Forum › Getting Used to Being Friends discussion

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

It's almost as bad as Sayman's Afterlife manga... except I don't feel like half of me died like I did with that one.

And the more I think of it, the more I dislike the one friend for just treating the whole situation like a big joke. The blonde girl was really in love and even though she knew her friend was just goofing off, the fact that she got friend-zoned in such a manner is terrible.

It's one thing to friend-zone someone, it's another thing all together to pile-drive them into that zone and stomp on their heart.

Also I can kinda understand the comedy tag... it's like "lets get married haha!" "Ok! <3" "YAY were married! Lets stay friends forever!" burned It's juvenile humour. Normally I can appreciate it, but I didn't think this was very funny.

last edited at Mar 12, 2014 12:31PM

joined Feb 1, 2013

God, That hurt! Ouch! Dx

joined Dec 16, 2013

how in the world this anti yuri get published the same for this author other works 'wife to be'.

joined Aug 13, 2013

I don't know why, but somehow this reminds me of a RenkoMari comic/tall image by Aya Shachou(Gokusai Color) started with sweet yuri and ended rather... dark and angsty (I don't want to spoil it too much). Perhaps because of the mood whip lash?
...I'll just chalk it up to my mind being weird... yeah, that might be for the best...

joined Jan 30, 2013

dies slowly in a hole

joined Jul 16, 2013

I actually enjoyed reading this. It was unexpected and non-cliche...or maybe because i'm a huge fan of angst in my yuri...

The problem people have isnt with the angst, the problem is that it was A) out of left field
B) a slap across the face to yuri fans (look at the title)
C)Made the first girl look like a complete bitch
D) made no goddamn sense, why would you go that far and then say "lets just be friends"? NO JUST NO.

E) Missleading tags that make people belief it is another cute yuri story.

That too also i just realized......this is basically my little sister cant be this cute yuri version...........(marries her then says, "nope sorry cant do this its wrong" EVEN THOUGH YOU ALREADY MARRIED HER)

Only that there he keeps his relationship with her (in secret)

joined Feb 23, 2014

I actually enjoyed reading this. It was unexpected and non-cliché...or maybe because I'm a huge fan of angst in my yuri...

The problem people have isn't with the angst, the problem is that it was A) out of left field
B) a slap across the face to yuri fans (look at the title)
C)Made the first girl look like a complete bitch
D) made no goddamn sense, why would you go that far and then say "lets just be friends"? NO JUST NO.

E) Misleading tags that make people belief it is another cute yuri story.

That too also i just realized......this is basically my little sister cant be this cute yuri version...........(marries her then says, "nope sorry cant do this its wrong" EVEN THOUGH YOU ALREADY MARRIED HER)

Only that there he keeps his relationship with her (in secret)

actually i was just basing it off the anime and i didn't know about the secret relationship thing until after someone mentioned it to me in a forum but i get that now.

joined Mar 6, 2014


Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

The subtitle for this manga is now officially "How to piss off the yuri fanbase" lol.

joined May 28, 2012

Harsh. Imagine being in that situation, playing along because its the closest you can get to what you really want and the hearing something like that. If it were me my heart might just freeze over and shatter.

Silly to call the mangaka a homophobe though.

joined May 15, 2012

I would add aangst tag o.O it was so sad D:

joined Feb 8, 2013

I'm so sad now. ;_;

joined May 25, 2013

The hell?!?!

joined Nov 10, 2013

Why it tagged Comedy when there's really nothing to laugh at in this manga?

joined Jan 2, 2014

maybe we need the M. night shamalan tag for this one considering the trick ending

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

maybe we need the M. night shamalan tag for this one considering the trick ending

Moreso since the twist made it worse, amirite?

joined Apr 10, 2013

I'm not reading those previous posts so I'll say this when my feeling is still passionate.

Goddamn you! YOU MESSED ME UP REAL GOOD! Such twist. I just love those blank looks after they got friend-zoned or similar shit that just affects people real bad. Author, I love you so much. I want to marry you but alas, I don't want to.

On another but similar note, that was some awesome stuff. I got fooled.

joined May 22, 2013

Why can't I put this author into my Blacklist together w/ Dowman Sayman!

But, then you'd miss out on things like

Nope. I won't read any from that author. I've been fooled for countless times.

joined May 28, 2012

Here's a realistic yuri with good ending that I can think of for now.

joined Jun 22, 2013

Pages 1-13 : Aww, this is really cute!
Page 14: Oh...
Page 15 - 16: Well fuck

joined Apr 13, 2012

Here's a realistic yuri with good ending that I can think of for now.

^ related
I've spent today with two awesome female lovers in her +70s, i know other couples living together and peacefully. I confirmed today that happy endings do exist, so i can go on and accept oneshots like this one because a rejection is not the end of the world. Even if you don't want to, you will fall in love again, fortunatly.
I don't mind getting friendzoned and rejected (again) a couple of times, if i can be closer to the chance of getting a happy-wrinkly ending.

joined Dec 11, 2013

This always happens to a lesbo who loves a straight girl. I don't know, but the ending, hurt yet realistic. Hope the short hair will find her true love in the future.

Bacon Pancakes
joined Aug 21, 2013

This author be playing with everybody's feelings

joined Oct 15, 2013

a happy-wrinkly ending.

^ That's a true happy ending.

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