Looking at this for the 3rd time... Is Tsugumi drunk?
too bad I'm single af :')
You'll find someone for you soon. I'm cheering for you to find them as soon as possible
No, clearly she is suffering from an acute case of heart-eye-tis. The only known cure is lots of smoochin'.
^ The Child of Miare reincarnates every 120 to 180 years. The only way Kosuzu and Akyuu would meet again is if Kosuzu turns into a youkai, and we know what happens to those people when Reimu's around...
Breaking News: Communism sky rockets
Outstanding move.
God-tier ship.
They look good together.
MariAli remains one of the cutest Touhou pairings.
Looking at this for the 3rd time... Is Tsugumi drunk? No, clearly she is suffering from an acute case of heart-eye-tis. The only known cure is lots of smoochin'.
I suppose simptoms include looking drunk?
I can't believe Shiho stole Mahi's loyal dog. Careful Miho, your mum may try to steal Yukari away from you as well.
this is hot but i'm more turned on by how well drawn this thing is
When you can't choose between two girls you like so you date their mom.
I do piggy back method, but I'm the one carrying.
I got Mercedes dorothea and edelgard ready for s-support and everyone else I can but not doing it with dudes.
They'll never stop kissing now hehe
Ver a esta CHIKA besar a la otra se me hace muy RIKO. XD juste a silly play on spanish words.
last edited at Aug 13, 2019 8:30PM
-. Horns can't feel plasure. -. Hold my sake!
last edited at Aug 13, 2019 8:39PM
Que buen DIA para ver a estas CHIKAs. Juste a silly play on spanish words.
Nice look on Yuugi.
technically both are post-Soviet designs
same :')
inb4 she's developed some weird new fetish that requires... further study
Most of you probably know this but the sound effect above Sakurako is just the bell signaling class is starting. “Kin-kon! Kan-kon!”
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