Forum › Invension Queen Alice discussion

joined Apr 14, 2021

Not yuri and yuri, hmmmm..

joined Aug 17, 2021

What the fuck am I reading?!

joined Aug 21, 2020

At first, I didn't understand the tags. But after the very first page, I understood.

joined Oct 7, 2017

I was really hoping the last page would be something along the lines of "it's finally complete... the invitation for the actual real marisa to come to my house!" and then she does

joined May 24, 2014

It's FINALLY complete!

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

Yuri Crush

That was the most bizarre thing i've ever read here

Yuri Newbie Fan
joined May 16, 2021

That was quite obsessive. Wonder where is the real human Marissa. Lol!

Not yuri, this is a tag, how weird

I just like the art style

joined Jan 26, 2021

Please.... Stop it....

joined Jan 17, 2017

I guess that's the downside of outliving your lover huh

joined Mar 8, 2016

Title is misspelled: "invention"

Having the "yuri" and "not yuri" tags on the same work seems like matter and antimatter colliding... or maybe like running a humidifier and dehumidifier at the same time?

joined Feb 20, 2019

twist story: Marisa died and Alice pretends that she is still alive.

joined Feb 8, 2013

this is so funny. I just love Alice)))

joined Jan 3, 2022

Not... Yuri?

joined Apr 5, 2023

It's finally complete...

joined May 15, 2024

The tag already given a headache.

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