Still, the 2nd half is definitely worth replacing it. And OrangePekoe went ahead and did it while I was pondering it anyway. :p
Cos someone was busy not being available in chat :P
You know it is possible to mix and match. I just wanted the extra bits.
It is interesting to learn that the "unpleasant situations" Konata was talking about was living as lesbians together, which doujins generally gloss over. Although am I reading it right as Konata suggesting it might keep them from being together after they're adults?
It is, and I think you're at least somewhat correct. A part of me feels pretty confident they wouldn't split up - after all, Kogami wasn't convinced, and drama was replaced shortly afterwards with lovey dovey time - but the other really just wants Mikami to release another.
Of course after a tiny bit of searching for various reasons, it's safe to assume that with no new releases in ~3 years this series is over (though there was a 2 year gap between the fourth book and the earlier ones...).
last edited at Sep 27, 2013 9:12PM