teasing birb
This is hella cute lol
Reimu has some real "Ara Ara" energy here
We getting all the Ws
she waited all this time how cute
I need a whole new beginning for them being cub travelers together, without the thing of saying "cub" every single moment :)
i'm more a Narita Brian x Hishi Amazon enjoyer...but this looks nice <3
^Si fuera asi, serian unas "crocs" y no una chancla xD
Negom never disappoints
I'm not complaining, for the record. It's just I've requested some pics which I think weren't approved because they were tankobon art. lol
^Your comment reminded me of that one scene from Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou
Yeah it looks like them
I think it's less a Thing that happened or anything and more just an artist or two with Preferences who are getting more air
The best yuri couple of all time ~
What's with the dragon costume gag? I've seen many artists draw it.
^Akane likes kaijus. Part of the conflict is that she likes them more than she likes people. Also, at one point she turns into a kaiju.
I’d be a tad worried too if I were the Good Hunter here…
Always love to see these two!
last edited at Aug 10, 2021 3:42AM
But she's giving the ring to multiple girls?
Damn, I miss these two!
I remember reading some CN yuri novel with maybe the same person like this before.
Geb's Hinoka finally managed to top!
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