Wow these two are in the real world now. Nice.
It's almost like fiction isn't reality, which makes it a safe place to indulge in taboo thoughts!
^ Bottom right looks like a simplified version of Finana’s regular outfit (no skirt or crown)
^ In the span of a month no less
Wait, Lucky Star is still running? That just fucks up my whole conception of time.
She is fish food
Vore PFFFT rip nijika
They look so happy here… blessed.
Gorgeous. Stunning. Magnificent.
Mfs be like "we indulge in taboo thoughts" but have the durability of glass when it comes to straight shipping
last edited at Oct 20, 2023 3:19PM
How can you possibly go through life being that stupid, man?
this image kinda goes hard ngl
Healthy appetite
what are you doing step sis?
Easy access for the win
They already fucked so the age doesnt matter anymore
Sneak peek
I remember when this happened in the show... oh wait
At least the comics were the same quality as the show ... oh wait
Shop till you drop
Glasses nice
"I'm gonna rape her tonight." Reimu probably
Hello darkness my old friend...
Prospera, gunfighting El5n: "I'm a little busy at the moment!"
last edited at Oct 20, 2023 9:38PM
last edited at Oct 20, 2023 9:39PM
Alternate reality Bocchi, where instead of being socially anxious, she became perverted and shameless
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