Forum › My Only Star discussion

joined Dec 16, 2020

Holy shit, I can't believe someone put so much time and care into such a long doujin. Amazing read!!

shipping duck
joined Feb 8, 2020

This was beautiful. One of the best post movie junnana doujins

joined Jun 30, 2023

This is sooo good. Instant favorite

joined Sep 11, 2019

A long doujin that portrayed very well a post-starira ship plot events
Not a single page was wasted, the art and the writting were exceptional, I hadn't enjoyed a doujin plot in some time...
You can tell what pairing is the fan favorite in starira when you found gems like this jaja

last edited at Jun 7, 2024 1:20AM

joined Dec 24, 2019

oh holy shit this is really good

joined Nov 3, 2018

One of those doujins so good it crosses into honorary canon for me.

joined Jul 22, 2020

this is incredible.

joined Nov 3, 2018

You can tell what pairing is the fan favorite in starira when you found gems like this jaja

I love other pairings and Maya X Claudine in particular but there's just much more potential to writing Junna X Nana doujins because their relationship was the most unbalanced and least "resolved" in the show and movie.

joined Jan 30, 2017

You just can't beat Junnana, this is why they are the best pair.

joined Feb 28, 2015

Banananananananananananana also yuri tag can work

joined Jul 25, 2017

Bananananana make those bodies sing

last edited at Jun 7, 2024 11:54AM

Altair Uploader
joined Nov 30, 2016

It feels heretical that this is becoming my top ship. They're so good and this manga only makes it better! More manga needs to be ambitious in its use of literary devices.

joined Apr 23, 2023


joined Nov 18, 2017

Every once in a while, there comes a doujin that goes beyond what I define in my head as a doujin. This is one of those rare cases. This story is nothing short of a masterpiece. Story telling, writing, art, visuals, structure, story telling, it tells a story that is as pain fully relatable as it is beautifuly inspiring, and I cannot put into words just how good of a story this is.

Ive never heard if this author before, but you can bet I will be following them for a long time to come.

joined May 18, 2019

Junnana fans really know how to tug your heart strings huh....

joined Feb 26, 2024

Thank you for junnana food!!! I enjoyed it a lot!!! Mwa!

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