Unexpected topping
Crossick is life
Well, there are probably worse positions to get caught in.
Lol at those hand puppets
Ah I love this
Nope, everyone knows October 11th is national sausage day, enjoy one with the one you love(?)
Oh to have a boob neck pillow while you listen to music, Rikka sure is a lucky gal.
I'm getting more and more into this ship
that's how wolves kiss
Damn the art THE ART
sleepover< sukoya cutted her nails< know it
last edited at Oct 23, 2020 10:14PM
^ very interesting
Sorryforbeingstupid, but what's a TL? ^
last edited at Oct 23, 2020 10:34PM
Emphasis on 'Yet'
alright this is just adorable
^ Her friend is Alice, and Alice's girlfriend is Yuuka.
"We" includes the girl being cheated on lol
last edited at Oct 23, 2020 10:42PM
"Shirou stole my Bae-ber, so I'm gonna steal Sakura's big toddy Gorgon gf." "This is why wars begin, Rin!"
@Chai Translation :)
last edited at Oct 23, 2020 11:28PM
This is a situation that calls for the Cheating Detective Satori.
Pas is a blessing. ♥
"Whatcha listening to?" "The Pillows."
"We can't reach the moon right now. Would you mind having an immortal smoke?"
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