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joined Dec 24, 2014

So I realized that my all time Top 9 anime "list" yesterday had an error, so here's the correct version.

From left to right:
1st row: Overlord, Blade and Soul, Girl Friend Beta
2nd row: Gatchaman Crowds, Mikagura Gakuen Kumikyoku, Vividred Operation
3rd row: Hidan no Aria AA, Locodol, Mahouka

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ blinkkittylove

I think I owe @Anon99 a song -- with bonus ice dancing

Hey, that's actually a very nice song.
And one I've never heard before at that! (^_^)b
I don't know the musical. So I can't talk about the story. But if everyone would be that real and down to earth when talking to their respective partner (to be) then that could save a lot of heartache ;)
Probably not the most romantic song ever written but I like! d (^‿^✿)

Thank you!

What's up in your part of the world?

Dark and cold autumn days are kicking in... Not very fond of that but apart from that I guess I can't complain... or at least I shouldn't ;)

Have started writing Love Live fanfic, which is good because it's getting me back into writing, but very time consuming.

Writing is always a good thing! ◟(◔ั₀◔ั )◞ ༘♡
Hope I can get back to that as well sometime...

joined Dec 15, 2015

Talking about anime, I'm currently re-watching Michiko to Hathcin. Such a great Watanabe-like road trip. Too bad manglobe did bankrupt.

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Nevri

Didn't expect you to go for black comedy xD

Oh, I love black comedy! Makes life so much easier! ;)
Funeral entertainment speeches! This time you will cry from laughter! ^^
How does that sound?

@ Galich

Well.. dunno about "no thrills" parts, at least for my friends. They had plenty of them with reading my messages late at night.. not gonna go into further details tho.

Drugged mails are the best! ^^b

Also, really sucks to wake up early at night, look at the clock and go "Hmm, two weeks ago I'd be slowly considering going to bed at this hour"

That's the worst part about school and work: Having to adjust your sleeping schedule... T_T

Not finding the partying fun either.. well, I'll be mostly saved from it as I don't have to move out of my house. At least for now.

Well... a little party every once in a while can't hurt, I guess.
I just never understood the folks that needed to get totally wasted and actually thought that is fun.
I just love my brain cells too much for that ;)
And I can have fun without alcohol as well. ^__^

@ Blackkitty

we missed you too! how are you doing?^^

Awww.... (`・ω・´)
I'm doing okay, I guess...
Shouldn't complain. Could always be worse. So I'm grateful for what I have ^^

Guess what!! Ronnie O'Sullivan vs Mark Selby in a Snooker Show with Michaela Tabb as a referee, October 1... in the sports hall that is just across the street... but I'm not going anyway..

Why didn't you go???
My 3 favorites in one room?
I would have gone for sure! ٩(。•ω•。)و

can't you just see how everything is perfectly imperfect!

I can. But I don't always like it ;)

me too, it was the worst when I had to talk in front of the class..
or you would've been a happy screaming idiot!

Good... at least I'm not the only one, I guess (ó﹏ò。)
I'm not sure if that would have made me happy, really.
Embarrassed, yes, feeling strange, yes, happy... not so sure ^^

joined Feb 3, 2015


You do trigger interesting discussions sometimes ;)

well, I'm sure when the right time comes, someone will appreciate you for who you are and there will be romance in your life! And if you have your goals clearly set and the determination to follow through until you achieve them, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to make use of some real romance as well ^^
but I don't know... I fail miserably in the romantic department being kind of silly...

Bon courage! It seems that you will have to work really hard this year, but it is worth the effort :)

and good luck tomorrow! hopefully there are the nice people among your future colleagues hugs

joined Nov 29, 2014

@Gengar I love Dodger and Northernlion! I watch Cryoatic for his horror-rpg maker game playthroughs.

Always nice to find someone who knows the world's nicest Canadian. No offense, Nez. NL deserves way more subscribers than he has.

I'm kinda debating with myself right now if I should breed Pokemon to play with in the Battle Mansion or just head into Pokemon Showdown for some online games. My DS disconnects every 2 or 3 minutes so I can't play Wifi battles :(
I need your help deciding, guys.

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Blackkitty

Have you seen the second season of "How to get away with murder" yet?

joined Jan 31, 2013

My love for Pokemon diminished when I tried to breed and do all that IV and EV stuff. Just sucked the fun out of it for me. :(

joined Dec 24, 2014

^ You could always talk to the ppl here ^ ○ ^ unless timezones is an issue for you.

That aside, heres another song for everyone,

last edited at Oct 2, 2016 10:03PM

joined Dec 24, 2014

hm, that's interesting, it's early morning here :o where you from?

And I share the same opinion tbh, Im usually more active during the late night hrs than in the day.

joined Dec 24, 2014

^ I know that feeling :\ and oh, great to see someone nearby this region then XD

Enjoy your reading ^ ○ ^

joined Jan 31, 2013

I tried breeding for shinies once, got sick of how tedious it was and never tried again. I ended up with an entire box of ralts that I sent off through wonder trade because I didn't want them. I hope they made some people happy at least.

I had a box of Ralts as well lol.

joined Dec 24, 2014

You know you've too much time on your hands or too bored when you can turn a random mess of chaotic scribbles into a drawing…

joined Feb 15, 2016

Drugged mails are the best! ^^b

Well, I hope that my friends share your opinion on the matter..

That's the worst part about school and work: Having to adjust your sleeping schedule... T_T

The thing with my sleeping schedule right now is the fact that I can fall asleep early enough, but I wake up after 3 hours, give or take. And no, I'm not one of those people that have their sleeping schedules turned upside down.

Not finding the partying fun either.. well, I'll be mostly saved from it as I don't have to move out of my house. At least for now.

Well... a little party every once in a while can't hurt, I guess.
I just never understood the folks that needed to get totally wasted and actually thought that is fun.
I just love my brain cells too much for that ;)
And I can have fun without alcohol as well. ^__^

I find all of partying to be pointless. Drinking a bit at times is fun, so is getting drunk, but at parties? Shudders

Can someone tell my organism that I'm supposed to wake up later when I fall asleep late at night? Slept for precisely a single hour..

Also, Blackkitty, I haven't forgotten your message, I'll reply to it as soon as I'm a bit more awake.

Looks like life doesnt want me to post this message, as the electricy at my house died just as I was about to send it.

joined Feb 3, 2015


Have you seen the second season of "How to get away with murder" yet?

Unfortunately, I haven't...but I will! Actually, I managed to finish the whole first season... so I will give a chance to the second as well.
But I always have something else to watch... for example, now it's "Black Box" - I've just found the series, and after having watched 4 episodes I wonder why they cancelled it. Its subject matter is intriguing, the title is perfct, the backgound music is great, and the cast - Kelly Reilly is lovely.^^""

no worries... I still have to reply to your previous post..

last edited at Oct 3, 2016 8:18AM

joined Nov 29, 2014

I did some shiny breeding when the game came out, but started playing recently again. Wondertraded my old shiny rejects away and got a 6IV Ditto through wondertrade. So IV breeding is pretty easy for me now.

For me it was some boxes of Lucario, Ghastly and that one purple cat though. Never did get a shiny from breeding, but I did get a few shinies in the friend safari. Traded them for Darkrais and traded those Darkrais for shiny legendaries. You gotta be smart.

joined Nov 29, 2014

I had a whole bunch of shinies like Charizard, Garchomp and Gardevoir cause the shiny rate in Friend Safaries is like 1/512 instead of 1/2000 and it's not dependant on the shiny charm. Traded some of them for shiny Ho-Oh, Raikou and Articuno. Other than the Red Gyrados in like Gen2, this is the first Generation I ever played in which I even saw a shiny

By the way, soaring is the ORAS thing with the Lati a/o s, right? Didn't play those games, stuck with Y until Moon comes out.

last edited at Oct 3, 2016 12:07PM

joined Jan 31, 2013

If you like Etrian Odyssey then PQ is like a lite version of it. PQ makes all the characters one dimensional and ramps up that one dimension up to 11.

joined Nov 29, 2014

Wow, I just found out that people ship Ash and Serena, the female protagonist of X and Y in the anime. I'm appalled. I haven't watched the anime since like season 2 but no player character from the games would have anything to do with Ash. They would shred him in battle for some pocket change at most.

And I mean SHRED. Ash is the worst trainer in history, man.

I hate Ash.

joined Jan 31, 2013

I think in the Anime she crushes on him or something. I think every season's girl gets shipped with Ash at some point.

joined Jun 22, 2016

Hey, what is it exactly when you start feeling all weird and can't breathe properly?

Sounds like a panic attack, maybe...?
I hope you're doing better now. Just lie down and try to relax. Listen to some music to distract you.

And it's true, you can write whatever you feel like here, as long as you feel comfortable with it, of course.

joined Nov 29, 2014

I think in the Anime she crushes on him or something. I think every season's girl gets shipped with Ash at some point.

That's so wrong. Serena clearly has a thing with Shauna or whatever her name is.

Also, I googled a bit and what's up with the anime not doing the player characters justice? Like, Serena in the game is a complete badass who would be all like "Mewtu, go fight some dudes and bring me their money" and in the anime she plays dress up with her Pokemon. Not saying she can't do that, but she should shred the whole continent while she's doing it.
Same thing with the Ruby Saphire Emerald character. Clearly she only started doing those Pokemon contests cause being Champion got boring.

Urgh, at least I can look forward to Generations.

And I don't know much about like, medicine or stuff but yeah, you should probably try to lie down and relax to get your breathing back in order. Maybe take a bath or something.

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ PKMN Ranger

Oh... emotions are soo overrated anyway ;)

Seriously though, you mentioned that you can't sleep properly lately... I know from experience that that just makes it all much worse... It messes with your emotions as well unfortunately. And you tend to get oversensitive. So if you have anxiety problems it's likely that those will act up more when you can't sleep right for a longer period of time...
I'm not sure what's troubling you but if you can't get to the root of your problems the best way is to find something that helps you take your mind off things...
Video games are good but it works better when they don't make you feel frustrated all the time ^^
Last year, when I had a really rough time, it was TV shows and my dog that helped me...

Awww... I like you too! (╯•ω•╰) And I hope you'll find a way to make you feel better soon!

joined Nov 29, 2014

J-Dilla always helps to calm down.

joined Jan 31, 2013

The game characters are way different than the anime ones. They aren't the same characters, they only look similar. Don't let it get to you.

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