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joined Oct 15, 2013
joined Mar 6, 2014


Just finished watching this 30 seconds ago and went here to post this
What the fuck Solid Snake!? You DO NOT show that kind of spoilers in a fucking trailer what the fuck Kojima i'm so hyped holy shit

joined Mar 23, 2013

Kojima does it again!

Also lol @ microsoft you guys...

joined Mar 6, 2014

Battlefront in a few minutes
Here's another reminder in case you need: Battlefront will be soon

joined Mar 23, 2013

Battlefront in a few minutes
Here's another reminder in case you need: Battlefront will be soon

Battlefront gameplay was amazing

Time for ubisoft AC #2737363 and lol mby the division gets released someday.

Pleasant surprised about Fractured but hole. For honor looked like a more polished chivalry or viking vs pirates vs knights type game so I'm pretty hyped about it. Anno looked cool, but we didnt see any gameplay. Ghost recon wildlands looked like Far Cry meets military unit.

Rest was to be expected. Syndicate was underwhelming, tell erryone you have duo protags ( twins ) and you dont show the grill especially after the unity fiasco. Missed opportunity here big time.

All things considered Ubisoft conference was better than expected because of the titles we did not expect.

last edited at Jun 15, 2015 7:49PM

joined Oct 15, 2013
joined Mar 6, 2014

Tetsuya Nomura huh... How long until he's fired so he can continue KH3?

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

This remake

I really, really hope that isn't Cloud's English voice.

joined Oct 15, 2013

Will ya look at that, The Last Guardian is still a thing

joined May 10, 2014

wow Sony....I have nothing else to say...

Actually I have to watch a couple of games I missed.

Edit: youtube-live more stable than twitch? wtf twitch.

Oh sw: battlefront does look nice, I've only played one game in the series before and it bored me to death maybe I just played the wrong version? wait a minute Luke doesn't fight Vader in Hoth! -1/10

Series: Puzzle & Dragons Pairing: Idunn x Idunna Link: pixiv

last edited at Jun 15, 2015 10:26PM

joined Mar 6, 2014

No KH =[ Well Square Enix is tomorrow so i have hope

Edit: Here's a cool game, see how fast these numbers grow

last edited at Jun 15, 2015 10:41PM

joined May 10, 2014

No KH =[ Well Square Enix is tomorrow so i have hope

They needed to save it for tomorrow + probably some Bravely second.

Edit: Here's a cool game, see how fast these numbers grow

31 days left...lol.

joined Mar 23, 2013

Holy shit Sony just nailed that shit hard.

The last Guardian right off the bat, everyone thought that was dead.

That new IP is the most hyped I've been for new IPs in a long time. That Horizon something something.
The whole post apocalyptic bio-mech evolution and you're humanity trying to survive with meager means. My post apocalyptic boner was full on. Never had I been so erect.

And it the small details in that trailer, when you swapped brushes do not get detected to the way you fight robots. Very monster hunterish I'd say. And we get that nature vibe from the female character. When she slays the first little robot she's sorry, like that thing had a soul or was something more than just an enemy. Anyhow big hype from me.

No Man's sky looks cool need more info.

World of FF - wtf is this? Its like MH meets Pokemon and shit, so confused.

FF7 remake, moniez in the bank.

Shenmue 3, fuck you JP publishers, you guys are cancer.

Making Xbone kids mad by stealing CoD, shit was priceless.

Uncharted 4 looked amazing and the amount of driving and shit, that level was quite huge in comparison to most uncharted levels.

Really interested in SE conference now. Deus ex? Kh3? Explaining that WoFF Thingy?

Sony won folks, unless nintendo pulls out some retarded shit.

last edited at Jun 15, 2015 11:16PM

joined Jan 17, 2014

FF 7 remake is all well and dandy but I think it's funny that people can now play an a little above average RPG because they were too turned of by the graphics back then and probably played way better rpgs in the meantime

joined Mar 6, 2014

I'm kinda pissed that they shifted The Last Guardian to the ps4 without upgrading it a little bit
I'm oversaturated with Uncharted so the best i got out of that demo was the technical difficulties, in fact i'm saturated of those adventure games in general so i'm not excited for Tomb Raider or the Horizon thing, though i do admit that Horizon got some style
So far what i'm hyped the most for is fucking Metal Gear, Mario Maker and FFVII, one of them has the possibility of coming to the PC, the other is coming to PC and i hope that the other one finds it's way to the 3DS in the future so i don't have to buy any new hardware

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

FF 7 remake is all well and dandy but I think it's funny that people can now play an a little above average RPG because they were too turned of by the graphics back then and probably played way better rpgs in the meantime

The in-game graphics weren't great, but I'm going to really miss the original character designs. From what little I could see in the trailer, Cloud's got short hair now?

Everything trends towards the FF XV boy band, I guess.

joined Mar 6, 2014

FF 7 remake is all well and dandy but I think it's funny that people can now play an a little above average RPG because they were too turned of by the graphics back then and probably played way better rpgs in the meantime

The in-game graphics weren't great, but I'm going to really miss the original character designs. From what little I could see in the trailer, Cloud's got short hair now?

Everything trends towards the FF XV boy band, I guess.

It's the same hair from Advent Children/Crisis Core

joined Mar 23, 2013

I'm kinda pissed that they shifted The Last Guardian to the ps4 without upgrading it a little bit

Inb4 it's a ps3 build still lel

I'm oversaturated with Uncharted so the best i got out of that demo was the technical difficulties, in fact i'm saturated of those adventure games in general so i'm not excited for Tomb Raider or the Horizon thing, though i do admit that Horizon got some style

Uncharted is still the best in the formula, shit is always happening. Uncharted games just feel fun to play, I dunno maybe it's just me. I surely did not expect to like this framchise when I picked up the first game in 07' when PS3 had like no games at all.

Horizon has more than style man, it has fucking ROBOT DINOSAURS THAT SHOOT LAZERS AND SHIT.

joined Mar 6, 2014

6 Minutes....
More than enough to kill anything that moves...

joined Feb 4, 2015

The loss of ones laptop makes one realise how life has no meaning.

But new one yay.

All of the crap I have to download again... Oh God no...

But the new SWTOR expansion looks nice.

last edited at Jun 16, 2015 12:10PM

joined Mar 6, 2014

Metroid Prime Federation Force.........
I wanna die

joined Nov 29, 2014

Any updates on PS4 and Xbox1? Are they still useless if you already own a PC?

joined Jan 17, 2014

dameda..... zenzen dameda se

hololense was cool

last edited at Jun 16, 2015 12:37PM

joined Mar 6, 2014

Well that was shit
Thanks for destroying my hopes for a 3DS Metroid Prime

joined Jan 12, 2014

The loss of ones laptop makes one realise how life has no meaning.

But new one yay.

All of the crap I have to download again... Oh God no...

But the new SWTOR expansion looks nice.

Still better than losing both your laptop and internet at the same time and you are forced to "borrow" your brother's cell phone.

On side of E3 it seems like everyone is just pushing those games that allow usage of iphones ingame....urgh though I'm using one right now

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