I don't get having sex just for the sake of saying you're not a virgin anymore, I also don't get loveless sex (i mean i get it, but i don't condone it)
the societal burden placed on both sexes to be experienced in bed is just terrible. though for a girl to be a virgin past 18 isn't as bad as a guy being a virgin past 18, because people label you as some kind of freak that doesn't have a sex drive. (bear with me here, i am a guy, so i have never been in the situation of "female virgin 18+" so if i misspoke or your situation was different, i sincerely apologize, this is just what i have experienced in my life)
I just... the reasoning behind this situation (and others like it that have been mentioned) is just so stupid its painful, even more so because I related to keiko for 21 chapters.... still rooting for her though. i really hope if nothing else she is happy in the end. i would even forgo a yuri ending if she turned out happy.
last edited at Jun 5, 2014 11:53AM