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joined May 21, 2016

I really really really want money but I really really really really can't be bothered to get a job :/

There's always graduate school... :P

Also me

joined Feb 4, 2015

Finally have connection for my new PC!

I'm such a dunce xD

Stay strong Alvis D:

We can be too lazy for a job and also really really want the money from a job together D:

Graduate school sounds like work...

joined Jun 22, 2016

^ That's what the lottery is for! (^_-)v

joined Feb 4, 2015

Lottery sama pls help me D:

Finally all that's left for this PC is to download my games... trying to transfer them from my laptop is a pain because me laptop is crap and my memory stick small...

joined Jun 22, 2016

^^ Didn't you sleep at all last night...?

I hate it too when computers go all slow on you. Especially when you're desperately trying to get something done... T_T

@ Utoptia

Regarding the movies you mentioned:
If you're willing to invest some money you can order two of them here:

They are pretty hard to find online unfortunately... streaming-wise.
I just found one with horrible quality.

joined May 10, 2014

Win the lottery? lol. If you really want to try it, always play the same numbers, that's the only way to increase your odds not counting black magic if you believe in that It's still unlikely that you'll make profit tho.

joined Feb 4, 2015

My sleep schedule got all weird :D

Will probably be posting all over the place D: Or something...

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Rye

What's wrong with having dreams...? T_T
Just kidding ;)
I know, I'll probably never win anything but I like the thought of it ^^
That feeling of hope right before you realize you've lost again...
Only the lottery can spare me a life of actual hard work! I don't wanna overwork my lazy ass, you know (`・ω・´)


Sadly you're not the only one with a weird sleeping schedule... (p_P)

joined Feb 4, 2015

I admire you're laziness so much anon sama D: I wish you luck on your not doing anything ;_;

joined Jun 22, 2016

Unfortunately I can't afford to not do anything at all... But I'd like to get to the point were I can take some jobs just for fun or for contributing something really meaningful... not just to pay my bills...

joined May 10, 2014

I think the best way to make easy legal money is to somehow hook up with someone rich....yes it sounds weird coming from a guy who said he doesn't want to be in a relationship. But I mean its worth it right? No matter how ugly/weird/annoying that person might's still money and I don't have to work yay. Or something like that. Am I evil?

I should try to sleep xD

joined Feb 4, 2015

Rye speaks sense :o

Well then I wish you luck on some day being able to pick your nothing D:

joined Nov 16, 2015

Rye sounds like Reimu :^/

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Rye

I don't really think that it's an evil thing to do per se – as long as you treat that „rich“ person with kindness and respect (- okay, that should be a mutual thing actually...). Marrying rich has always been a thing throughout human history.
But it's not really my kind of style.
I'd like to be independently lazy (^_-)b
I don't mind helping others out financially whenever I can since I know how much that can harrow people but I don't like taking money for nothing. I don't like receiving gifts in general. So I need to laze my way up on my own ;)

@ EkichoSHIFT

Who's that...?
Don't think I know them...

last edited at Aug 27, 2016 6:11AM

joined Feb 4, 2015

100+ items queued and 400kbs at very very best...

joined Feb 3, 2015

I really really really want money but I really really really really can't be bothered to get a job :/

Oh my god this is me.

2x count me in!

marrying someone rich... so far I've only liked people equally or poorer than myself xD... and I don't believe in the lottery either... I guess my only chance is to see a shooting star and ask a few things^^

Hi everyone :)

how are you doing?

Chocolate yeey, you are connected to the internet!^^

p.s I have some pages to read, I guess

last edited at Aug 27, 2016 7:20AM

joined Feb 3, 2015


hahahahah.. dare you?! I can't stop laughing...thank you for introducing me to Catherine Tate!

yes, it's cute since you are into perfection but you still fail. you have the talent to frequently do cute things, not bad at all.

oh, thanks, but I'm a bit messed up too^^

which makes her even better sister!

Today I've eaten something sweet.. :( chocolate brings happiness... and weight^^....

oh, I checked that one with your first song :) her singing is one to make you feel, I like it

.. the thread has a thousand eyes xD got me reminded how when I post something stupid I console myself that no one would waste their precious time to read it..

Are we talking about dreams here? I rarely have dreams, but if I do I don't remember anything later.. except for this one dream I actually remember of.. it was 2 years ago... my dream I was sleeping face down, but at the same time I was conscious about it.. when I felt a thud coming from my right side. It was followed by quick light steps(someone was walking on my bed).. next moment I felt someone sniffing at my ear lobe for a while.. then this someone went back to the exact place of the thud and disappeared at once. I woke up with my heart beat accelerated, all shivering, overwhelmed by a mixture of happiness and sadness because I knew it was my deceased cat.. and the sensation was so real that I can't forget about this dream xD kind of weird^^

joined Dec 15, 2015

I like your avi Rye, RIP Elemental hero stratos.

CCL you still can become a steam trader in games like CS:GO and TF2 in order to make some money.


Thank you for the link ! Unfortinately, the one I really am dying to see is Barash. Seems like it really can't be found atm sob sob

joined Feb 4, 2015

ehghhhhh, steam trading sounds out of my depth xD

joined Jun 11, 2016

@ SF

Way too late, sorry, but not bad! Did you make that one yourself?

HAHAHA You thought I could make a song like that ? Pshhh get outta here, Like I could make a song like that. Thats not my youtube channel or my song. I was just sharing some of the music I like lol.

joined Dec 24, 2014

I swear, the more times I visit /r/anime nowadays, the more Im starting to see the allure of in, I really want to see everyone there in despair because the fanart posts are starting to become a nuisance. And they're barely even posted for any reason other than plain karma-woring > O > like seriously, it's few posts then fanart then another few posts and more fanart, all about the same bleep bleep-ing character, every bleep-ing single time.

Cant wait for summer to end so that overrated "so deep it hurts muh feels" anime can be done with.

last edited at Aug 27, 2016 2:17PM

joined Dec 24, 2014

On a more positive note, things are really steering towards Ange Vierge being AoTY-status for me; of course, this is not exactly how I envisioned everything to go considering Regalia went on a 1 month hiatus, but for now, Ange Vierge is definitely high up there on my list. Which is a great wrap-up for Summer since my selection this season are actually yuri anime compared to Spring 2016, with Kabaneri taking a spot in AoTY* and Seisen Cerberus being my AoTS, Fall 2016 should be a really interesting match-up between all the yuri anime + Regalia airing, with benefit leaning on the latter.

atm I'd say Kabaneri will at least land on the 5th place in my AoTY list, with 2nd place being Ange Vierge...Regalia might either be crown AoTY (considering it consistently set the standards for Ange Vierge to pass for the first 4 weeks) or 3rd place (with consideration that Ange Vierge has been really delivering on it's characterization and has been a joy to review), 4th place will very likely be Fall 2016 anime, with possibility of something airing then taking 1st/3rd place if Regalia doesn't. New Game enjoyable so far but not something that I would envision being AoTY, rather I'd say it'll likely be AoTS when Ange Vierge moves to the AoTY selection

last edited at Aug 27, 2016 3:00PM

joined Feb 4, 2015

Even this new PC can't stave off the ridiculously punitive RNG in paradox games =.=

joined Jun 22, 2016

Does that mean you built it all in vain...? (☉__☉”)

@ Kyonne

I'd really like to listen to that song but sadly I don't have a spotify account and I really can't find it anywhere else...

@ SF

I thought that maybe you used one of those mix and mash programs... ^^

joined Feb 4, 2015

all in vain ;_;

I shall smash it ;_;

It will pay for my wasted time D:

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