Edit: Especially if you plan to play Dragon Age 2. Take a look at all the vitriol aimed at it, adjust your expectations accordingly but still retain some optimism because it's still dragon age, then play it; at least that's how I think I still had fun with Dragon Age 2.
DA2 isn't that bad and I actually enjoy it despite its fault, that are mostly due to the fact that this was an "ordered" opus that had too little time to be properly made, which resulted in a gross overusing of the same assets, both graphical and level design wise.
Those faults means that going for completing every single quests quickly becomes tedious and even the fights can be anticipated because of the "by wave" spawning of ennemies, but aside for that, the game has some good points :
-A story that finally break out of Biowares overused narrative structure since neverwinter's night and that reached it apex (in a bad way) with DAO. The story is also more "personnal" as centered about few characters and whithin one city rather than a full country. It's not "save the world !", but the events still are world changing, as highlighted in Inquisition. Personnally, that's something I enjoyed and I felt that much closer to Hawke as a character than my warden.
-Many people mocked the Qunari revamp, but it still gave much more identity to the various races we meet in DA's world : elves and Qunaris both get much more defining visual traits that let you identify them at a glance. It felt like the world of DA got its own visual identity with that opus.
-Most of the characters are great and get their own development over the years alongside Hawke.
So yeah, it's not perfect, but if you can look past its faults, I think that it's a good game. Pity they couldn't get more time to properly work on it