^^^^^shhshh let we enjoy this wholesome pic
lol cute
Feral Renko.
Mostima: "feelings can't catch me if I keep running".
Lol- I dont think Adora is THAT bad though :)
Very nice :) Its kinda wierd ive never seen a single doujin where ALL 3 of them hook up!
Those talismans go under her clothes and bra even :) Reimu marking whats hers?
@Reirin I agree :) Only other pairing I love in the show is Kay and Darjeeling.
Gods, from first panels I had a thought that someone died there
Some nice smut for an overall wholesome ship
^^^ This is why we get a lot of Ganqing angst Immortal AU fanfics that just gives you physical pain from reading
Hakuno in the moon cell: Rin where the hell are you ya made me a promise
Like can we not drag this puerile inability cum unwillingness to accept loss as a normal fact of life into every damn thing.
Just realized that mostima wears two different colored gloves
Sana debuted what, 2 weeks ago? 3? And since day 1 shes become The Feet Vtuber. I’m sure someone’s happy.
I didn't like the reboot
^tru dat, matches her staves I guess. I don't really notice because I have her permanently on that swag Epoque skin...
Big ol' tonhongerakoogers
So cute ❤️
^ I literally thought this was official until you mentioned that. (o_o;)
oooooh so nice to see this webtoon receiving some love from fans <3
Glad I'm not the only one who ships this. Though, it's mostly because their dynamic reminds me of Eula x Amber lol
The gap moe is too stronk
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