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joined Feb 18, 2018

I read ch 108 more as "something is rotten in the state of Denmark".

joined Mar 21, 2017

I read ch 108 more as "something is rotten in the state of Denmark".

Haha. It just feels too out of place for me to take it as a serious chapter.

But yeah you've made your position pretty clear on that chapter in previous posts. You don't have to go through it again ;p

joined Feb 18, 2018

Hey in Team GJ’s defense, ch 108 does perfectly capture the mixed vibe of enjoying Valentines Day with your new gf while doing things that deep down make you miss your ex.

Maybe the series should have been called What Did Your Ex Say

joined Mar 21, 2017

Hey in Team GJ’s defense, ch 108 does perfectly capture the mixed vibe of enjoying Valentines Day with your new gf while doing things that deep down make you miss your ex.

Maybe the series should have been called What Did Your Ex Say

Yeah i think we read two different versions of chapter 108 :P

joined Feb 18, 2018

Well maybe you are right and it's a gag...but more like, the joke is on us for expecting Sungji to at least be treated with scenes that don't amount to flashbacks to Paradise in her only chapter after so long lolz #sungji_deserves_better

last edited at May 12, 2019 10:42PM

joined Apr 25, 2018

Hey in Team GJ’s defense, ch 108 does perfectly capture the mixed vibe of enjoying Valentines Day with your new gf while doing things that deep down make you miss your ex.

Maybe the series should have been called What Did Your Ex Say

This fanfiction you made up will never end huh lmfao. Bitterness truly makes a person see things that aren't there lmao.

Meanwhile in the real world, Sumin and Sungji are so in love with each other without giving a rats ass about Seju. And Seju finally found her match in Dowon.

Keep seething, folks! ;)

last edited at May 13, 2019 9:19AM

joined Feb 18, 2018

Anyone who thinks Sejumin should try once more after healing has already been through the worst.

But oh boy, I can’t wait to see your convulsions if TeamGJ has been keeping the flashbacks because of that, and not because they wrote themselves into a corner. A sweeter revenge than Sumin’s lol

joined Apr 25, 2018

Anyone who thinks Sejumin should try once more after healing has already been through the worst.

But oh boy, I can’t wait to see your convulsions if TeamGJ has been keeping the flashbacks because of that, and not because they wrote themselves into a corner. A sweeter revenge than Sumin’s lol

Lmfao the delusion of it all. I can't believe you have the gall to talk as if Sejumin is still possible and you actually think TG is gonna do such a thing lmfaoooo.

You need help mate. Seju x Dowon's story is making you crazier than usual lmao. Dear lord, this is pitiful lol. I can already imagine what youre gonna do to yourself once SejuxDowon end up married and happy lmao.

Meanwhile, the in the real world, Sejumin is never happening again :)

last edited at May 14, 2019 9:11AM

joined Feb 18, 2018

Seju and Dowon together is the expected outcome, who cares. As I said the worst already happened, Sejumin not being together is a reality since the main story ended.

You on the other hand, I can smell your fear of any plot changes. And it amuses me. If it happens, don’t worry I will be right here to enjoy you losing your fragile troll mind.

joined Apr 25, 2018

Seju and Dowon together is the expected outcome, who cares. As I said the worst already happened, Sejumin not being together is a reality since the main story ended.

You on the other hand, I can smell your fear of any plot changes. And it amuses me. If it happens, don’t worry I will be right here to enjoy you losing your fragile troll mind.

Lmfao, theres no need to fear when it's not even gonna happen ever lmao. Also, that's ironic coming from a delusional shipper. I'm just here laughing at your delusional troll ass, as you get repeatedly disappointed by your own delusion because none of it is happening and ever happening lmao. Your posts are literally a goldmine of pure comedy anyway lol. Pitiful and pathetic creature you are lol.

Meanwhile, in reality, Sejux Dowon and Sungji x Sumin are living the winning life while SejuxSumin continues to rot without end :)

Stay seething and LOSING REPEATEDLY :)

last edited at May 14, 2019 11:03PM

joined May 8, 2017

@sunbaenim Why are you so aggressive?

last edited at May 14, 2019 11:41PM

joined Apr 25, 2018

@sunbaenim Why are you so aggressive?

Why dont you ask matsuri's delusional ass the same??

The turd finally stopped disguising their posts and their agenda is clear as day lol. They cant hide behind "analysing" bullshit anymore lol.

last edited at May 14, 2019 11:51PM

joined Feb 18, 2018

No I am just replying to you in your same style, so that you maybe get the hint.

You have been acting like some sort of terrorist bomb in the thread while we are trying to discuss about the series. It’s fine to have different opinions, but your aggressive style stifles all conversation.

What’s the point of you doing that?

last edited at May 15, 2019 7:54AM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012


Stop being aggressive like that or this time it's a permanent ban. You've been on thin ice for a while, and it's finally cracking.


I thought you were going to stop taking their bait? What happened to that?

joined Apr 25, 2018

No I am just replying to you in your same style, so that you maybe get the hint.

You have been acting like some sort of terrorist bomb in the thread while we are trying to discuss about the series. It’s fine to have different opinions, but your aggressive style stifles all conversation.

What’s the point of you doing that?

Hint? What hint? You just showed what you truly are. And youre pretentious af lol.

And now youre acting as if you respect or youre okay with other ppl having different opinion than you??? This is HILARIOUS. Lol, youre dragging everyone else's "taste" in "storytelling" when someone tells you Sejumin is a very terrible pairing to get back together and then proceed to insult the actual endgame pairs in the TG'S OWN STORY and blahblahblah. Another thing is how you blindly justify the toxicity of Sejumin, and calling ppl "snowflakes" for not supporting your rotten ship just because you think theyre "well written characters". Your superiority complex is real. I have to laugh.

You love to backpedal but I have the receipts.

You also act as if you know how TG thinks and how they want to handle the story lmao. Imagine being that entitled brat lol. You're even threatening to drop the story because TG isn't writing what YOU want lmao. The nerve of this delusional moron. Drop it then. Nobody is gonna care anyway lmao.

I'm aggressive but I'm stating facts. You on the other hand are delusional. You keep twisting the story to fit your own narrative, to the point of revising so many things in favor of a very dead ship lol.


last edited at May 15, 2019 1:29PM

joined Apr 25, 2018


Stop being aggressive like that or this time it's a permanent ban. You've been on thin ice for a while, and it's finally cracking.


I thought you were going to stop taking their bait? What happened to that?

Their true nature is showing what else? Lol, maybe ban that delulu matsuri too if youre already at it again. But theyre just gonna come back again with their other alt accounts and pretend to be someone else as always ;)

last edited at May 15, 2019 1:20PM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Troll is banned. And nothing of value was lost.

joined Apr 3, 2019

Btw I don't think their relationship will be shown to be insecure though. They know they have to stop it there, so we'll get a happy ending with them imo.

I do not like the fact that Seju has to live all alone with a woman in order for her to develop some sort of romance. What a cheap plot for writing Seju's story. It's gonna be like Sumin x Sungji, it is a happy ending, not because their relationship is strong or anything, but because a certain character has to move on and the story has to end there.

joined Feb 18, 2018

I read Pet’s Aesthetics. It’s a great story, not sure why Team GJ would not continue that one rather than WDTFS.

mei is waifu
joined Dec 13, 2017

I read Pet’s Aesthetics. It’s a great story, not sure why Team GJ would not continue that one rather than WDTFS.

I heard many people didn't like it because they don't end up as lovers...idk, I liked it.

joined May 17, 2019

I know we are way past 'Paradise'. And I am not trying to stir up any sumin x seju ending… But I am just really curious about this scene from Chapter 104.

Can someone explain what does this say/imply? LOL

joined Feb 18, 2018

They DO end up as lovers though.

You know, that explains a lot...Readers are only happy when it’s vanilla “will you be my girlfriend?” endings...

last edited at May 17, 2019 10:00AM by Nezchan

joined Feb 18, 2018

I know we are way past 'Paradise'. And I am not trying to stir up any sumin x seju ending… But I am just really curious about this scene from Chapter 104.

Can someone explain what does this say/imply? LOL

I think in this scene Sumin was looking for Seju, and thought she saw her but wasn’t sure. Seju was being introduced to yet another candidate husband.

joined Feb 18, 2018

Btw I don't think their relationship will be shown to be insecure though. They know they have to stop it there, so we'll get a happy ending with them imo.

I do not like the fact that Seju has to live all alone with a woman in order for her to develop some sort of romance. What a cheap plot for writing Seju's story. It's gonna be like Sumin x Sungji, it is a happy ending, not because their relationship is strong or anything, but because a certain character has to move on and the story has to end there.

What I find interesting is why Team GJ has a sudden need to give Seju a happy ending in the first place. Open endings with gray morals are ok, endings that leave you thinking and with mixed feelings are ok.
I don’t know if the audience for this story is teenagers, but I think it shouldn’t be.

So what others have said about Team GJ looking to just make $$$ with this story by writing a simple vanilla romance aimed at younger audiences is probably true. Unless they are planning to make the plot more complex soon...

joined May 17, 2019

I know we are way past 'Paradise'. And I am not trying to stir up any sumin x seju ending… But I am just really curious about this scene from Chapter 104.

Can someone explain what does this say/imply? LOL

I think in this scene Sumin was looking for Seju, and thought she saw her but wasn’t sure. Seju was being introduced to yet another candidate husband.

Thank you!

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