Surprised no one posted Free Soul & Indigo Blue by Yamaji Ebine. Both are pretty angsty.
Free Soul is about A lesbian mangaka who falls in love with a bisexual slut who wants to have an incestuous relationship with her father. The slut doesn't want to be in relationship with the mangaka at first and it's only after she sleeps with her father that the slut realizes she loves the mangaka.
Indigo Blue is about A bisexual novelist who falls in love with a girl while dating this guy. She starts dating the girl and the girl thinks she's broken up with her boyfriend, but the novelist is still dating him. She writes a story about her relationship with the 2. The girl finds out and breaks it off and the novelist wants to be with her so she finally breaks it off with the guy and destroy her relationship with him and the novelist and girl get back together. The thing I liked about it is she actually felt bad about what she did especially what she did to the guy. Usually you don't see regret like that.
There's also a VN that came out recently called Love Ribbon that's pretty angsty.
2 sisters who have just met fall in love. They think they aren't really related, but it turns out they are. There are 2 endings. A bad ending where 1 of the sisters can't take that revelation and they separate permanently and the Good Ending where she can't handle it at first, but then they get back together.
last edited at Feb 4, 2017 8:28PM