Forum › What Does the Fox Say discussion

joined Apr 28, 2016

Yea, sumin is moving on for real. If sungji breaks up with her, she is probably not going back to seju either. Butt, if seju gets attack again... Is she going to flee with her? Will it be out of pity or love then?

Yeah, I feel like Seju getting attacked and fleeing is the only way we could see a SuminxSeju ending at this point and if Seju's brothers did indeed get everything due to Seju declining then there's really no motivation other then spite.

You're wrong. There is another way to make SuminxSeju to be back together in just one chap without any dramatic events, lolll.

damn, I actually say it when I bet for the opposite, lol

last edited at Aug 8, 2017 12:38PM

joined Jun 23, 2017

Foxy lady

Yes, awaiting spring.... a promise.

Again, reminding me of Spring Day by BTS... (turn on captions)

Past the end of this cold winter
Until the spring comes again
Until the flowers bloom again
Stay there a little longer
Stay there

I need to ask my Korean friends what they think of snow, spring, and seasons in general. It might be more romanticized than what I am used to.

Yes. Same with jpeg, I am waiting for what she has to say. Basing from previous chapters, Sungji has a flare for in-depth philosophical way of seeing things. I actually love her dialogues which I believe are influenced by her loved ones like Dellho, sister-in-law and Dawoon.

I agree, I like that about Sungji too.

Team Gaji seems to be setting things up for the finale, whenever that may be.

last edited at Aug 8, 2017 12:39PM

joined Jun 23, 2017

Just went on my laptop for the first time in a while for the forum, so I just noticed your icon, LustGreed.

I loved Madoka Magica too. :) Homura is great.

joined Feb 4, 2017


There's still Sungji though, we still have to wait on what she's going to say. She still has her insecuritie and uncertainties. I think whatever she has to say, that will do it. In this chap, I guess it's going Sungji's way?

Sungji is an interesting hidden card xD. She is the one that the author hides her feelings and thoughts till the end.

this is one of my favorite lines said by you.

joined Apr 28, 2016

If anyone here still genuinely believes Sumin will go back to Seju, I want to ask why? How?
Just because they have better chemistry doesn't mean this. All of the signs right from the beginning have been pointing to teamblonde ending. And honestly, Sungji's character doesn't have much development outside Sumin, so if this happens it feels like her character was slightly pointless.

If you look at the story as a findind-new-love-and-moving-on view, yes, you might think that everything is saying SuminxSungji is the only ending

But that's the problem. We have too many familiar stories like this so we often stereotype our own perspective, like this happened so the next thing is definitely like this because it has been and should've been always like that xDDDDD

However, if you think of it as another view, as forgiving-and-love-again, or fate, there are alot of signs for Seju and Sumin to be the end xDD.

As for Sungji, it would be a shame if you dont see her own growth as a character in the story xD. And if she only matters only when she ends up with Sumin then she is a bigger fail than when making sejuxsumin and sungji alone xDD

last edited at Aug 8, 2017 12:55PM

joined Apr 28, 2016

You're wrong. There is another way to make SuminxSeju to be back together in just one chap without any dramatic events, lolll.

I suppose we'll agree to disagree while waiting for more chapters :P

We should, because the way I'm thinking about is depending alot on the author, lollll and unfortunately I'm not the author xDDDDD, but there is really a way, I'm just not sure if it ever happened xD, since who knows what the hell the author is thinking, xDDDD

joined Mar 5, 2017

No, she is relieved and all with her father's death, she is finally free from her family after all. What I means is she is not fine with dealing of losing Sumin, she feels it and she knows it. The most significant word she said would be "If only it all ended back then"

Then we had a misunderstnding, because that is what i meant too. XD
She doesn't grieve much because she doesn't have that deeper connection Sumin had with her parents. And since she has that massive love for sumin, well maybe it will her. XD "Ended back then" what i can think of this is if only she just died back then or her relationship with seju.

Just Pacific Ocean? I thought there is nothing on Earth could describe it? XDDDDD

Okay then. It reaches planet Pluto and beyond. XDDDD

I honestly still wait for sth else xDDDD

Well one thing is if Seju leaves the house and stay at her mother's, maybe the distance will stir some emotions in them, whatever that is.

Sungji is an interesting hidden card xD. She is the one that the author hides her feelings and thoughts till the end.

So it's going to be the most awaited talk in the world. XD

joined Feb 4, 2017


As for Sungji, it would be a shame if you dont see her own growth as a character in the story xD. And if she only matters only when she ends up with Sumin then she is a bigger fail than when making sejuxsumin and sungji alone xDD

it's sad.. because I think we went on and on on how Sungji truly has grown from her innocent simplistic idealistic self to how she is now.. world is not black and white when she wants and grey whenever she pleases. (see the Dawoon grey reference :P)
anyways, do you know that Sungji was only exposed to sex for one month (manhwa's time).. hahah, she is a fast learner indeed.

(how do I know?, when she went directly to Sumin's house after their first love making in ch44, it coincided with Saehyun arrival 8th of October as written in ch35.. and now they are in mid November)

joined Apr 28, 2016


I dont see the same as your view cause the idealistic personality is still sth I put into question xD but to me, even with whatever decision or thinking she is having, whatever comes out of it will be another development of her character and whatever she gained from this will solidify her own character, not just as a Sumin's lover, as in Sungji alone, not Sumin's love interest.

unless the author messes up in the end and gives us a most anti-climatic for Sungji's development, Sungji is actually very well-written for an angel-like character with her own problems

Even though some of us(including me sometimes, tbh) dont like her overly nice character and sometimes giving her some bad insinuation to make things more interesting for her character but as a character, she has learnt from an innocent girl to a girl who understands people's pain. So just merely think she is just there to make Sumin love again and she only matters cause she is with Sumin and forget her own values as an independent character, that's just a shame.

last edited at Aug 8, 2017 1:21PM

joined Apr 28, 2016

Btw, since alot of readers think SejuxSumin is impossble, so why do you think the author emphasizes Seju's love for Sumin till the very end? The more the story goes, the bigger that love is described? Something that is not really getting that much focused with Sungji to Sumin?

To make Seju's suicide in the future more plausible? XDDDDD

joined Mar 5, 2017

Well one thing is clear, Seju can't live without Sumin and she said so herself. Then her dying in whatever way might be possible.

joined Jun 23, 2017

You're wrong. There is another way to make SuminxSeju to be back together in just one chap without any dramatic events, lolll.

damn, I actually say it when I bet for the opposite, lol

Btw, since alot of readers think SejuxSumin is impossble, so why do you think the author emphasizes Seju's love for Sumin till the very end? The more the story goes, the bigger that love is described? Something that is not really getting that much focused with Sungji to Sumin?

Coming from someone who bet against them... yoonie, you're adorable. XD

For this manhwa, it seems to be the case that many readers have slowly changed their views on the character dynamics.

joined Feb 4, 2017


your comment is conforming to my view and does not defy it XD

roamsl and yoonie

Btw, since alot of readers think SejuxSumin is impossble,

I remember when roamsl asked if it would be shocking if Sumin and Seju ended up together.. back then, I said: it will be shocking if they don't. hehe taking the bet was the consequence of that comment. I still think they will be destined together.

I would like to hint this very panel:
Sumin: I can't. Seju-ah.

Seju can't live without Sumin and she said so herself. Then her dying in whatever way might be possible.

this part is actually interesting and there was two references to ch26 that Saehyun and Seju mentioned.. THIS IS why Saehyun scarred Sumin, to keep Seju alive through her guilt to Sumin, and for Sumin to take revenge on her for whatever she wanted. Sumin knows why Saehyun scarred her (as it shows in ch76 and ch59

joined Oct 6, 2015

If anyone here still genuinely believes Sumin will go back to Seju, I want to ask why? How?
Just because they have better chemistry doesn't mean this. All of the signs right from the beginning have been pointing to teamblonde ending. And honestly, Sungji's character doesn't have much development outside Sumin, so if this happens it feels like her character was slightly pointless.

Meeeeeee!!! I'm a trash for SuminxSeju end lol this might be really really biased and also, my wishful thinking but each to their own, right. I still have the feeling that Sumin is just suppressing her feelings for Seju. It's always there. It was never gone and it will never be. She's just trying so hard to move on from all those painful memories. I'm just thinking, since Seju's just always around, so she's taking her presence for granted but once Seju made distance, I'm still thinking that maybe, just maybe, she will realize her worth and love that she's been suppressing all along for Seju, explains everything to Sungji(she'll get hurt but accept as what she always does). Then Sumin will find and run towards Seju.

And for Sungji, I don't know. I'm supporting Nora that she's a catalyst for SuminxSeju to be back together. Lol I can't make myself jupm to SuminxSungji even if it's kinda clear that it's heading towards that way. I just feel that they won't last (but who am I to judge) xD Team Gaji should have focus more on developing their relationship together or maybe I'm just too blind to see and didn't dig deeper into it coz I'm too enthralled with SuminxSeju's relationship from the past(I'm the one who can't move on from their once beautiful romance). Seju alone makes me ecstatic that I can't focus to other characters. Lol

last edited at Aug 8, 2017 2:27PM

joined Dec 9, 2014

But that's the problem. We have too many familiar stories like this so we often stereotype our own perspective, like this happened so the next thing is definitely like this because it has been and should've been always like that xDDDDD

I know we have so many other stories like this, but what if you believe Sumin x Seju could happen only because you want to see something different for once? lol
I mean to me it sounds more like a wishful thinking rather than reality.

However, if you think of it as another view, as forgiving-and-love-again, or fate, there are alot of signs for Seju and Sumin to be the end xDD.

Yes it would be a good ending. And bittersweet. But the thing here again is, we are talking about what would feel nice to some people, not based on what the plot actually points to. And I'm pretty sure some TeamBlonde fans would even disagree with this point anyway.
They could easily say the moral of the story is to learn how to let go of the toxic past etc, so a Sumin x Sungji ending would be better and make more sense.

Anyway this chapter was nice but I just want this to be over soon lol. It has been making me feel angsty for 1.5 years now. I feel sad for both Seju and Sungji lol

last edited at Aug 8, 2017 2:21PM

joined Mar 5, 2017

Ms. Foxy lady

know I'm weirdo xD. Since the day I made a bet with Nora, I'm even weirder with all the conflicted comments xDDDDD

Well, prepare to lose... hehe.. :)

Your confidence gives me the creeps that you're actually the author. Honestly. Hehe

Funny how you put your ideas. It is conflicting in itself. For the nth time(hahaha, I get this a lot since last year), I am not the author. That confidence springs from the playfulness of my heart. Doesn't connote anything but just a friendly bantering if you dig my drift. (winks)

Are you sure? (raising my eyebrows hehe) Well I say I won't be surprised (maybe a little) if you really turn out to be TG. You better come clean now. hehe Have a nice day

joined Oct 6, 2015

Just went on my laptop for the first time in a while for the forum, so I just noticed your icon, LustGreed.

I loved Madoka Magica too. :) Homura is great.

My religion Lol I'm offering my prayers to MadoHomo everyday..xD

joined Mar 5, 2017


I remember when roamsl asked if it would be shocking if Sumin and Seju ended up together.. back then, I said: it will be shocking if they don't. hehe taking the bet was the consequence of that comment. I still think they will be destined together.

I would give anything for you to win the bet. hehe
I wish i share your confidence (my palms are sweating haha) but what i only have is hope.

I would like to hint this very panel:

Sumin: I can't. Seju-ah.

I really hope this has double meaning. I also like sia's comment about living together for Africa. Lol

this part is actually interesting and there was two references to ch26 that Saehyun and Seju mentioned.. THIS IS why Saehyun scarred Sumin, to keep Seju alive through her guilt to Sumin, and for Sumin to take revenge on her for whatever she wanted.

So then, Seju's fate: Sumin or Death?
But then i am also not the author, i hope TG finds a way to keep her alive and happy if its neither.

last edited at Aug 8, 2017 2:39PM

joined Jul 18, 2017

perhaps in the next chap, seju will be able to live alone with her memories(?) in the villa that her father was given for her then sungjimin living peacefully without seju's presence around them.

if this one really the endgame, isnt it too obvious from the start? :v
as seju lover i dont mind with this ending but... the way TG give us flashback of sejumin etc is nonsense if this manhwa will be ended this way '-'

afterall, its just my opinion n so biased anyway xD

joined Jun 23, 2017


My religion Lol I'm offering my prayers to MadoHomo everyday..xD

Waiting for that sequel... Homura deserves happiness. Such a good series and movie. :)

last edited at Aug 8, 2017 2:48PM

joined Feb 4, 2017


And for Sungji, I don't know. I'm supporting Nora that she's a catalyst for SuminxSeju to be back together.

yup, Sungji will. Her character design was made for that purpose and as the story went by.. how Camile and Dawoon whole chapter (ch61) played along those lines.

Lol I can't make myself jump to SuminxSungji even if it's kinda clear that it's heading towards that way. I just feel that they won't last (but who am I to judge)

well, it's realistic enough.. just looking at the dynamics between Sumin and Sungji that was exactly how the lawyer Sangmi explained her relationship with Sumin in ch4, then the cheating happened in their 3rd month together.. Sungji still didn't forgive Sumin as she just said in ch88 (I don't need to forgive her) .. she just want to "protect" Sumin from being hurt again. Is that enough foundation for a long lasting relationship? Nope.

I'm too enthralled with SuminxSeju's relationship from the past(I'm the one who can't move on from their once beautiful romance). Seju alone makes me ecstatic that I can't focus to other characters. Lol

this story has beauty in it.. that this thing worth saving.. and worth keeping. Not just a mere toxic relationship. The healing part as I see it is toward saving their relationship as they slowly reach the roots of their problems that broke them off in the first place.

joined Oct 6, 2015


My religion Lol I'm offering my prayers to MadoHomo everyday..xD

Waiting for that sequel... Homura deserves happiness. Such a good series and set of movies. :)

I'm pretty sure there is new movie coming out. All the girls there deserve to be happy but hell yes, give Homura the happiness that she deserves(Madoka :P). I always think that Homura and Seju have similarities. ;)

joined Jun 23, 2017


I'm pretty sure there is new movie coming out. All the girls there deserve to be happy but hell yes, give Homura the happiness that she deserves(Madoka :P). I always think that Homura and Seju have similarities. ;)

I was just about to say the same thing... XD I could see why you'd favor them. Both have some heartbreaking situations, stemming from unwavering love. Although, Seju's love was more reciprocated, Homura's is still heartwrenching. The stories are so different, yet equally impactful, for me.

Waiting for the official announcement, as the concept movie has been released already. :)

last edited at Aug 8, 2017 3:04PM

joined Oct 6, 2015


this story has beauty in it.. that this thing worth saving.. and worth keeping. Not just a mere toxic relationship. The healing part as I see it is toward saving their relationship as they slowly reach the roots of their problems that broke them off in the first place.

Totally..and still, most people think that it's impossible for a SuminxSeju and they'd totally freak out if it happens..xD

joined Feb 4, 2017


I would give anything for you to win the bet. hehe
I wish i share your confidence (my palms are sweating haha) but what i only have is hope.

hahah, just a good wish for me to win would be more than enough :D
the confidence comes from how the whole arc's incidents are interconnected .. I can't say that the previous 5 chapters added nothing to Sungji's character specifically. They were there for a reason.. and I am getting more confident with every chapter.

I would like to hint this very panel:

Sumin: I can't. Seju-ah.

I really hope this has double meaning. I also like sia's comment about living together for Africa. Lol

it does.. Seju's father not only gave Sumin a huge amount of inheritance not included in the will, but her transfered some fortune under Seju's name as we knew from ch63.., so the plan he made with Saehyun included protecting Seju by not giving her anything in the WILL itself.
also, Sumin mentioned that she still admired him this chapter.
will all these pieces come together into play again? this is what we will know.

So then, Seju's fate: Sumin or Death?
But then i am also not the author, i hope TG finds a way to keep her alive and happy if its neither.

hahah It's sweet, Seju had everything she could ask for, monetary wise, but all she ever wanted is the one she loved and loved her back by all her heart as Team Gaji said once.

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