^My guess'd be lizard because she's just a humanoid lizard, kinda like an argonian.
This art style pleases me.
good for them good for them
Marine getting the best of both worlds here I see.
^ Ship name “Yuyuyu”
^ second comment you could say blonde girl is serving cunt
Ayaka so precious
"Two can play that game."
^seconded. not one of my prime ships but it's still good.
^No we reserve it for Amber specifically
Dore-mon: she pull that pillow out of a pocket (dimension) or something
Cute nose boop <3
I firmly believe in utena x kiwi supremacy, but this is nice too. :>
Hehehe, I look forward to seeing more interactions between these two in the future chapters. They're both absolute dorks and I love it.
That is indeed a very cute nose boop
Also aren't they sisters?
Ah yes KokoSara Height gap. Very nice indeed.
Height gap
So cute
Grossly looking at each other's eyes
Diana can't help but assert her dominance over Akko's weak peck.
Together in death... Sadge
A dragon's kiss makes the pain go away
Crossick is into rough stuff
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