Forum › Kirei na kanojo no aishi kata discussion

joined Nov 15, 2011

Surprisingly... cute

The enjoyment of being the dominant one XD

joined Oct 15, 2013

Reversals are so great :D

joined Nov 19, 2014

I find Nanako kind of creepy, like she's right on the edge of becoming a full-fledged psycho. Maybe that's because I dated a girl just like her and she ended up being .. a full-fledged psycho. X( shudder I like the art, though!

joined Jan 8, 2014

Passionate... ^_^ and the kissing was drawn well!

joined Jul 28, 2014

A touch of bondage

joined Dec 30, 2014

I liked the kissing. I always enjoy kissing.

joined Aug 24, 2014

It was just porn was surprisingly cute

joined Jul 3, 2014

If you enjoy Amanagi Seiji's stuff, SMDC has a new one up on their site.

joined Jun 6, 2014

It was just porn was surprisingly cute

I dunno. I don't call it porn if its vanilla. Porn has the connotations of degradation of figures involved and indecent imagery purely for sexual arousal.

But I respect that if it isn't your definition that's fine...I just personally don't find anything that's a legitimate story to be "just porn".

joined Jul 12, 2012

Totally can relate ;)

joined Apr 14, 2013

heh someone has quite the sex drive

joined Apr 14, 2014

well drawn, i love it.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Meh... the reversal was nicely done, but there's too much service. The point could have been driven home with half as much sex : there's as much enjoyment in pleasing your lover than in being pleased.. That's relationship 101.

joined Jan 27, 2015

Meh... the reversal was nicely done, but there's too much service. The point could have been driven home with half as much sex : there's as much enjoyment in pleasing your lover than in being pleased.. That's relationship 101.

Well, it IS Amanagi Seiji. Lots of sex is what he does, all that relationship stuff is just extra haha

last edited at Apr 22, 2015 10:27AM

joined Dec 27, 2015
joined Feb 9, 2019

Poor Nanako. Karin will break her and then Nanako won't be that diligent anymore. I wish Nanako the best of luck.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Ah... I guess this is what tumblr user iwannalickyoueverywhere meant when she posted this:

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