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Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

Finally managed to do risk 18. It's the first time I've been able to do it on Week 1, so I'm pretty happy about that. Rosa turned out to be surprisingly great here.

joined May 28, 2016

Well the one good thing about this is that all dalies are available all of the time during CC events. I might use the time to gather up some chips for my operators. On an unrelated note, today I E2'd Perfumer and got her skill level to 7. :)

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Wow. Doing risk 8 daily relatively easily without checking any guides felt really good. Having properly lvl'd operators makes so much difference xD I'll try seeing if I can do max risk tomorrow. For perma map cleared all contracts and challenges and seems like risk 14 is my limit for now. Not bad for first day I'd say.

last edited at Feb 5, 2021 1:11AM

joined Apr 30, 2020

So I realized I was being very stupid having to spend hours on my risk 18 clear. I just did another clear with the ballista contract this time and I had an easier time. All because I did not choose the HP buff contract for both my risk 18 clears. I had spent hours of attempts with that contract and when I finally dropped it, spent more time getting used to Faust's shots timing. All unnecessary since taking the ballista contract and no HP buff was much easier. Didn't even need to pay attention to Faust. Just spam skills. Lesson learned: don't take the HP buff contract.

joined May 10, 2014

Spent the entire day farming chips, so no perma map yet.

Blew my (in-game) bank account and got 2 6* bags back to back!.... Hellagur! And Saria...again... rip.
Maxed out some more 4*s
I really wanted Mostima/Blaze on that second bag (╥﹏╥)

My Utage is already almost fully pimped out, kinda hard to justify all the mats I fed Hellagur lol

Sakura Cartelet
joined May 28, 2016

I can't even clear risk 0 with no contracts apply. Faust just ganks my characters while the enemies swoop in. Have only 2 LP and NO support contracts doesn't help it much either.

joined Jul 26, 2020

The strategy to deal with Faust's attacks is to have your defender be the last person deployed so they can tank all his shots. If the crit shot is giving you trouble then bring Gravel 2nd skill and just match the timing so she can tank the shot. Pretty sure a decently leveled defender is enough though if you don't take any Faust tags.

joined Jul 26, 2016

"Enemy nuke inbound, RamirezGravel! Take one for the team!"

joined Jul 26, 2020

ALSO SPOILERS FOR NEW CN EVENT: Kroos grew up!!! AND she looks super hot wtf... 5 star Kroos when?

Tbh I think it's funnier how she still hasn't opened her eyes LOL. Kroos grown up = 5 stars, Kroos with eyes open = 6 stars probably.

last edited at Feb 5, 2021 12:41PM

joined Jul 26, 2020

Cleared the daily's max risk... roast them till they die is a surprisingly viable strat in a lot of situations huh!

joined Aug 13, 2019

ngl when I rolled W I thought she'd just be another glorified trophy like Nian, but she actually came pretty clutch this risk 18. I had her solo the bottom entrance and her 0 mastery s2 was able to take out all the casters and chip the avengers enough for my main dps to take them out even with the 60% hp risk. The claymores do some pretty nice damage for that cooldown. Overall the easiest risk 18 for me. Thought it was gonna take some time during my first couple runs but you quickly learn that the ballista risk is a hella lot easier than the other 3rd tier risks.

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

ALSO SPOILERS FOR NEW CN EVENT: Kroos grew up!!! AND she looks super hot wtf... 5 star Kroos when?

Tbh I think it's funnier how she still hasn't opened her eyes LOL. Kroos grown up = 5 stars, Kroos with eyes open = 6 stars probably.

God, between Gavial's harem, Ceobe getting high, Nearl's hot family, the future badass characters (assuming this isn't actually just another movie), and more, the CN events can't come fast enough.

Also, I managed to get to risk 20! I ended up changing my strategy completely, mostly by changing to the ballista Faust risk instead of the super shot one. It's definitely a lot less stressful than having to remember to redeploy Gravel every 15 seconds or so. I probably won't be able to go higher than this until next week though.

Lewd tail holding (and double lewd tail holding)
Skadi joins in, gets into a love triangle with Red and breaks Glaucus' heart

joined May 28, 2016

@塞雷娅 Does she still say Ko ko Dayo or not?

joined Jul 26, 2020

@塞雷娅 Does she still say Ko ko Dayo or not?

Probably but I can't read Chinese so don't take my word for it.

On another note, the max risk for today was pretty easy. Ange + Exusiai duo'ed the possessed dudes easily as long as you time their skills right. Only having 1 box to use wasn't even a problem and it was basically a free 3 risk tag lol.

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

Managed to today's daily max risk and risk 21 on the permanent map! I ended up just taking the risk 3 super Faust one instead of the risk 3 ballistas; as annoying/stressful as the timing with Gravel is, those ballistas just hurt way too much. Thank you myrrhmidon for your M3 max level Ceobe.

Here's two slightly lewd Warfarin x Skadi pics

Sakura Cartelet
joined May 28, 2016

Oh that picture with Skadi and Warfarin. I remember seeing that a while a ago.

joined Apr 30, 2020

Managed to today's daily max risk and risk 21 on the permanent map! I ended up just taking the risk 3 super Faust one instead of the risk 3 ballistas; as annoying/stressful as the timing with Gravel is, those ballistas just hurt way too much. Thank you myrrhmidon for your M3 max level Ceobe.

Ah so one of these was you XD. Congrats! I could only do risk 20. Felt like I needed more masteries at that point so that's probably the highest I can do for now.

Here's some casual Amiya and Rosmontis, NSFW Texas x Exusia in the morning, Nian x Dusk sisterly bonding, and speaking of sisters: precious childhood memories. Also Viod known for drawing my favorite ship has also gotten into Nian x Dusk. Seems they like shipping dragons and sisters.

joined May 10, 2014

Risk 21? Nice job!

I definitely could've maxed yesterday's map if I tried it again, but I got...uh...busy...

Only having 1 box to use wasn't even a problem and it was basically a free 3 risk tag lol.

True. Yesterday's risks were really easy, especially being an old map.

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

I can't be bothered to work out the timing with Exusiai's S3 for today's daily, so I'm just settling with getting risk 10.

Also, here's an unexpectedly hilarious easter egg. If you look at the Anniversary 10-pull ticket, there's a message in braille written on the left side:

The translation? "It's fucking limited!!"
If you don't believe me, check for yourself at (it's under "English (U.S.) 1)

joined Jul 26, 2020

Rip, my units weren't leveled enough to do today's max risk, but I did manage risk 12. Just didn't have enough attack to kill everything =_=

Also lol yeah I saw the translation for that. I really like the little easter eggs the devs put into Arknights. Like the FBI OPEN UP line Vigna used and Emperor's entire existence lol

joined Jun 29, 2015

After so much pain, suffering, and close calls, and multiple consulting videos of KyostinV and Oripathy Vaccine, I finally made risk 18. Man that was hell.

joined May 10, 2014

I did risk 9 yesterday. W made it free, definitely could've gone higher but not sure if max risk.

Today we got a fun one. Let's see if I can tryhard.

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Finally managed to do risk 18 yesterday and today pulled off risk 21. Had just to tweak my strategy slightly. I'm currently working on making risk 22 work, but even if I managed to do that anything higher is impossible with my current lvls/masteries or without completely reinventing my strategy again.

Honestly, I don't really like Faust's gimmick. You have to pretty much deploy everyone before he shows up, making beginning really tight and once he starts shooting, there's no changing anything. If anything goes wrong, there's no salvaging it and you can just quit. It limits your strategies a lot. I know you can try redeploy your operators later and juggle his shots, but it's incredibly hard to do, so I just made 1 setup and killed him at the beginning, where all my dmg dealers were. Also I feel lied to. I was told Liskarm is great on this map cos brawlers, but that's only if you do a very specific setup with her that's honestly way more hassle than it's worth it.

For first daily I only tried to do risk 14 few times, meant to try more later, but didn't really find time and spend most of it on perma map, so I only did risk 8. Second managed to do risk 14. Previously I actually used a lot of boxes, but turns out getting rid of them is really easy. Yesterday was pain. Did risk 8, could probably pull off 11-12, if I kept bashing my head against it, but meh, my operators just weren't high lvl enough to dps it. Didn't try today's yet.

last edited at Feb 8, 2021 7:16PM

joined Jul 26, 2020

Well today's max risk was hard to pull off. I had to micromanage deployment time, deployment order, and skill timing. Basically you have to deploy a defender last to tank the sniper guys and the stun snipers are equally a pain. There's very little wiggle room if you make a mistake, but hey, at least I did it!

Also one thing I really like with Arknights is how there's minimal power creep and the operators we have from the very beginning are still viable and in fact still in the top of their roles. Examples being Ange, Eyja, Silverash, Saria, etc.

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Risk 12 for daily is as far as I can go. I could managed 50% health or 60% def less, but not both at the same time. Well not with strat I was using anyway. Since there were no Crownslayer risks, I just used Weedy to keep pushing her into Liskarm's... puts on the shades arms and charging Eyja's volcano. Worked surprisingly well. Didn't even need to detonate generators. I technically could let 2 enemies leak, but I made sure to win with perfect score.

塞雷娅 posted:

Also one thing I really like with Arknights is how there's minimal power creep and the operators we have from the very beginning are still viable and in fact still in the top of their roles. Examples being Ange, Eyja, Silverash, Saria, etc.

True. I also like that they're sticking to their apparent promise to not make limited operators broken and must have, on top of having very little limited operators to begin with.

last edited at Feb 8, 2021 10:43PM

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