[I apologise in advance to the mods and everyone who's not interested for being off topic here]
@Snapdragon beans and @Mai Kitty: Well, it's not often that I get to hear directly from someone with that opinion, so I hope you don't mind enlightening me about how did you develope such opinion?
What I don't get is why is it considered 'got undone'/'retconned' when KyoAni followed through with the obligation to adapt the important plot points (which was a little rare for them, admittedly) that was already in the books before S1 aired (in particular here, the debacle with Reina's crush on Taki which was used to display some sort of character developement of Reina, and the het romance with Shoe Itchy which was mostly shelved until it's really needed i.e. in Chikai no Finale), and exercised their artistic liberty where they could by putting more emphasis and details on certain things that were already there (the confessions of love between Kumiko and Reina are the most notable), and made up some smaller details that aren't in too stark conflict with the important plot points (e.g. last scene of S2 with Kumiko and Asuka)? Just what do people mean when people say 'it gets undone'? While relationship status is more constrained by social norms, isn't it totally feasible for one person to harbour feelings for multiple people at once? Polyamory and bisexuality are also real, aren't they? Kumiko and Reina didn't form a formal relationship, but they still stuck together and held each other to special place in their lives. And not everything needs to be stated explicitly, do they?