Forum › The Awa Island Yuri Tour discussion

joined Jan 6, 2015

Seems like a lot of effort went into this. Did the author take these pictures themselves?

Either way, the result is informative and gay, so I'm happy with it.

joined Mar 7, 2017

Man this was nice, though the ending was a bit sad, (and cuz I have no context about why one is leaving and whatnot)

joined Feb 17, 2013

That was interesting, to blend in real photo's of the places.

joined Jan 6, 2017

Man this was nice, though the ending was a bit sad, (and cuz I have no context about why one is leaving and whatnot)

In the Love Live Sunshine anime, Mari went to study abroad for 2 years before returning to Japan, and the reasoning behind it made up a large part of the drama and angst in the 1st season.

joined Dec 21, 2015

Lovely pictures and lovely art! Love the combination.

joined Aug 16, 2014

Did they make a yuri to advertise an island?

joined Feb 28, 2013

Did they make a yuri to advertise an island?

I was thinking the same thing, did the Awa Island Tourist Board pay for this?

joined Feb 23, 2016

Did they make a yuri to advertise an island?

I was thinking the same thing, did the Awa Island Tourist Board pay for this?

I don't think so xD usually artist take pictures from real actual places to have scenery to work on, and makes it much easier for them to draw~ but i think the Awa Islannd wouldn't mind a few more tourists :3

joined Jun 14, 2016

I should go there then

joined Dec 14, 2014

This is some nice advertising.

joined Sep 28, 2011

Why did they went everywhere in their school uniforms? Talk about immersion killing

joined Nov 21, 2016

Absolutely charming.

joined Aug 8, 2017

Cute, but it is a bit odd, Kanan is way too passive in this one, Kanan is more like the prince type, the second season PV showed it very well.

joined Mar 27, 2015

The author really creative in this

joined Apr 21, 2018

Wow, I really enjoyed reading this!

joined Sep 6, 2017

I wish more doujin's were so educational!

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