anything can be yurified, and i love that
hopefully season 3 comes this year!! ><
Also Yuuko's ribbon needs to be bigger.
can we get vi's reaction tho lol
mmmmm, I like cookies.
Is it really a fanfic if Gura wrote it?
ahh, the classic yuri couple.
^hi, I'm from 2022
Kronii is looking good with her other self.
Tiger Queen
it's been awhile
Oh nice
Oh, haven't seen Randou squishiness in a while
Sauron, obviously, likes to watch ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
One does not simply yuri into Mordor
"Even the crabs were leering."
very good imo
^ Probably gay panic/meltdown.
Fubuki dreaming of shiny Pokemon
Centurii-chan continuing to make me gay for things I never thought I could be gay about
^^There was a news story last week about a guy who reached into a tiger enclosure at a zoo to try to pet it. Suffice it to say that he lost his arm.
Putting that aside, I love seeing these two.
Sweet FubuMio.
Of course hobbits are perfect for height gap scenarios.
Also, what the fuck?
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