Forum › Touhou Battle Royale discussion

joined Jan 30, 2013

damn it why is this so sad!! I freaking cried so much!! I dont care how the art looks, the story is awesome!! sniff

joined Feb 18, 2013

AH! I remember similar feelings when I first read this.
Perhaps too much love for the beautiful residents of the land of illusion? This was definitely the case for me.

joined Mar 2, 2013

damn it why is this so sad!! I freaking cried so much!! I dont care how the art looks, the story is awesome!! sniff

Damn I know how you feel I think the points that hurt the most was when Eirin killed the four of them and when Remilia killed Komachi and Sakuya got stuck in the other world. The raw emotion that Shiki displayed just made that hit me so hard KomachiaxShiki is my OTP and anything pertaining to them just gets me all the time.

joined Apr 10, 2013


OTPs and whatnot, since I ship anyone who is a girl, it is fine with me... Even if they are crackships....

While I didn't look at this for some months, it had the depressing as fuck tags so I had to... And when I read the first few pages... I was like "horrible artwork!" and then when the story progressed I was like "fuck the art! I read because of the love!" and now that I finished it...

I was speechless.

The words I had in mind was magnificent.

When I understood the "roles", it became even more heavier.

Hah... I think this is one of those magnificent creations that was filled with love by the authors.

I cried every chapter (except for the first one 'cause nothing much happened but with Marisa's "death").

Ah, deserve a FAVORITE!!

joined Jul 27, 2013

this definitely calls for Marisa x Reimu tag, but i guess that would a spoiler.
the whole youmo-yuyuko-yukari was just beautiful, especially the latter part.
i think i'm kinda disappointed in marisa's wish. and i was kinda hoping that one of the past survivors actually wished for this banquette to happen every 60 yrs for them to use their true powers without limitations and stuff.

joined Jan 24, 2014

After reading just the first chapter, I was going to play imperishable night. Barrier team. Without focusing. Last word. Comet:Blazing star. Blindfolded. 50million times. Well, luckily i read on without doing that

joined May 21, 2013

" love Marisa too?"

I laughed.

joined Feb 23, 2014

This wasn't depressing, mainly because shenron was so out of place i was kinda taken out of anything depressing that might have happened

joined Mar 1, 2014

Thank fuck for the happy ending.

joined May 5, 2015

Part 1: Oh no.......................... Goodbye dearest friend.................RIP Marisa 1998-2013

lol nope just Kidding!

Part 2: I know that fell Reisen... we are all can be a coward...
Part 3 : GO! GO! Cirno! show that Idiot people is actually a people that the starter succesfull people !!!

Part 4 : Now I know more about cherry blossom.. Yuyuko.. you got a loyal gardener...
Part 5 : I didn't know that Komachi is strong and really kindhearted guardian to Emma! and now I know that Emma is soft..

Part 6: MARISA IS ALIVE???! and now she is the chosen one.... HURRAAAAYY FOR MARISA !!! and how lovely you are Reimu...~

last edited at May 6, 2015 10:02AM

joined Mar 15, 2015

Wow. This story was amazing. I can't believe I've scrolled past it so many times when looking for things to read...I bet I'll read it again sometime.

joined Nov 16, 2015

Yeah, so I decided on reading this one seriously for once. It was really good, everything somehow made sense and the story is hella worth praising.

So, I was gonna read this one seriously, but the dragon was just... I don't even xD. It wasn't really the ending I expected, because it all turned out happy and great and all. It's like, going from: the shedding of blood and the falling of tears are great sacrifices for a new world (or something), to: And so, everything is lighthearted and warm after all.

I bet that was a bad interpretation. Reaaal sorry, I'm not good at this. (^ _ ^;)

The little bits of comedy seriously broke my concentration after reading the pages that showed lots of bloodstuffs, and sadness, and crap hitting the fan, so it was a little bit like daydreaming and getting woken up and daydreaming again :^/

joined Jun 16, 2015

Teleporting players... Game starts in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... LAST WOMAN STANDING! DO WHAT IS NECESSARY!
[cutieFlan495] "Eye" Crush [isThatSo?]
[theShinigamiZZZ] Scythe [cutieFlan495]
DEAD cutieFlan495: dafaq? i was AFK!
theShinigamiZZZ: learn how to play, noob!
[eirinTheOldHag2] Bow and Arrow [uselessSexBunny7]
[eirinTheOldHag2] Poison Arrow [keineEX500]
eirinTheOldHag2 got a double kill!
[eirinTheOldHag2] Poison Arrow [thisGirlIsOnFiya]
eirinTheOldHag2 got a triple kill!
eirinTheOldHag2: Oh baby a triple!
[eirinTheOldHag2] Poison Arrow [imaPrincess:P]
eirinTheOldHag2 got a quad feed!
Admin has banned eirinTheOldHag2. Follow the rules!
[SDMremi666] Gungnir Spear [futomashiiIsJustice]
[noPads498] Knife [9bakabaka9]
DEAD 9bakabaka9: f*cking camper!!
[nomnomnomFOOD] Deathwish [girlRaiden246]
nomnomnomFOOD was killed by magic.
[¥‎bestShrineMaiden¥‎] Hakurei Amulets [yukariTheOldHag1]
noPads498: wtf? im lagging!
[SDMremi666] Vampire Claws [theShinigamiZZZ]
[danzaidanzaidanzai] Scythe [SDMremi666]
[danzaidanzaidanzai] Scythe [noPads498]
danzaidanzaidanzai got a double kill!
[danzaidanzaidanzai] Scythe [pachuriiMukyu5]
danzaidanzaidanzai got a triple kill!
danzaidanzaidanzai: oh baby a triple!
[¥‎bestShrineMaiden¥‎] Hakurei Amulets [danzaidanzaidanzai]
[tsurupettanIsJustice99] Boundary Annihilation [Do-SFlower60]
tsurupettanIsJustice99 killed herself. What a noob!
[AYAYAYA123] Tengu Fan [¥‎bestShrineMaiden¥‎]
AYAYAYA123 killed herself. What a noob!
MAGICPOWAHda_Ze is the victor!

last edited at Sep 27, 2017 9:09PM

joined Oct 29, 2019

RIP Aya, today is just not your day

joined Nov 1, 2020

Now I want one with the later characters. Art aside this was really really good even if the whole death game sort of became negligible if everything resets at the end anyways.

Nekona Shirofumi
joined Mar 30, 2021

that was amazing,and once again the power of friendship triumphs

joined Mar 15, 2022

That was amazing...

joined Dec 20, 2022

This was great. I enjoyed seeing the conflicts between the characters.

joined Apr 29, 2019

Oh God, this was the cringiest shit ever. Very entertaining, though

joined Mar 23, 2024

art too stiff. lacks emotion. i can't read this seriously. plot wise, its too straight forward and rushed. the premise of a shrinking gensokyo and the characters suddenly killing each other because a dragon says so seems too far-fetched. characters are nerfed too much in the brain department just so they can be killed. Very simple, pretty far from canon. Not much effort were put into the dialogues and just focused on doing the plots. Its eh. Maybe my standards are just very high from the previous touhou doujins that ive read.

joined Aug 12, 2021

I do really like that this battle royale realizes exactly the problem with a touhou battle royale which is that Yuyuko is kind of busted and would auto-win if not for a limit like they introduce here. that same limit then ends up serving a really cool role both because of Eirin's actions and how people think of Reimu's

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