that's not the most critical piece in my opinion.

joined Jan 25, 2017

Just like Suzutsuki I'm not big on fanfiction so I thought I'd just check your story out - I reached the end before I knew it.

You have a very nice style - even inspired at times - and it's like you said: your love of the source material really shines through and I enjoyed that. I especially liked how you tied Nozomi's special blend of fortune telling and intuition into your storytelling. Also you did a marvelous job on the build-up.

I'll leave it at that, I don't mean to write a review or repeat what Suzutsuki said, just wanted to say I loved it^^

(Nozomi tending a café, waiting for her love to "come to fruition" - I couldn't help but be reminded of Fragments of Love, just my imagination?)

Now to find "a sequel" to your story with some impish, mischievous Nico x Nozomi ...

joined May 12, 2018

I think I prefer having NozoNico doujins if they are comedy based just like how their relationship is jokes between each other.
Serious NozoNico stuff isn't fun to to read for me.

joined Jan 18, 2016

I think I prefer having NozoNico doujins if they are comedy based just like how their relationship is jokes between each other.
Serious NozoNico stuff isn't fun to to read for me.

I think we've yet to see a NozoNico that attempts to seriously tackle their relqtionship in the source and explain how and why they would fall in love.

last edited at Jan 23, 2019 4:52PM

joined Oct 15, 2018

I love NozoNico so much. It's a very pleasant pair.

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