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joined Oct 15, 2013

Well... That was interesting...

joined Feb 8, 2011

hahaha Homura's sexual fantasy (she is a MASOCHIST). xD lol

joined Feb 17, 2013

Hmm- i wonder if it should have the tags if the things in question were just fantasies?

joined May 22, 2013


Akashic Records
joined Sep 24, 2013

I don't understand, why Sodium Polyacrylate? Why not watermelon? /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

joined Jul 12, 2012

I don't know about you guys but I admire the art so much, it's so intense and creative. I love it ;3

joined Feb 9, 2013

What's with a Wishful thinking tag. Never seen it. Nice tho, really.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Honestly, I liked it. It didn't shy away from BDSM the way a lot of doujins do, where they start out good and after two pages it's back to more familiar sex. This one went through with it and while that's not my personal sort of play, I admire that it did so without getting silly about it.

Heck, even the tentacles I can handle since it's a fantasy.

joined Jun 21, 2013

I dirty after reading this.

joined Mar 12, 2014

Half way through this I thought "Maybe Homura's masturbating." And what do ya know =))))

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

Well that happened. It had nice art but wasn't really my thing. Also I don't really think Homura's a masochist. She's definitely a passive person and would probably be willing to do nearly anything Madoka wanted her to but I don't see her actively wanting to do stuff like the first bit of this.

joined Aug 16, 2014

Ok, that was pretty good... Until tentacles happened. Why did you have to put tentacles there, author?!? =x

Also: many laughs at QB watching xD

joined Jan 18, 2016

Wishful thinking
Dammit XD

joined Aug 31, 2014

Well that happened. It had nice art but wasn't really my thing. Also I don't really think Homura's a masochist. She's definitely a passive person and would probably be willing to do nearly anything Madoka wanted her to but I don't see her actively wanting to do stuff like the first bit of this.

yeah, but it was pretty well fit in.

Even though this was just a fantasy, i gotta say page 31 was so incredibly hot, i could almost feel how good that "Sodium Polyacrylate in aqueous solution" was

joined Apr 21, 2014

Well that happened. It had nice art but wasn't really my thing. Also I don't really think Homura's a masochist. She's definitely a passive person and would probably be willing to do nearly anything Madoka wanted her to but I don't see her actively wanting to do stuff like the first bit of this.

I could totally see her being interested in it. There are tons of people less "passive" than her who are subs/masochists in their privates lives. If anyone on the show is into BDSM at all (statistically pretty likely), I think it's her. Or maybe Madoka's mom, haha

joined Jan 24, 2017

i would better to wtch erotic pictures

joined Jan 24, 2017

ad then discuss it

joined Oct 3, 2017

Shouldn’t this have a feet tag

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