Having finished Vol 4 of the light novel, I gotta say I'm not that big a fan of the "new" Euphie. It just feels to me like a completely different character. Too sudden of a change. I get that it's plot-relevant and all that. Also, while usually enjoying a nice strong top on a nice weak bottom the whole energy-feeding thing and how it's explained makes this a bit unsettling. And while usually the uh the sub being all shy and reluctant can be cute, Anis being outright afraid of her life force being sucked or whatever made it feel a bit... Wrong. Neither wholesome nor cute
And the whole Ilia and Lainie thing It just took such a sudden dive. It was growing nicely in the background and it felt like Lainie got suddenly pushed into a relationship
Still had fun following Anis and her new helpers and their shenanigans. I hope it was just my mindset or I'm dumb and misunderstood stuff and the later volumes clear things up for me.
Also, those explicit chapters, are they available somewhere in English. If they are canon bonus content maybe I can change my mind about stuff after reading them. Unless it's just pure smut >.>