Dame!! I juste remebered the hole thing!! But i have faith that they'l see each other again, i hope so ;_;
Too pure for this rotten world
Look out, Nezchan might have to get all rational on your asses.
last edited at Dec 31, 2016 8:18PM
So did that happen in the novels or are you just psychic?
it sure warm inside here~ I would love to cuddle just like that :D
Ball for life
Watashi no kishi xD
LOL PLS. It's legit right above your post
I have to agree. Maybe she's a golem that is about to turn into its human form?? (because,why not??)
Is Erica standing watch?
The artist says this is the two female Rock Rangers in Gamma.
^ I thought that is very obvious, as soon as they became friends.
Waiting for a Honoka Harem...
And then they had lots and lots of battles!
I wanna see the "treat" ;D
Somehaw this stung my heart with a spear for my bumbleby
Cuz i liked it , and it hurt and i lost
Das cool man!
I love shorter tachis and taller nokos :3
After episode 13 Papicona seemed more canon
^they are
Kinda reminds me of the thing, uhh HoriMiya manga with Miyamura's friend that hates cheese and Miyamura knows that and says, "say Ahhh~" to that guy feeding him a cheese lolly. I feel sorry for You now xD
The fact they threw in this canon couple makes up for all the possible shortcomings of Brave Witches.
Yeah, director confirmed that the yuri between Papika and Cocona is 100% intentional.
Holy shit Pito, what did you make Mari do for Kanan xD It's like Blurred lines, "You know you want it, you're a good girl!!!"
last edited at Jan 2, 2017 12:08AM
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