If you get someone to B-support you only need to raise their skill to D. That's one of the things that makes getting Ferdie, Caspar, and kinda Leonie such a pain; their B-supports are locked almost until the point of no return.
Leonie support is not locked before TS, you get like 2 months(?) to recruit her. Ferdinand von Aegir and Caspar ARE TS locked and you need to grind stats/weapon lvls. I'd argue Felix is more annoying because I'm usually training lance/axe not swords.
Ingrid's kinda garbage
Woah there! Insult my 1st run carry like that again and I'm turning into Dimitri. Ingrid is awesome. Cyril is the only garbo and even he's not that bad
Sonya then discovered the ultimate killing technique, "Being Gay af". Together, Sonya and Yasuna caused millions of people to:
A) Go "Awwww so cute"
B) Barf rainbows
C) Be really offended because of the 'display of Anti Christ sentiments', developing an aneurysm and subsequently died of a heart attack from high BP