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joined Jan 25, 2017

Y'all need to calm your tits

joined Mar 22, 2017

Some of them is not my favorite ship but this is where story lead us to for now.
AobaXHifumi (KouXAoba is unlikely after I saw that cliffhanger)
KouXRin (kinda oblivious)
This ship will be like "Even if we far apart, I always be with you" stuff (that what I guess)
MomoXNaru (even I want NaruXNene but this is what story seem to take place now)
NeneXUmiko (for now)

Also if Kou go to France that mean Hotarun have a chance to get more appearance in the story.

joined Aug 22, 2017

Some of them is not my favorite ship but this is where story lead us to for now.
AobaXHifumi (KouXAoba is unlikely after I saw that cliffhanger)
KouXRin (kinda oblivious)
This ship will be like "Even if we far apart, I always be with you" stuff (that what I guess)
MomoXNaru (even I want NaruXNene but this is what story seem to take place now)
NeneXUmiko (for now)

Also if Kou go to France that mean Hotarun have a chance to get more appearance in the story.

Maybe In a future Kou will have a spin off, of her life in France

joined May 23, 2015

Not to break into conversations, but you're kind of being rude to this person? They weren't responding to you and they never said anything implying speed wasn't a factor in her evaluation? Like yes speed is important, all technical skills are, but if you're being rude to your group mates who you need to work together with to complete your assignments you won't be hired, or if you are, you certainly won't be treated well/an easy firing target.

(Post clipped for space.)

Even acknowledging that they've posted at all just makes things worse at this point.

I will, however, reply to you! Yes, interpersonal skills are important-- just look how much the art team is worried over Momo not getting along with anyone. And shes just a socially awkward, while Naru is outright standoffish.

But I was also referring to how, until things blew up on her, Naru is shown to have been giving up any semblence of quality to gamble entirely on getting things done just that small bit faster.

And honestly, and amount of speed is worthless if the end product is unusable.

joined Mar 22, 2017

Maybe In a future Kou will have a spin off, of her life in France

Well I think her life in France will appear in main story instead of spin off because it possible to do it that way (and it's better). The spin off I really want now is Hifumi's spin off because even now we have really less clue about Hifumi past, relative etc.

joined May 23, 2015

And on an unrelated note, it's easy to forget because of how much the anime can recolor memories if things (just look at Mozuku), but consider that in the manga the Valentine, the New Year, and even the Christmas chapters all came when they were well into production of PECO. They've been working on it for nearly a full year at this point.

joined Mar 22, 2017

I suspect that they already start working on SS2 when SS1 end.

joined Dec 12, 2016

Not to break into conversations, but you're kind of being rude to this person? They weren't responding to you and they never said anything implying speed wasn't a factor in her evaluation? Like yes speed is important, all technical skills are, but if you're being rude to your group mates who you need to work together with to complete your assignments you won't be hired, or if you are, you certainly won't be treated well/an easy firing target.

Dont break into a conversation if you dont have the context. Mogu knows damn well that they have denied speed being a factor. They believe that the design on the mini game itself would matter for her evaluation and it simply did not.

Besides, Mogu is ignoring me because the Anime proved me right and they're salty about it.

The only person Naru was rude to was Nene and its only rude if you believe telling the truth is rude. Naru is a straight shooter who tells it like it is.

Now enter an intern. They only have three months to show their skills and potential in the workplace. They showcase good skills from the beginning with a great resume (project that displays great game mechanics) and work hard from the get go. But as a manager, if you discover that their work is sloppy (full of bugs) and/or that they refuse to get along with their coworkers (creating a bad company atmosphere, shooting down potential ideas, making meetings and conversation awkward and unwanted), this person despite all their skills suddenly doesn't seem so appealing.

And who was the employee she didnt work with? Oh, right, the other intern who isnt even working on anything.

Also, Narus speed easily made up for her bugs. Fixed them all in one night.

From an objective standout as a manager, Naru really wasn't a good employee until the last chapter where you see her work with fellow employees in her department (Clearly she likes Momo but it's akin to being friends with the girl from Finance when you're in Marketing-she's not helping you get a bonus anytime soon). Now that she's willing to remove the awkwardness with Nene, her technical skills can really come to light because then she'll be more open to feedback and negotiation with other employees to create a better product. An average employee will follow orders, but a good one will contribute to the task in a way their boss couldn't have thought of. If the boss wanted a robot, then they could certainly buy one, and it could be cheaper than human labor!

In the meantime Nene can literally not do any actual work for the game at all. Who is worth more? A straight talking employee with technical skills? Or and employee with no practical skills but is essentially the office puppy?

Besides, if proper communication skills was at all important at Eagle Jump then Hifumin wouldnt be considered for a leadership position at all.

last edited at Sep 14, 2017 8:17AM

joined Mar 22, 2017

Also, Narus speed easily made up for her bugs. Fixed them all in one night.

With Nene help of course. You can't denind that. Even Naru herself admitted.

Edit: And they maybe or maybe not fixed them all in one night. There doesn't have any exact confirmation.

last edited at Sep 14, 2017 3:24AM

joined May 23, 2015

I like the implication that the anime episode airing somehow proved me completely wrong and caused me to ignore them, despite my explicitly stating three hours before the episode aired that I wasn't going to continue the discussion any further.

But they don't seem to be very good with reading, cause and effect, and actually accounting for all facts, instead preferring to make up their own.

But by all means, keep trying to hound me about it, acheiving nothing but clogging up the thread and annoying everyone else.

last edited at Sep 14, 2017 2:12AM

joined Dec 12, 2016

I like the implication that the anime episode airing somehow proved me completely wrong and caused me to ignore them, despite my explicitly stating three hours before the episode aired that I wasn't going to continue the discussion any further.

Except you did discuss it further and continue to do so. It was you that said that we should wait to see how the anime does it to prove who was right, now you all the sudden want to avoid the conversation after being proven wrong. You even tried saving face by saying Naru's sigh was condescending, which is ridiculous.

But they don't seem to be very good with reading, cause and effect, and actually accounting for all facts, instead preferring to make up their own.

I have full documentation of our argument, apparently documentation doesn't count for you.

But by all means, keep trying to hound me about it, acheiving nothing but clogging up the thread and annoying everyone else.

Would have ended a long time ago if you weren't so damn stubborn and continue to repeat the same misunderstandings and straight up lies.

joined Oct 15, 2014

Just kiss already, you two

joined May 23, 2015

I think they're just jealous that I moved on and started seeing other people after breaking up with them, and how dare I continue talking to other people about topics that used to be just between the two of us!

joined Dec 12, 2016

It's just so fascinating to meet a TL for a series that they can barely comprehend. Don't blame me for being a bit clingy when you try to ghost me after losing just one argument.

joined Jul 29, 2017

If Moby Dick would have just admitted that Ahab was completely right, there would have been no problem.

joined May 23, 2015

"Talking about anything with this person is pointless, so I am going to stop."

"You're still talking with other people, so that was clearly a lie!"

How the fuck does logic work?

And that's the last post of theirs I'm even going to look at.

joined Mar 1, 2013

I think I would cry when they animate the part where the crew announce PECO to public, that chapter make me tear up.

Normally in gaming industry (Or at least the one that I used to work at), programmers are always the one who is at fault.
No one would really blame the game designers for giving the work late.
No one will blame the producer for assigning the work late.
No one will blame the character designer for submitting the 2D/3D design late.

Although I am not working as any of the roles above. So I understand Naru's position when she asked who will be responsible if she submit the work late. After all, she's just an intern.

last edited at Sep 14, 2017 9:04AM

joined May 23, 2015

I can understand that mentality, but nothing presented in-story points to the same concept being true there, too, though. It doesn't even seem to be presented as what she, herself, was worried about-- she just wanted to show off and was frustrated that she couldn't do so as well as she wanted.

Besides, the person responsible for assessing her is another programmer. One with a pretty firm grip of the schedule and how much is getting done.

last edited at Sep 14, 2017 9:53AM

joined Jul 23, 2017

Not to break into conversations, but you're kind of being rude to this person? They weren't responding to you and they never said anything implying speed wasn't a factor in her evaluation? Like yes speed is important, all technical skills are, but if you're being rude to your group mates who you need to work together with to complete your assignments you won't be hired, or if you are, you certainly won't be treated well/an easy firing target.

(Post clipped for space.)

Even acknowledging that they've posted at all just makes things worse at this point.

I will, however, reply to you! Yes, interpersonal skills are important-- just look how much the art team is worried over Momo not getting along with anyone. And shes just a socially awkward, while Naru is outright standoffish.

But I was also referring to how, until things blew up on her, Naru is shown to have been giving up any semblence of quality to gamble entirely on getting things done just that small bit faster.

And honestly, and amount of speed is worthless if the end product is unusable.

Oh, I see. :0 I'm assuming you're talking about Naru and Hajime's interactions? If so, that was the point when I felt that she wasn't contributing to the team but hindering it. Both she and Nene are temporary interns so their conflict, while showcasing bad traits that can be worse down the right, wouldn't be as bad to a manger as her seeming to give lackluster effort to an established employee. Speed is definitely important (why should I hire someone who takes three days to build a financial model when I have someone who builds them in two?) but it doesn't amount to much if the final product doesn't work. I know a few people who've really had to slow down and start to double check after their managers got mad at them-after all, the manager takes responsibility for their employees work at the end of the day.

joined Jul 23, 2017

Dont break into a conversation if you dont have the context. Mogu knows damn well that they have denied speed being a factor. They believe that the design on the mini game itself would matter for her evaluation and it simply did not.
Alright, feels like ivedstepped onto a land mine. Sorry! Speed and design do matter, though I do have to say that the finished product's usability trumps both. It could be the best concept in the world and you could program a whole half of it in a week, at astounding speed, but if it doesn't work it's sadly useless.

The only person Naru was rude to was Nene and its only rude if you believe telling the truth is rude. Naru is a straight shooter who tells it like it is.
Well, two things really. One is that telling the truth is important, but you have to tell it with tact. People don't get hired by companies by saying "I applied to ten other jobs and I just want whatever pays me most". It's an unspoken truth, but that doesn't mean it should be said! Foot in mouth is dreadfully common in stressful work cubicle environments, as Naru seems to suffer from. Rather than say Nene is playing around, she could have rephrased it "This internship is really important to me. If you really want this job, you need to take it more seriously." This establishes Naru as the "bigger one" by making her seem more competent and serious about this internship while also making her seem caring by advising Nene to be more serious to get the job.
Second thing (and whew, sorry this is so long!) is Naru was kind of rude to Hajime. It's true that it sucks that design changes kept being edited and any employee the day before the deadline (or anyone really) can attest to being stressed. But Hajime is Naru's senior and she should have treated her with more respect. Specs get changed all the time-if you're inflexible, you won't be able to survive.

Also, Narus speed easily made up for her bugs. Fixed them all in one night.
That was with someone's help though. Without a proper debugger (and we saw how thick the error pages were, whew!), Naru would have taken much longer to comb through the code. Having a proper checker is just as important as a good programmer.

In the meantime Nene can literally not do any actual work for the game at all. Who is worth more? A straight talking employee with technical skills? Or and employee with no practical skills but is essentially the office puppy?

Besides, if proper communication skills was at all important at Eagle Jump then Hifumin wouldnt be considered for a leadership position at all.
This is an interesting topic that's come by workplaces many times! An employee who works well with others and has a good learning curve, but need a lengthy training period? Or an employee who struggles with team but appears with great skills on-par to the rest of the company, no training required?
I personally would take on Nene just because it's easier to train a person to learn programming than to become more socially aware and tact, but it s definitely a good question. During lunch I'll ask my coworkers and see if we can tally this up!

joined Dec 12, 2016

"Talking about anything with this person is pointless, so I am going to stop."

"You're still talking with other people, so that was clearly a lie!"

How the fuck does logic work?

And that's the last post of theirs I'm even going to look at.

You know damn well it's not. Why are you going to ask a question if you don't want the answer. You weren't talking to other people, you've replied to me directly and continue to do so. That's pretty damn good logic.

can understand that mentality, but nothing presented in-story points to the same concept being true there, too, though.

Except for the whole Umiko being so impressed that she didn't even bother checking the code until it was actually in the game. Seems like speed was more important to her than the actual quality of the code, further proven when she straight hired her instead of just extending her contract to give her another chance.

Alright, feels like ivedstepped onto a land mine. Sorry! Speed and design do matter, though I do have to say that the finished product's usability trumps both. It could be the best concept in the world and you could program a whole half of it in a week, at astounding speed, but if it doesn't work it's sadly useless.

The design doesn't matter because she isn't the one designing it. She is coding, so the only two things she is being assessed on is whether or not the code works and how fast she does it. And she was so fast that Umiko didn't even bother keeping an eye on her the whole time.

Well, two things really. One is that telling the truth is important, but you have to tell it with tact. People don't get hired by companies by saying "I applied to ten other jobs and I just want whatever pays me most". It's an unspoken truth, but that doesn't mean it should be said! Foot in mouth is dreadfully common in stressful work cubicle environments, as Naru seems to suffer from. Rather than say Nene is playing around, she could have rephrased it "This internship is really important to me. If you really want this job, you need to take it more seriously." This establishes Naru as the "bigger one" by making her seem more competent and serious about this internship while also making her seem caring by advising Nene to be more serious to get the job.

Naru suffers from no such thing. Even after what she said, Nene agreed with her. If it weren't for Naru's words then Nene would still just be playing around. She would have turned in a broken maze game to Umiko expecting sympathy if Naru didn't tell her to keep working. She said what needed to be said and Nene is better for it.

Second thing (and whew, sorry this is so long!) is Naru was kind of rude to Hajime. It's true that it sucks that design changes kept being edited and any employee the day before the deadline (or anyone really) can attest to being stressed. But Hajime is Naru's senior and she should have treated her with more respect. Specs get changed all the time-if you're inflexible, you won't be able to survive.

And this is how this whole thing started. You're completely wrong. There is no disrespect or rudeness. Naru was very open and respectful. She could have been an asshole like Mogu suggested and built a case to use against Hajime in order to blame her when they turned in the project late OR she could to the respectful thing and talk to her directly. She says nothing rude, only that she is an intern looking for a job and that means she is on thinner ice. Hajime understood that and apologized to her. The audience seems to be far more offended than Hajime.

That was with someone's help though. Without a proper debugger (and we saw how thick the error pages were, whew!), Naru would have taken much longer to comb through the code. Having a proper checker is just as important as a good programmer.

Which is why the whole game goes through severe bug checking. Nene turned in a large stack when debugging the company's last game, doesn't mean that it was broken. Also, Umiko expected Naru to get it all done herself by the deadline anyways.

I personally would take on Nene just because it's easier to train a person to learn programming than to become more socially aware and tact, but it s definitely a good question

Apparently not for Eagle Jump since they have both in spades. Hafumin still has trouble talking with the people directly under her supervision, and Nene will spend more time debugging than actual coding.

joined May 23, 2015

Why did you have to quote that post? Because it caused me to accidentally see the "in one night" comment, and now I'm just laughing at the idea that they spent a single night frantically debugging code, but still had time to go change clothes at least four times.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Cripes, let it go already. You've both got lots of other people you can talk to and post long dissections of the posts of.

joined May 23, 2015

Cripes, let it go already. You've both got lots of other people you can talk to and post long dissections of the posts of.

Hey, I've been trying to end it for days, but they still seem to want to follow me around and attempt to insult me and start more arguments (or demand further responses to old ones) on every post they see me make.

At this point, I'm as troubled by it as others are annoyed!

joined Dec 12, 2016

You say something that's obviously wrong, I call you out, anime proves me right, and now I'm the annoying one? All you had to do was not be so damn stubborn. I wouldn't have a reason to be here if you had just said "Sorry, guess I was wrong." But alas, here you are, you can't even ignore me like you said you would. Why wouldn't I reply when you keep replying to me and talking about me? You got some real thin skin.

But, go ahead, keep repeating the same bullshit that Naru was rude and condescending to Hajime. I'll still be here to correct it. You are not obligated to reply but I know you will.

@Nez We both of have been replying to others.

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