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joined Jun 19, 2013

This one sucks

Fetishizing (Futa instead of trans)

Other stuff I think you have a good point, but as an AFAB butch with bottom dysphoria I usually feel extremely distanced by how transwomen treat their penises, even if they're not dysphoric about them. I vastly prefer futa/omegaverse because it often mirrors how I feel about it more closely.

joined Apr 10, 2021

Also in general fetishes are a thing people have and are not wrong unless you do wrong with them in the real world.

joined May 12, 2021

I mean this in the most positive way, but I immediately thought "this looks like the artist draws bl". I can only describe it as Suletta and Miorine not being exactly masculine but still being hot in the way that a bl artist would draw a pretty guy with piercings, y'know? Especially the detail on the teeth and the emphasis on the canines

It was just a really funny process of realization when it was revealed that Suletta had a dick and I thought "yeah, that makes sense" then the author said they draw omegaverse and it was the least surprising thing they could have said lol

joined Jul 26, 2013

Thank you for the translation!! This was so hot

joined Oct 20, 2017

I mean this in the most positive way, but I immediately thought "this looks like the artist draws bl". I can only describe it as Suletta and Miorine not being exactly masculine but still being hot in the way that a bl artist would draw a pretty guy with piercings, y'know? Especially the detail on the teeth and the emphasis on the canines

It was just a really funny process of realization when it was revealed that Suletta had a dick and I thought "yeah, that makes sense" then the author said they draw omegaverse and it was the least surprising thing they could have said lol

Their Pixiv goes back almost ten years, and there is very little BL to be found. There is one very old 18+ piece that might be BL, but it has a completely different vibe to their SuleMio stuff, including this one. They have posted more Yuri ftnr, and the omegaverse one is also Yuri (MayaKuro).

So the simple answer is that Momo just likes drawing handsome girls and canines.

This one sucks

Fetishizing (Futa instead of trans)

The characters are minors (At least age them up if you're gonna make porn, they're canonically minors at that point)

I mean... if you saw the cover page and the tags, and you still read further, that's on you.

last edited at Jul 19, 2023 7:28AM

joined May 5, 2022

Zhuotian is my favorite digital artist ever and I am dying on this hill. Literally overjoyed to see her content, can’t believe I missed this — that being said if she wants it removed, I totally respect that too, all her sketches on pixiv make me just as happy.

Loved this and I love this artist <3

(Also this whole emphasis on it having to be “proper” in terms of age and in terms of foreplay — what do y’all think a first time is gonna be like, especially between stupid horny teens? They’re gonna be awkward about it, they’re gonna forego a lot of logic just to ride out the impulse. This conveyed that cute and clumsy sort of atmosphere and I like it a lot.)

joined Dec 28, 2017

That was super in character and great buildup and beautiful faces and kissing (!!) but godDAMN fucking EYEROLL at the bleeding. It wouldn't be such fucking annoying choice if not for cultural baggage but JFC.

(Also what is it with the trend of drawing Suletta so out of proportionally longk. Thought the first pages got it right then it goes right off the deep end... Why is this in so much art....)

machigai kouhai Uploader
NHFH Scanlations
joined Sep 10, 2014

Sorry to be a killjoy and ruin everyone's fun, but MOMO (the author) doesn't want her works to be uploaded for free without her permission, especially as this doujin in particular is available to buy online, so it's not like in other cases where doujins are out of print or impossible to read without a scanlation otherwise. MOMO is aware of this website and would like to request a takedown but she doesn't have an account here because of the language barrier. Is there a way she can contact the mods directly?

I obviously appreciate Dynasty's content and I respect the userbase's hard work, but as fans I think it's important to understand and respect the artist's wishes too.

It's probably good to respect the artist's wishes. I saw that someone linked CXC above and CXC will take foreign credit cards.

I strongly recommend everyone who's enjoyed this try and support MOMO the artist.

I, myself am subscribed to her on CXC. It's as easy as having a Patreon.

joined Dec 13, 2019

Momo just likes drawing handsome girls and canines.

And she's damn right for that!

last edited at Jul 21, 2023 2:53PM

joined Feb 27, 2019

Does this mean that this work will soon become unavailable on Dynasty?

also, i came in here just to say, i know there's a bit of focus on the sex part, but page 9 really does it for me. especially the bottom left panel

last edited at Jul 22, 2023 8:28AM

joined Jul 15, 2020

for the record, Suletta's canines are something a decent amount of artists have included thanks to a single frame of episode 23 where her fangs are prominent
i support that bc feral women yk?

joined Mar 9, 2014

fascinated by the artist's rendition of Miorine's absurd hair in this doujin in particular, like the geometry of it, the way layers elegantly balance each other, the subtle gradient of the shadow...

also loved the image of Miorine being super embarrassed after dropping all of her emotional and physical barriers in the throes of passion, they both sound like things she would do in that order. Well, not as much as I loved the hair.

last edited at Jul 24, 2023 11:13AM

joined Aug 22, 2014

for the record, Suletta's canines are something a decent amount of artists have included thanks to a single frame of episode 23 where her fangs are prominent
i support that bc feral women yk?

Suletta having big teeth in fanart was a thing well before S2 started airing, and this comic in particular was drawn before episode 23 aired. I'm not sure why, but it's just been a thing for a while.

joined Sep 15, 2019

I would rather see a little strap on action myself, but to each their own I guess!

I second that!

joined Feb 11, 2022


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