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joined Mar 20, 2021

I'm looking for a manga where a girl writes to her friend some stories but she doesn't want to find out that she loves her.

Is my description too vague

last edited at Jul 4, 2023 2:26AM

joined May 12, 2016

A designer is working long hours and barely has time to do anything else. One of her current job requests is from a woman who works for a tourism company for a remote town. What the tourism company is trying to promote is the scenery of the stars in the night sky. The designer is skeptical but does her best to draw a poster/mediocre at best. However it isn’t until they go view the stars together one weekend that she realizes the true beauty of the stars especially with a companion. She fleshes out a better design afterwards.

joined Mar 12, 2018

A designer is working long hours and barely has time to do anything else. One of her current job requests is from a woman who works for a tourism company for a remote town. What the tourism company is trying to promote is the scenery of the stars in the night sky. The designer is skeptical but does her best to draw a poster/mediocre at best. However it isn’t until they go view the stars together one weekend that she realizes the true beauty of the stars especially with a companion. She fleshes out a better design afterwards.

I was reading it this morning.

Yuki Kitsune
joined Jan 31, 2015


Is my description too vague

Blooms in Sunny Places might fit one of those descriptions.

For the other, is it possible that it's a manga artist rather than a story writer? Not that I have anything specific in mind. Just a vague memory of something along those lines.

last edited at Jul 5, 2023 7:26PM

joined May 12, 2016

A designer is working long hours and barely has time to do anything else. One of her current job requests is from a woman who works for a tourism company for a remote town. What the tourism company is trying to promote is the scenery of the stars in the night sky. The designer is skeptical but does her best to draw a poster/mediocre at best. However it isn’t until they go view the stars together one weekend that she realizes the true beauty of the stars especially with a companion. She fleshes out a better design afterwards.

I was reading it this morning.

joined May 12, 2016

That’s the one! Thank you

joined Mar 20, 2021


Is my description too vague

Blooms in Sunny Places might fit one of those descriptions.

For the other, is it possible that it's a manga artist rather than a story writer? Not that I have anything specific in mind. Just a vague memory of something along those lines.

It's a story writer. I think she also can't tell her friend that she loves her. She was given a notebook by someone. She got jealous and she wrote rape to her friend.

joined Jul 6, 2016

Girl inherits boarding house from her grandpa. All the tenants are hot girls that become main girl's harem

last edited at Jul 7, 2023 7:11PM

joined Jul 14, 2021

Girl inherits boarding house from her grandpa. All the tenants are hot girls that become main girl's harem

Sounds like the synopsis for Sailor Fuku Tokidoki Apron.

joined Jul 6, 2016

Thank you! Thats exactly it

joined Jun 28, 2023

what I'm looking for is (NSFW) “girl reincarnated into another world as a (elf?) and then curse about women can't touch men?
when girl (elf) cures them. the princess comes in she begging to help their kingdom because demon curse them.

joined Apr 1, 2015

what I'm looking for is (NSFW) “girl reincarnated into another world as a (elf?) and then curse about women can't touch men?
when girl (elf) cures them. the princess comes in she begging to help their kingdom because demon curse them.

Maybe this?

joined May 1, 2023

So I can't remember when I read this, but I'm pretty sure it was a part of an anthology. From what I recall, the premise is that an older sister and younger sister are living together, but the older one starts seeing someone and the younger sister gets jealous. To be more specific (spoilers for the ending), the younger sister turns out to actually be a cat that the older sister was raising. I'd appreciate any ideas on what this was called.

joined May 1, 2023
joined Oct 21, 2018

There are two twins, one of them brings her girfriend home and the other can feel what they are doing.

joined Jan 9, 2017


joined Oct 21, 2018



joined Dec 15, 2016

I seriously need help I was sure this one-shot was on my favorites but I forgot the name and author. It was about 2 highschool girls one really tall and pretty with long hair and the other had short dark hair, thestory was set on a snowy school day and the tall one wanted to go out in the snow but the small didn't so the issue a challenge that the first one to reach the snow wins a pizza bun or something (they were in the classroom so it was a race to the school yard) both of them ran and the tall one wins but both fall in the snow and after that they are next to heater on the classroom waiting for their clothes to dry and their friends leave them alone since they have cram school/part time job, so the girls stay next to each other on the heater and some heated touching ensues(no kissing) and they are cut short by the bell.

joined Dec 15, 2016

I seriously need help I was sure this one-shot was on my favorites but I forgot the name and author. It was about 2 highschool girls one really tall and pretty with long hair and the other had short dark hair, thestory was set on a snowy school day and the tall one wanted to go out in the snow but the small didn't so the issue a challenge that the first one to reach the snow wins a pizza bun or something (they were in the classroom so it was a race to the school yard) both of them ran and the tall one wins but both fall in the snow and after that they are next to heater on the classroom waiting for their clothes to dry and their friends leave them alone since they have cram school/part time job, so the girls stay next to each other on the heater and some heated touching ensues(no kissing) and they are cut short by the bell.

It was sugar and salt by nekomura did not know the author's works were removed from dynasty. Man I gotta keep a written copy of my collection this is what scares me the most.

joined Apr 16, 2023

I remember reading an anthology like eclair, i think the name was something music related like etude but i can't find anything by that name. Iirc these stories are all in the anthology, but maybe they're separate

Archery girl is self conscious about her muscly back, i think her boyfriend dumped her for it. Other girl is her admirer iirc and there's a public bath involved
Two girls are doing a song for graduation. 1 plays guitar, the other piano. Something happens and there's a falling out but they get back together for graduation
Student teacher romance, i don't remember much but i think it's the home ec teacher and figuring out what a spice is?
Another vague one but a couple of girls are running away on a train. They decide not to and come out to their parents back home and the mom goes on about young love and doing something similar in high school

Edit: nvm i found it. It's concerto

last edited at Jul 18, 2023 11:51PM

joined Feb 25, 2023

Looking for a manga, translated first chapter within the last 2 years I believe, about a depressed and/or serious woman (short black hair) who has a witch show up on her doorstep. I believe the witch had like, flower powers? She also had a very distinctly different art style compared to the other woman. I think she manages to force cohabitation and thats where the first chapter ends.

joined Feb 3, 2021

what's the one where there are three childhood friends, one guy and 2 girls? one of the girls would clean the other girls ears lol

joined Jul 23, 2018

I’m looking for this one manga, the only scenes I can remember is one of the girls grandma was in the hospital and it had a washroom scene in a more olden house, I think a rat showed up and one of the girls chased it with a broom? Not too sure

joined Nov 15, 2018

what's the one where there are three childhood friends, one guy and 2 girls? one of the girls would clean the other girls ears lol

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