Oh wow, this is nice
Satania wouldn't be able to top even if Raphi let her
This looks nice
^ yea fam
@MarqFJA87, stop being ignorant, it was the antenna compliment, it took some time to be recieved and processed
@ThatAroAce, I see you are a man of culture as well, I hook my laptop to my 32" inch TV when no one's home > Painting sized Yuri
Also, I've seen this image for some time already, but I'm still surprised there's Yotsubato Yuri. I kinda started the manga but never continued.
At first I thought it was some Neptunia art.
@TheLostLight HimaSaku is boss :P I support your shiping preferences
More lewd Akane x Rikka!!
Why is Yui kissing air?
^Raphi would probably let her just to see her fail miserably.
Thought this was Tuesday and her stalker at first
Wow look it's more Watamote fanart
"starira is extremely funnier if you think of them already together but they are trying to keep it a secret/not let the others know"
Wow look it's more Tadokoro san fanart
Tomoko's out of detention!
Asuka's first one there!
Actually it's not. This is Tadokoro-san.
Hey Marisa, do you have any updog?
@Serenata Well meme'd friend.
Asuka needs to catch up on that week of Mommying she missed out on.
What makes this pairing work is that Tomoko is the normal one.
Crack of the crackiest crack, but nice crack
So cute!
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