Underrated anime tbh
Wait, El, that's- Hubert, I know you know. Maybe he'll tease Her Majesty during work.
I haven't seen these two since forever.
I’m the girl that would say poggers, is this why I’m single?
Arezu was my favorite. Super cute design, and I liked the way she sat outside the barber shop.
very large size gap
The wing looks so fluffy
Adorable <3
oh, that's a very nice image. The reflection part is great.
I want to sleep on someone like this
^this artist has a bunch of that
More gay crocs plz
Author’s comment: Dragon overflowing with love
The background of this one, please?
Yeah... I can see why she would go gay for Gavial.
I see this as post-story and they're still in a Futaribeya situation, at least.
Christians like to joke that Covid can't stop God... the actual truth is, it cannot stop a Riko in the mood.
Nice idea but the reflection is all wrong- Madoka's left hand would NOT be on her right in the reflection.
^ What I got from that is that horny Riko is god
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