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joined May 17, 2019

Lol I'm from the translating Team Brink, we only faked the email address from "" to "" and other information is indeed true. The email sender is called Wonwuri, but we're still not very sure if it's a nickname or real name, or if it's a he or a she although the name sounds a bit masculine.
My guess personally: Wonwuri is the purple head girl.

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Thank you so much for your contribution of time and energy toward making speedy editing & translation for WDTFS. It’s only with committed volunteers like your team that we readers get to enjoy this story. Have a great day and I look forward to reading the next chapter.



joined May 17, 2019

Lol who the hell is Won Wuri? Wasn’t that just a joke from the translators?

No idea. I can only trust the translators. Both English and Chinese versions identified the “Mergers & Acquisitions” email sender. Unless Korean version is different? ¯_(ツ)_/¯

joined May 17, 2019

For the past few chapters we had some inner conflict for Seju, her psychological struggle to break her ‘habit’ and a tiny peek at Won’s backstory. Now it’s time to advance the plot by introducing outer conflict aka silhouette man and Won Wuri. Could Won Wuri be that purple-haired lady? Seriously can’t wait for next chapter when we see the new characters. Team Gaji can take my money.

joined May 17, 2019

I know we are way past 'Paradise'. And I am not trying to stir up any sumin x seju ending… But I am just really curious about this scene from Chapter 104.

Can someone explain what does this say/imply? LOL

I think in this scene Sumin was looking for Seju, and thought she saw her but wasn’t sure. Seju was being introduced to yet another candidate husband.

Thank you!

joined May 17, 2019

I know we are way past 'Paradise'. And I am not trying to stir up any sumin x seju ending… But I am just really curious about this scene from Chapter 104.

Can someone explain what does this say/imply? LOL