Forum › Yuzumori-san discussion

joined Mar 6, 2014

The worst thing about these kind of tropes is that they almost never serve a narrative purpose beyond just extending the length of the story. It's almost never used to advance the character arc of either of the characters involved it's just padding until they clear up the misunderstanding and then proceed to act like this extremely presumptuous disregard for the other person's right to self-determinate never happened and doesn't need to be meaningfully addressed.

Which is why i'm kinda hoping that this little conflict doesn't get resolved, entire chapters are going to be wasted on this, then at the very least make it a wild ride even if it means a bad ending

joined Jul 4, 2012

I think that Mimika loves Yuzumori without a doubt. She doesn't love her because Yuzu is little, she loves her because of Yuzu (hope that makes sense for you) - she said somewhere along her confession that she will love her even after she grows up, so you can deduct that now she'll be her friend until Yuzu makes a step herself or until Yuzu is more grown up.
Mimika knows very well that Yuzu is still a child and she also knows that Yuzu needs friends and other people to have "good childhood", what she doesn't know however, is that Yuzu most likely doesn't even want to be with anyone else but Mimika.
So don't worry pals. Mimika loves Yuzu as much as she did before ;) Even more maybe.

Fellowship of Freelancers
joined Oct 11, 2010

Wow, was really hoping for this not to go the cliche bullshit route, guess I overestimated Ejima.

I remember Nez once saying that what makes this manga special would end if there were ever a love confession, and I think she's being proved right.

joined Dec 10, 2014

i hate that there has to be some externally introduced conflict. i want to see their relationship progress and how they deal with each hurdle as it comes up. i dont wanna see "mimika broke a little girl's heart because she just took some stranger at her word"

joined Jun 3, 2017

Looking for clues that might give away Ririha’s reasons on why she acts the way she does, I focused on her comment “Nothing but idiots” (ch20). One of her friends says that 4th/5th grades boys are all idiots, and Ririha darkens at that, as if bearing a grudge against them. Besides, the fact that she attacks Yuzumori and tells her those words, referring to something very specific, makes me believe that she’s driven by a kind of resentment that can only be caused by a broken heart, or pride. Yuzumori is oblivious to what she’s talking about, so I assume that Ririha was in love with a boy, the boy probably didn’t find her pretty enough and had a crush for the prettiest of the class. Yuzumori probably wasn’t into him, but it was enough for Ririha to decide to work on her figure to the point that her face would appear on a fashion magazine (or maybe she was already a model, an affront that hurt her pride twice as much). When the chance to return the favor to Yuzumori presented itself, she couldn’t just let it get away.

But, it’s just a supposition.

joined Feb 4, 2016

i hate that there has to be some externally introduced conflict. i want to see their relationship progress and how they deal with each hurdle as it comes up. i dont wanna see "mimika broke a little girl's heart because she just took some stranger at her word"

I do not think thats the case at all. We learned in chap 22 that Yuzumori-san "left the group" over a year or so, and she just meet Mimika a months ago. Also, Isuzu said: "Mimika-san has nothing to do with it", probably refering about a fight that occour in the past.

Purr-bulence's supposition could be the case.

joined Nov 20, 2016

Oooh! Nice... Mimika is actually really feeling her decision! I feel like it's still going to be real interesting.

joined May 1, 2017

here we fucking go. god dammed

joined Feb 5, 2017

normally i don't mind cliches, but this is the worst of them.

joined Feb 23, 2016

OMG!! NOOOOOO!! Why you fo thsi to me!(´Д` ) i need more dammit T•T i feel sorry for both of them... But Mimika did this to herself.. But those dead eyes... And Yuzumori is soo devestated!

joined Aug 14, 2015

I can't wait to see Mimika's reaction when she find she fucked up.

joined May 9, 2013

I await the inevitable, exasperating explanations and justifications for why Ririha and Isuzu behave the way they do and how they aren't just intolerable, manipulative bullies who deserve nothing but our disgust and disapproval.

Best Mangaka Rohan
joined Dec 13, 2016

Mimika, you done fucked up.

joined Sep 21, 2015


joined Mar 6, 2014

Yep, definitively rooting for a bad ending now

joined Jun 11, 2016


joined Nov 2, 2013

I was hoping this manga wouldn't take this turn. I really don't get why Ririha is this way. She's too young to be so hateful and... jealous? She already has everything and yet needs to take more away from Yuzumori? I don't really get it nor do I care about her motives. I liked the manga because it was an interesting concept and it was different. Could of just been about an older girl trying to hold herself at bay from doing anything to the younger more inexperienced girl and her struggles to be with her in a world that wouldn't approve. I thought that would be enough drama and more realistic -sigh-

Also it's extremely irritating that Yuzumori won't just tell Mimika that Ririha has it out for her. Mimika would believe her if she said she was being bullied right?

last edited at Sep 25, 2017 9:22PM

joined Feb 14, 2016

Hm. I'm less bothered by conflict rising from immaturity when the characters are both supposed to be actual children.

joined Mar 6, 2014

Also it's extremely irritating that Yuzumori won't just tell Mimika that Ririha has it out for her. Mimika would believe her if she said she was being bullied right?

Probably, but Mimika has already laid her cards on the table by lying she just felt pity for the loli and Yuzumori didn't like it one bit, so what would be the point?

joined Sep 25, 2017

Somebody just slap Ririha please.
Mimika too.

joined Mar 7, 2017

I'm not really surprised by this, IMO she realizes that she loves Yuzu in a romantic way and wants to push her away because its "for her own good" but she has no idea what Yuzu actually wants and what is really good for Yuzu.

pretty Cliche imo. I imagine she will see Yuzu getting bullied and then realize that her friends are fake and then come back and apologize and admit her love.

thats what i think is gonna happen at least.

joined Dec 13, 2015

IM DIYING !!!!!!!
I wish Ririha die soon!

#TeamYuzuMika <3 TToTT

joined Mar 6, 2014

I wish Ririha die soon!

She's still got like 70 years ahead of her

joined Feb 3, 2013

Hello forced drama, my old friend.

joined Jan 17, 2017


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