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joined Dec 9, 2014

No I didn't remember that. Guess cause the story was so focused on her issues, or the fact that she didn't show the session with her therapist and just mentioned it?
Anyway, it's hard to criticize her progress because we're talking about a real person here.

joined Jul 14, 2019

i was cryring and shjiking the whole time reading this but im glad i ended up reading it, it really helped me think abt things yknow.

joined Oct 2, 2019

This autobiographical really slapped my face huh
This made me really reconsider everything i did in my life to this point
It's time to face the "the me trying to please my parents"

joined Apr 20, 2013

again posted:

This autobiographical really slapped my face huh
This made me really reconsider everything i did in my life to this point
It's time to face the "the me trying to please my parents"

This is the kind of manga that would make me say things like:

"It's really amazing, I cried and laughed and it was ugly and beautiful ... I recommend it 100%.......But I would never read it again!" lo/ I'm very serious, I'm honestly very weak and I wasn't prepared for this when I read it, and I know there's a "sequel" out there and it's probably more cheerful, yet I'm not in the mood for something like this, and I don't know if I ever will.

But definitely, please read it, everyone!

joined Mar 5, 2019

again posted:

This autobiographical really slapped my face huh
This made me really reconsider everything i did in my life to this point
It's time to face the "the me trying to please my parents"

This is the kind of manga that would make me say things like:

"It's really amazing, I cried and laughed and it was ugly and beautiful ... I recommend it 100%.......But I would never read it again!" lo/ I'm very serious, I'm honestly very weak and I wasn't prepared for this when I read it, and I know there's a "sequel" out there and it's probably more cheerful, yet I'm not in the mood for something like this, and I don't know if I ever will.

But definitely, please read it, everyone!

I would read the sequel, but yeah, I also get never picking it up again.

joined Sep 13, 2018

1million yens ? paying up a scort slut 35k ?
gee i hope i could be a depressed mess in a 1st world country. My fears come when i think the next week my boss could fire me because the company need to survive the economy dying out.

I know its sad and all but i cant just not think about being "1st world problems".
I think depression is a weird circle where you feel bad then dont want to do X thing , then since you slacked you feel even more bad , you start to care less about your own body (showers , healty food,etc) and this ends up in even more sadness.

i have schizophrenia and in the 1st two years of the treatment i feeled this , since the pills would let me move so much i stopped doing excercise and started to feel down ,after that it pulled more bad things after the other.
Just when i started to do excercise again and eating healty i started to feel less sad.

heard cats and rabbit had the same problem , if rabbits are left alone they die of sadness and if cats stop cleaning themselves for too long they get depressed and dont want to move or eat.

joined Oct 10, 2016


joined Jan 11, 2019

I don't know...

Yeah, parents expectations fucking suck, especially when you make their expectations and the possible praise you'll get, the basis of your selfworth/dictate who you are, learned that the hard way, as well, is all I gotta say. This was an interesting read, really tied into my current thoughts as of late.
I hope she's still doing okay/trying.

last edited at Jul 10, 2020 9:03AM by

joined May 25, 2014

Raising kids is hard, especially as they get older. By the time you have young adult children, you've live your life independently for a few decades and have found what works for that, and you want to give that to your children. But everyone has to do that for themselves, you can't give them a short-cut by just coercing them into making choices that would've made sense for you when you were their age. You just have to teach them to value themselves, and assuming they're sensitive and smart, they can figure out how to protect and care for themselves then.

joined Apr 26, 2020

Wow this was a really good story. A really detailed first hand experience of depression and growing up as an adult. Also pretty funny to read.

joined May 23, 2020

I really loved the the first one, but the sequel is actually really good too. Does enyone know where I can read vol 2 online of "my solo exchange diary"?
@Refrain7790 on insta and twitter

last edited at Oct 9, 2020 2:46PM

joined Mar 29, 2021

I know a girl who's exactly like this but fills the hole in her soul with v-tubers. i don't know who's worse.

joined Mar 24, 2020

I remember reading this when i was 16 and going “hope i dont end up like this”. Now i’m 21 and relate more than ever ;-;

joined Sep 22, 2021

Damn this manga really made me think and spoke to me about things i do that are bad for me and gave me hope that one day i will be a better person, i saw that there is a sequel but tbh my mental health is rn not the best so i prefer not reading it rn, saw its very good too so please read it if u can, and lets support the author buying her work

joined Nov 6, 2020

I remember reading this when i was 16 and going “hope i dont end up like this”. Now i’m 21 and relate more than ever ;-;


joined Sep 7, 2021

This is autobiographical. Author was writing about themselves but so much of it hit home on such a personal level, it felt like she could have been writing about me. I wish that I could have the coming of age that they did. I am really glad I read this and I hope that author Nagata Kabi is doing well, they really deserve it. I know this isn't easy.

joined May 20, 2024

This whole book really connected with me so surprisingly deeply. I think it’s really important and special to me and i’m glad that it exists.

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