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joined May 28, 2016

Jessica's pretty good too. I spent some XP to get her to level 10, Amiya 8, and Siege 7 and a few others.

joined Jun 27, 2017

Jessica's skill is great. Love her.

Perfumer is great for those maps where you get some sort of constant-damage effect. Whether it's burn or just generally a map effect or whatever.

joined May 10, 2014

Ko ko dayo is waaaaaaaay better than Jessica btw. Siege is a great starter, have fun~

joined Jul 26, 2020

You should level your 3 stars, they're low investment and useful all the time. Some particularly useful 3 stars you should level regardless of any other units you have: Melantha, Kroos, and Steward.

You should also get Siege to E1 asap for her 2nd skill.

last edited at Sep 5, 2020 2:03PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Siege can basically render obsolete most of the "kill type" Vanguards, esp. once she reaches E2 :c

joined May 28, 2016

Just tried resource search level 2 and it seems impossible. I get swarmed by shield enemies. By deployment points don't regenerate fast enough to deploy any casters. I leveled some of my favorites up to level 20 but even that isn't helping.

Also how do you "interact" with operators in the base? Tapping on them doesn't seem to count as "interacting".

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

Just tried resource search level 2 and it seems impossible. I get swarmed by shield enemies. By deployment points don't regenerate fast enough to deploy any casters.

Your units are pretty low level right now, so leveling will help but you'll also have to figure out a strategy based on the units you have. There are some melee units that do arts damage for example, like Mousse, or you might need more vanguards to deploy casters, etc. Not every stage can be beaten immediately, it'll take time.

Also how do you "interact" with operators in the base? Tapping on them doesn't seem to count as "interacting".

There's no way to interact with operators in the base. Only way to interact with them is tapping them on the homescreen.

Will fourth Siege being a great starting unit.

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

Just tried resource search level 2 and it seems impossible. I get swarmed by shield enemies. By deployment points don't regenerate fast enough to deploy any casters. I leveled some of my favorites up to level 20 but even that isn't helping.

In addition to what riverFlower said, there's also a "Recommmend Operator Lv." thing for each level. Resource Search 2 has it at level 30, so you may need to just level your operators a bit more.

Also how do you "interact" with operators in the base? Tapping on them doesn't seem to count as "interacting".

I think this is referring to how once a day (or twice a day for those assigned as Base Assistants in the Control Center) you can tap all the operators assigned to the base to increase the Trust levels. It's pretty obvious when that happens; there's a symbol over all of their heads saying it's available.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Upgrading skills doesn't hurt either. Anyway here's a basic strat guide by Mr. Haha Low Stars Go Brrrrr, KyoStinV who alongside Eckogen is someone to pay attention to.

In practice unless you're going out of your way to hear particular Operators' interaction voicelines you'll likely be cashing in everyone's daily trust doses via the base master/notifications menu on the upper right.

last edited at Sep 5, 2020 4:07PM

joined Jul 26, 2020

Siege can basically render obsolete most of the "kill type" Vanguards, esp. once she reaches E2 :c

Bagpipe coming soon to finally make dp-on-kill vanguards relevant again :D

joined Jul 26, 2016

Siege can basically render obsolete most of the "kill type" Vanguards, esp. once she reaches E2 :c

Bagpipe coming soon to finally make dp-on-kill vanguards relevant again :D

Hence the "most" caveat. :P

also pre-emptively crying cuz Baggy won't come home anyway :c

last edited at Sep 5, 2020 4:34PM

joined May 28, 2016

I don't need a bagpipe since I've already got a flute, trumpet, and piano.

Jokes aside does this game work with Android 10 or not?

last edited at Sep 5, 2020 6:43PM

joined Jul 26, 2020

I don't need a bagpipe since I've already got a flute, trumpet, and piano.

Jokes aside does this game work with Android 10 or not?

That's what I'm running it on so yep.

joined May 28, 2016

This game seems a lot harder than FGO where you can just pick overpowered support units like Merlin, Skadi, or Waver in NA and curb stomp your enemies. Learning each operators strengths and weaknesses is taking me some time as well although I am losing/retreating much less now since I seem to have "solved" some of the early stages.

joined Jul 26, 2016

^As Ecko and Kyo like to demonstrate you can clear the overwhelming majority of content pretty much solely on 3☆ lowbies with sound tactics. (Below that might get tricky but even the 2☆s have their occasional uses.) This game's commendably F2P friendly like that.

joined May 28, 2016

They really need to work on the game's translation though. In the support list it says "Unlocked when reception" which is not a complete sentence. It should say "Unlocked when reception room is level...". Speaking of that how do I get friend supports in this game?

joined Jul 26, 2016

Speaking of that how do I get friend supports in this game?

The additional Op slot in the upper right of the stage's squad creation screen. Shows candidates from both your friendlist and the usual few rando nonfriend picks.

joined May 28, 2016

I think this is my Friend name: Altina#0527. My assistant right now is Jessica.

@Rye I sent you a friend request.

last edited at Sep 6, 2020 1:21PM

joined Apr 30, 2020

I think this is my Friend name: Altina#0527. My assistant right now is Jessica.

@Rye I sent you a friend request.

Added you.

joined Jul 26, 2020

I think this is my Friend name: Altina#0527. My assistant right now is Jessica.

@Rye I sent you a friend request.

Added you. My ID is Juno#15473

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

I think this is my Friend name: Altina#0527. My assistant right now is Jessica.

I added you yesterday; I'm Esouil5#3191

By the way, it looks like the skins for Zima, Gavial and Hoshiguma are coming up soon. I sadly only have enough Originium to get one, though...
Unsurprisingly, the KFC collab skins seem to have been skipped.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Nemo#8231 here, just did some inactive purging on my friendlist (grace period ~1 month) so there's space again owo

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

Hablorn#8328 here.

joined May 28, 2016

Just did 1-4. While I can beat the stage with friend supports I couldn't 3 star it. The difficulty level in this game is much harder than most other mobile games I've played. If this is how hard it is in just level 1 I don't want to even think about how hard later levels will be.

joined Apr 30, 2020

Just did 1-4. While I can beat the stage with friend supports I couldn't 3 star it. The difficulty level in this game is much harder than most other mobile games I've played. If this is how hard it is in just level 1 I don't want to even think about how hard later levels will be.

I think you might be underleveled. There is also nothing wrong with looking up guides as others have already mentioned and linked respective youtube channels. Every stage has a fixed pattern so it's just about placement of operators and timing of skills. Goodluck.

Speaking of hard stages, the next CC and Bagpipe banner will be on the 10th already with the daily reset. At least that's what it said on JP Twitter. I am just assuming it will be the same for EN. Goodluck to us all.

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