Forum › Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story discussion

Sakura Cartelet
joined May 28, 2016

Who was it? Another Homura unit? A HomuMado duo unit? Something else? A search for Magia Record datamine only turns up last years stuff.

Iroha x Sana

Fairly cute art style. Nice seeing Iroha and Sana at a festival.

Edit: Didn't realize I had five tickets from my failed gacha rolls. I bought both of the memoria, both rainbow orb packs and one fire set with them (Which I used on Momoko). Leveled Momoko and Corbeau up to max level. Leveled the memoria with Kaede and the white birds up to max level. Saw another scene from the mirrors.

Edit: Now that I think about it I really don't need any more units as my current cast (2s Mifuyu, 2s Ashley, 2s Ultimate Madoka, 2s Ren, 4s Rika) is more than good enough to handle the current challenges that I face and likely any more future challenges. That said should another round of free premium rolls come up I won't pass on them.

last edited at Aug 21, 2020 1:25AM

joined Jan 15, 2020

The anniversary unit is none other than... Mokyu. No, seriously.

And to be clear it is not a "quintuplet unit for Mikazuki villa team", it is just Mokyu, the girls tag in for attacks, but the unit is still Mokyu, and if the datamine is correct, the unit's name will change to match the player's current name.

I could not be more disappointed on this one, but at least means that I can put my rolls towards something else... dumb little rat should've stayed dead in chapter 10...

last edited at Aug 21, 2020 1:49AM

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

And to be clear it is not a "quintuplet unit for Mikazuki villa team", it is just Mokyu, the girls tag in for attacks, but the unit is still Mokyu, and if the datamine is correct, the unit's name will change to match the player's current name.

I could not be more disappointed on this one, but at least means that I can put my rolls towards something else... dumb little rat should've stayed dead in chapter 10...

They will never stop me from thinking of this as a Mikazuki Villa quintuplet unit. At least until the voicelines and MSS reality hits. T_T

When I said I would roll for this for sure, it was because I thought it was a Mikazuki Villa unit. I have more second thoughts now that the focus is us/Mokyu, but I'll reserve final judgments until I see what story is associated with it.

I do hate the stupid plot container rat too, but maybe arc 2 will change my mind. And if the actual story isn't too Mokyu-focused, I'll be satisfied with that too.

A search for Magia Record datamine only turns up last years stuff.

Datamine info was leaked in different places, but it's not always tagged that way or immediately accessible without being in that community already.

Edit: Also screw the memes about us being magical girls now. I liked it when Mokyu did nothing and was nothing. I came to play Magireco not because I wanted a self-insert but because I wanted as much story focus on the actual characters as possible. On that note, fuck self-inserts.

Edit2: Watched a gameplay video of it, where Mokyu is on the field the entire time. I hate it a little more now. Give me back my Mikazuki Villa quintuplet unit. Now I'm the salty one. XD

last edited at Aug 21, 2020 2:41AM

joined Apr 22, 2019

Also screw the memes about us being magical girls now. I liked it when Mokyu did nothing and was nothing.

To be fair, Mokyu is still something of a Ui alt, given their backstory. At least, that's where I assume its element comes from. It's also thematically appropriate for an Anniversary, being central to the narrative and all. Also, I think it counts as a "Mikazuki villa" unit, since the girls do tag in in the animations... You can't just stuff all five in one spot, there's barely enough room for dual units.

That said, I don't think I'll be rolling for this one when it'll come to NA. Whatever, more time to collect gems.

last edited at Aug 21, 2020 11:40AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

They could've put out a compromise unit that could satisfy everybody. Instead they put a compromise unit that disappointed everybody. sarcastic aplause, followed by a genuine facepalm

Sakura Cartelet
joined May 28, 2016

Yep they really dropped the ball on this one. If their goal was to create a unit that almost nobody would roll on then they succeeded. Otherwise, I wonder why they did this instead of a HomuMado duo unit, MasaKoko duo unit, devil Homura unit or any unit people would actually want to use.

joined Jan 15, 2020

They made the stupid thing extremely overpowered, mainly its primary gimmick is that it can switch on type advantage against all types for a turn, including Void that previously had no weakness(and no advantages), at will with its Spirit Enhancement active, it is the only unit that has diagonal Blasts(though this is a bit more complicated), and can demolish entire Mirrors teams in a turn.

Now, this isn't a massive issue for fast Blast-based teams in Mirrors, either version of Tart, YachIro, Madokami, Fate, and so on, they can all shoot the little rat down in moments, since it is still a Dark unit and still has weakness to Light, but I already heard complaints it is extremely difficult for slower, stallier Magia-based teams to keep up, as they take at least a turn to get going even with perfect RNG, all this is going to do is push Mirrors back to a Blast-based meta that never truly left.

If nothing else, people will roll for it simply because it is stupidly powerful.

last edited at Aug 21, 2020 12:05PM

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

Instead they put a compromise unit that disappointed everybody.

Well, the general fandom actually seems to be having a field day over this. I think that this was a good move on their part to make Mokyu into an unit and damningly clever, especially in comparison to what people were expecting. People are certainly going to whale for this and the meta discs / variable damage will only heighten that.

I'm not getting it though unless the associated story is just as good and not just pandering to Mokyu/players.

To be fair, Mokyu is still something of a Ui alt, given their backstory.

Tbh I don't mind Mokyu inherently, if it was thought of as being part of Ui. What do I hate is how much importance is placed on Mokyu as being "us" and the memes and shit that result. Its central role in the narrative and its big damn moment in chapter 10, while sensible plot-wise, still feels like a bone thrown to the players. I mean it's not treated like a Ui alt, it's treated like a cute, lovable entity, where the affection it receives is easily transferable to us.

Edit: Another thing, after reading the complete Azaleas 1 story and now starting Azaleas 2, why is Hazuki / Nanaka such a popular ship? What other canon evidence is it even based off of? In Azaleas 1 Hazuki spends more time with Kako and Momoko. She has more scenes with them. She only interacts with Nanaka once or twice depending on the ending, the first time being the Azalea Trio's run-in with Mafia Gang. In the canon route, Hazuki never even joins up with Nanaka because that leads to bad end #3.

Does Hazuki's MSS involve Nanaka more than Konoha or something? Are there other events they've had interactions in? I literally just checked the wiki for every event Hazuki has shown up in, and every other event she's appeared in she appears with Konoha and Ayame, with no interaction with Nanaka as far as I can tell.

I just don't understand. Why is what looks increasingly like a crack ship so popular??? Once I'm done with what's released of Azaleas 2, I'm going to play through Hazuki's MSS just so I can debunk that ship for myself.

last edited at Aug 21, 2020 2:50PM

joined Jan 15, 2020

Hazuki's MSS does involve her interacting with Nanaka a lot, but the context isn't shippy at all, but rather it is about solving a conflict between the two teams, which culminates in Nanaka seeing through Hazuki's manipulative behavior, and inviting her to a solo meeting with just the two of them for the express purpose of calling her out on it, as well as question what is her endgame in doing this, to which Hazuki clarifies that there is no endgame, she is simply acting in favor of her family, whatever that means, which is a satisfactory answer to Nanaka, as she understands the mindset(see: Nanaka's entire backstory).

I mean it's not treated like a Ui alt, it's treated like a cute, lovable entity, where the affection it receives is easily transferable to us.

See, this is my issue as well, my favorite thing about MagiReco as a gacha is the utter lack of a player avatar to be the focus of attention(99% of the time Mokyu might as well not exist), which allows the character writing to focus on the girls' relationships with each other, be it shippy and romatic, or wholesome friendship, or even enemies, instead there being a central entity that everyone loves for no real reason.

My main issue with Mokyu as a playable unit is that it goes against the thing I just described.

joined Apr 22, 2019

My main issue with Mokyu as a playable unit is that it goes against the thing I just described.

As I mentioned, I think it's a convenient (if roundabout) excuse to have all the Mikazuki Villa girls in one unit. I doubt the critter itself will ever receive much more attention than it already got, plotwise.
Gameplay-wise, however...

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

Hazuki's MSS does involve her interacting with Nanaka a lot, but the context isn't shippy at all, but rather it is about solving a conflict between the two teams, which culminates in Nanaka seeing through Hazuki's manipulative behavior, and inviting her to a solo meeting with just the two of them for the express purpose of calling her out on it, as well as question what is her endgame in doing this, to which Hazuki clarifies that there is no endgame, she is simply acting in favor of her family, whatever that means, which is a satisfactory answer to Nanaka, as she understands the mindset(see: Nanaka's entire backstory).

Finished Hazuki's MSS, and to be fair to the shippers there's probably two main points of 'evidence', the first being that Hazuki calls Nanaka pretty and composed in her first ending voicelines and second that Hazuki considers Nanaka hard to work with but "fascinating". The latter is even what she writes in her diary. So there is some sort of tension there.

But it's still just no. Both Azalea events so far have shown how tightly knit the three of them are. Nanaka herself comments their teamwork surpasses the Mafia Gang's. In addition, Hazuki's entire goal in setting up the talk was so that Konoha could interact with more people. All of that was for her. Even at the end of Hazuki's MSS where Hazuki and Nanaka seem more chummy, Hazuki notes Nanaka's smile still doesn't reach her eyes. I just can't, nope. Not in my ideal ship world.

Sakura Cartelet
joined May 28, 2016

Nice how Ayame is not obtainable in this event. There's also apparently no second shop during part 2 of the event either. NA so far has shown no interest in rerurnning events so...

Edit: Apparently the TW server is getting a free 10-roll for Iroha's birthday. Knowing NA I wouldn't be surprised if we got nothing since they don't seem to care.

last edited at Aug 22, 2020 12:38AM

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

We did get nothing in the end, which is pretty disappointing. But happy birthday to Iroha!

Some Iroyachi quotes that trigger with full AP.

Solo Iroha: "Yachiyo(-san) isn't here, it's just me... I guess I'll have to fight this Witch by myself. I won't be able to ever fight alone effectively if I keep relying on my friends."

Solo Yachiyo: "It's been a while since I fought a Witch alone. I'm so used to always having Iroha's support... I better be careful."

My shipping instincts are satisfied for the day.

Edit: I hadn't heard of the "Hereafter" or "The Rumor of the Rumor of the Rumor" event until pretty recently, which is surprising in some sense since it's very similar to the Iroyachi event login story. It made me feel sad as a lot of these events tend to do, but I'm glad I heard about it cause the main story never really touches on how these uwasa related to each character. What each character takes from their experience becomes clear in this event, as they face people who are like them and reflect on past events. Really liked how it was set up.

last edited at Aug 23, 2020 1:03AM

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

Finished event story. The event story overall was good, satisfying mystery and believable tension. It also brought together some very different magical girl teams in interesting ways. The one thing I disliked about it is that Hanna kills herself for no reason. If she was going to do that, she might as well have witched out instead. I think that would have seemed more fitting of her personality than straight up breaking her soul gem.

There's an interesting tidbit that shows this event happens some time after Mel and Kanae's deaths, which is interesting cause it gives a glimpse of how Yachiyo was acting at that time. This must have been before she broke up the team too, but she is indeed very serious and never smiling, as Momoko says in chapter 6.

joined Jan 15, 2020

I'd make the argument that this story could have very well happened after Yachiyo's old team split up, and most importantly, after the Doppel System had become active.

Tsuruno being Yachiyo's only backup, and not Mifuyu, is the biggest indicator to this, team broken up or not, this was a big situation that Yachiyo might've felt uncomfortable investigating on her own as she could've easily become another victim while also believing it would be much more difficult to target her if she weren't alone, plus also affected Tsuruno(and any other megucas, really), so making a call to Tsuruno over a big situation would've made sense regardless of their team's status, on top of that, the very last scene of the event says that the Magius would start to appear soon, which supports the idea this is within the 6 month gap from the birth of the Doppel system, to the start of the story.

With that in mind, Hanna Witching out would've been outright impossible, she'd simply release her Doppel(which, to note, is one of the physically biggest Doppels, this thing would've been a problem to fight off...), and a Doppel appearing at this point would've caused issues with the main story, in particular causing Yachiyo to learn of Doppels much sooner.

joined Apr 22, 2019

The one thing I disliked about it is that Hanna kills herself for no reason. If she was going to do that, she might as well have witched out instead.

I believe Hanna was simply too insane and nihilistic to achieve the level of despair necessary to witch out. You can't really feel despair if you don't care anymore, after all. She tried to get Nanaka to kill her to satisfy her own narrative, and when she couldn't, she did it herself.

Sakura Cartelet
joined May 28, 2016

That's of course assuming the writers put much thought in to continuity between event stories and the main story. Most of the time this doesn't seem to be so both in this game and FGO in that event stories exist outside of and don't influence or interact with the main story in any way whatsoever.

joined Jan 15, 2020

Being able to "achieve the level of despair" isn't mandatory to Witching out, it is important to remember that while a poor mental state will expedite the process, it can also happen naturally if you burn yourself out, simply running out of magic completely will cause it, which is what got Madoka in one of the timelines depicted in the OG anime, she was simply too powerful and burned herself out in a single shot.

Most of the time this doesn't seem to be so both in this game and FGO in that event stories exist outside of and don't influence or interact with the main story in any way whatsoever.

Really? because I got the exact opposite vibe out of MagiReco, while event stories can have happened at any time, many of which have happened before the start of the main story, they are all affected by and affect the main story in their own ways, in fact often events are used to expand on aspects of the main story.

last edited at Aug 26, 2020 5:34PM

Sakura Cartelet
joined May 28, 2016

Maybe so, but at the same time most of the event stories are still standalone in that you don't need to view any of them to understand the main story nor do you need to view a previous event to understand another event. Also on an unrelated note, IroSana and YachiMifu duo unit when?!

joined Oct 22, 2018

This vacation inspired me to make a MagiReco meme. :D
Too bad I'll have to wait until tomorrow to make it. :(
Which means that y'all gotta wait at least until tomorrow to see it. D;

last edited at Aug 26, 2020 5:49PM

joined Apr 22, 2019

Being able to "achieve the level of despair" isn't mandatory to Witching out, it is important to remember that while a poor mental state will expedite the process, it can also happen naturally if you burn yourself out, simply running out of magic completely will cause it

Of course, although energy depletion wasn't addressed in Hanna's case. As for mental state, it seems to really depend on emotion, and not all emotions are identical. One can be miserable, but not necessarily despairing (cough Homura cough).
For comparison, Kagari in PMSM had to literally brainwash herself into becoming a witch, and was clearly not in the best of mental states.
That's just my take, mind you.

last edited at Aug 26, 2020 6:35PM

Sakura Cartelet
joined May 28, 2016

Was looking through the wiki and came across this memoria. I really like how Hinata is holding Suzune in it. Note picture may contain spoilers.

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

I'd make the argument that this story could have very well happened after Yachiyo's old team split up, and most importantly, after the Doppel System had become active.

Tsuruno being Yachiyo's only backup, and not Mifuyu, is the biggest indicator to this, team broken up or not, this was a big situation that Yachiyo might've felt uncomfortable investigating on her own as she could've easily become another victim while also believing it would be much more difficult to target her if she weren't alone, plus also affected Tsuruno(and any other megucas, really), so making a call to Tsuruno over a big situation would've made sense regardless of their team's status, on top of that, the very last scene of the event says that the Magius would start to appear soon, which supports the idea this is within the 6 month gap from the birth of the Doppel system, to the start of the story.

Later did realize this event happening after the team being split up was more likely, given how Yachiyo is acting by herself in Azaelas 1 and 2, and Mifuyu not being there does add to that. Somehow I didn't correlate Wings of the Magius becoming active with doppel system being set up, which would actually be the strongest reason for why Hanna couldn't simply witch out. Is it known how long the system had been set up for? I believe it wasn't immediately after Touka, Nemu, and Ui contracted, but that they did have it going for some time before everybody else found out about it.

That is a solid possibility even if it could be argued the other way too, because timeline for this event isn't clear and there's a focus on magical girls turning into witches during the event, which narratively-speaking makes the doppel system existing just seem less likely. From a meta perspective it would make sense, though character-wise I still don't think it's the most fitting for Hanna. But whatever, it's not that big a deal regardless. In my headcanon, there's a version of her that did witch out.

although energy depletion wasn't addressed in Hanna's case

I think it was, there was a line somewhere about her being close to her limit, as well as a build-up of exhaustion on her part, where she appears more and more drained after each encounter. First she was tired out from the Azalea Trio's and Yachiyo/Tsuruno's attacks, which is why she ran away to the rooftop. Then the Apartment Trio and Mafia Gang caught her almost off-guard, depleting more of her magic. By the time Nanaka caught up to her, she was pretty burnt out.

Challenge quests have been easy for the most part, except for C10 which needs lots of status ailment resistance and I think isn't easily auto-able. Madokami made a manual clear possible though. C9 made me feel pretty bad, because Konoha and Hazuki guard each other and Ayame to the death. Sort of murdered Hazuki and Konoha with Yachiyo / Ashley connect puella blast combos, right in front of Ayame's eyes. sweatdrop

last edited at Aug 26, 2020 7:35PM

Sakura Cartelet
joined May 28, 2016

Did you try using the The Flowers Will Bloom Again (4% HP Regen and 35% status effect resist) memoria that's gotten for free with the event? Along with Ultimate Madoka it should give the equipped character either a 55% chance to resist status aliments or a 65% resist chance with a 4-slot Madokami. In addition the character will regen 6% or 7% HP per turn.

last edited at Aug 26, 2020 8:03PM

joined Jan 15, 2020

Yup, Hanna actually specifically says that she only had a little magic left, and you can notice she was getting worn out before that, but rereading that part of the story to find the right line made me wonder...

You can read pretty obvious by the way that Hanna describes Sena's fate, that Sena burned herself out fighting the Witch and ended up becoming one herself(and, big spoilers to the Mirrors storyline: We know she did, Sena became the Mirrors Witch), if Hanna witnessed her transformation, there is the possibility that her real reason to commit suicide was that she expected to become a Witch herself, and even in her broken, derranged state, she still considered that to be too much, and a normal death to be preferable.

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