
Forum › A "small" topic for video games

joined May 10, 2014

Game: Atelier Rorona Pairing:Rorona x Cordelia Link: pixiv

Does this count as monday or tuesday? Should I still post?!

As long as there won't be cars I will buy it. Please let there be no cars.....

Don't worry XD.

joined Jan 12, 2014

Does this count as monday or tuesday? Should I still post?!

As long as there won't be cars I will buy it. Please let there be no cars.....

Don't worry XD.

Whatever you want xD I was simply in the mood of posting something since one of my friends just came back from Japan and gifted me with a Rorona and a Homura figurine he bought as souvenirs <3

A true third Banjo game that would mend this hole in my heart after playing goddamn Nuts&Bolts would prolly make this the best year of my life

joined May 10, 2014

Well it's pretty cute so I got my fix :) I'll just "research" for tomorrow.

By the way this was a thing(NSFW VERY HATEFUL etc) I don't know if I should laugh or cry. This is so stupid, thankfully steam took it down, he just wants attention but how did this even get into greenlight? GABE!!!!

joined Mar 23, 2013

Boring meant to shock "kill X" game.

joined Oct 15, 2013

Well it's pretty cute so I got my fix :) I'll just "research" for tomorrow.

By the way this was a thing(NSFW VERY HATEFUL etc) I don't know if I should laugh or cry. This is so stupid, thankfully steam took it down, he just wants attention but how did this even get into greenlight? GABE!!!!

Anyone who pays 100 dollars gets into greenlight

You can literally submit ANYTHING, people have even put up malware and other malicious software in there.

Valve's off-hands attitude is a detriment to the system... but ofc they don't actually care since people relentlessly submit trash and Vavle gets money every time they do so.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Any of you guys is fan of Metroidvania?

Then you certainly want to check this site


last edited at May 6, 2015 2:24AM

joined May 10, 2014

Any of you guys is fan of Metroidvania?

Then you certainly want to check this site


....hm? what is this?.............well whip of course...........................................AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH I GET IT!!!! ......why can't I close this site? I've been doing the same thing for a few minutes send help...

joined Feb 2, 2013

Well it's pretty cute so I got my fix :) I'll just "research" for tomorrow.

By the way this was a thing(NSFW VERY HATEFUL etc) I don't know if I should laugh or cry. This is so stupid, thankfully steam took it down, he just wants attention but how did this even get into greenlight? GABE!!!!

Anyone who pays 100 dollars gets into greenlight

You can literally submit ANYTHING, people have even put up malware and other malicious software in there.

Valve's off-hands attitude is a detriment to the system... but ofc they don't actually care since people relentlessly submit trash and Vavle gets money every time they do so.

sure that's not a real game but ,stupid and offensive, trolling, valve take that away early enough,
i'm happy they made some money with steam, they were robbed of the best engine for its time i ever see

joined May 10, 2014

The FNAF games are getting released so fast Game Theory will never finish their "mystery solved" series hahaha.

Series: Street fighter Pairing: Juri x Chun li Link: Pixiv
I wonder if Juri is going to be in SF5.

joined Feb 4, 2015

You know, I've only got about 660 hours on EUIV, so I'm not an expert, but it still shocks me when you back up your ally in a war, attack their weaker ally because they can't join, have the first war end earlier than expected so your ally attacks you, win that war and arrange a royal marriage with your old ally, planning to re-ally them the next month.

And then they rival you.

I just don't get it. I'm hugely stronger than them, they have only crappy allies and I supported their independence. Literally the day before we were friendly.


I'm done.

joined Jan 12, 2014

The FNAF games are getting released so fast Game Theory will never finish their "mystery solved" series hahaha.

Series: Street fighter Pairing: Juri x Chun li Link: Pixiv
I wonder if Juri is going to be in SF5.

Scott is probably doing it on purpose to annoy MatPat xD

joined May 10, 2014

Nintendo theme park in Universal studios? whoa why now and not 10 years ago. But seriously there's already Pinna park from sunshine, mario galaxy?, F-Zero?!, Starfox?!, maybe Wario's castle? ahh so many ideas.

What's up with the Splatoon demo? seriously only 3 times at specific times? weirdest demo ever...I thought they would give us a free dojo stage or something.

Shouzou Kaga(the creator of Fire Emblem) wants to do a new game? sweet!

Series: Senran Kagura Pairing: Ryoubi x Ryouna Link: pixiv
Are there actual ships in this series? or is it just whoever you want to pair?

last edited at May 7, 2015 10:58PM

joined Dec 18, 2013

Series: Senran Kagura Pairing: Ryoubi x Ryouna Link: pixiv
Are there actual ships in this series? or is it just whoever you want to pair?

Within the games themselves there are well defined ships (all the pictures are official art):

The eternal rivals, AsukaXHomura

The princess and the pauper, IkarugaXYomi

The pervert and the stoic, KatsuragiXHikage

The best friends, HibariXYagyu

The Sadist and the Rabbit, HarukaXHibari

The Tomboy and her biggest fan MiyabiXImu

The Fashionist and the Mangaka, MurakumoXShiki

joined Nov 29, 2014

Which Senran Kagura games are available for 3DS in English and which of those are like, worth getting?
Does a 3DS have region lock, by the way?

last edited at May 8, 2015 12:12AM

joined May 11, 2012

Which Senran Kagura games are available for 3DS in English and which of those are like, worth getting?
Does a 3DS have region lock, by the way?

My sister have a 3DS, I'm almost sure it have a region lock.

last edited at May 8, 2015 12:14AM

joined Dec 18, 2013

Sadly, it does.

There are only two Senran Kagura games for the 3DS: Burst and SK2: Deep Crimson

Burst saw release on the Eshop two years ago and is a pretty fun brawler (think Double Dragon) with some minor issues. SK2 on the other hand is the best game on the series and will see release this August.

joined May 10, 2014

@OriginalGengar: There's a new one coming out if I'm not mistaken and I think there's a digital one. Yes nintendo hasn't dropped region locks for some ***** reason

@Dark_Tzitzimine: got it! but the links tho...today is and over-kill hahaha. I will give the series a shot when the 2nd game comes out...or is the vita game worth it? also how's the anime?

Edit: oh lol, my typing skills suck...I think too much.

last edited at May 8, 2015 12:20AM

joined Dec 18, 2013

The anime is pretty fun and despite everyone and their mother saying its pure fanservice, truth is that is pretty subdued for today's standards (no full frontal nudity and panty shots are actually scarce). The story is certainly inferior to the one on the game but is a great introduction to the series, I got hooked on the series with the anime in fact.

The Vita game is, weird. It leans more towards the Musou genre and while technically is superior to Burst, the long loading times and bad camera put a huge damper on my enjoyment of it. Is also pretty repetitve and the story is one of the worst of the series. Good for a mindless button masher but nothing more.

If anything, I got way more enjoyment from the rhythm spinoff.

And definitely pick up the second game, easily one of the best third party games on the 3DS.

joined Nov 29, 2014

Alright thanks.

pretty subdued for today's standards

Well, pretty subdued for heavy fanservice shows. There's still tons of bouncing boobs.

joined Jan 17, 2014

http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/33748?tags=parent%3A195005 Why hello, thought I would never find you again.
this was seriously my first yuri pic ever, the memories, man

Also, by the by, he isn't kidding with the load times, they are so vintage, you could swear you are holding an portable C64

last edited at May 8, 2015 10:03AM

joined May 10, 2014

^ Nice, I think my 1st yuri pic ever was one of the Lyn x Florina I posted earlier...I was all like =O and then I was like =)(I didn't understand at the time XD).

So I was playing the Splatoon demo...and I think my scrubby gameplay may/may not show up on a website hah...but seriously this game is fuuuuuuun and I'm not into shooters, no lag but the usual "could not connect to partner's device" showed up a few times. I'm usually a sniper but I tried all 4 weapons available...I don't think I'll have a main this time around.

While I was waiting I encountered this kid in for glory 2-0 twice with Marth then Yoshi...next match he picks Yoshi thinking he could copy my setups/combos and it was HILARIOUS! Also I don't get why some people disconnect after one fight...odd since those were close matches.

joined Mar 6, 2014

Crap crap crap crap crap!! Yakuza 4 is so addictWHAT THE HELL WOMAN, A HUNDRED THOUSAND YEN FOR ONE DRINK JUST TO MAKE YOU SLIGHTLY HAPPY? I need to find the poker joint as fast as possiFUCK I SUCK AT BASEBALL

Also i never noticed how forbiddenly sexy this voice is

last edited at May 9, 2015 1:20AM

joined May 10, 2014

..........welcome to arc-v XD. I always keep my melee in japanese and I wish I could do the same in smash 4, I love the different quotes and Marth/Roy speak in jap-oh wait. 1-3 weeks till my vita arrives? fun

joined May 10, 2014


Series: Hyperdimension Neptunia Pairing: Neptune x Noire Link: tumblr

joined Apr 20, 2013

I want splatoon too!! I love all the desings, the idea and everything, but I don't have a wiiU... This is the first time I've feel obligated to buy a console. That game will make history

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