Heck, I didn't even come out till my mid-30s and I didn't learn about what demi was till about two years later, and I'm 41 now...
Given that I'm 29 now, it seems that we learnt what "demi" is roughly at the same time. lol I guess it's due to the fact that the term has been gaining more popularity in recent years.
Well, I learned at around 38, lol....
What's amusing to me is that several of my friends have now begun to identify as demi after learning what it means.
That's interesting. Do they feel happier with who they are now?
If I were to discuss labels more often, I think I would be able to open the eyes of some of my friends as well.
I don't know that they feel happier as much as just being glad they now have a label for their "quirks". Being able to just tell people "I'm demisexual, Google it" after years of just trying to explain in piecemeal terms is nice, lol.