Razzart, the creators of Starlight Vega and Catch Canvas, has announced a new VN: Love Ribbon! https://yurination.wordpress.com/2016/09/17/love-ribbon-steam-greenlight/#more-49790
It's nice that Razzart is apparently quite partial to yuri since all of their games have been yuri or have had yuri options... Well, I remember that they had released a het VN before Starlight Vega, but it appears that it's not on Steam anymore? I don't know what happened to it, but, anyways, I've always liked Western yuri VNs more than Japanese yuri VNs since they usually handle LGBT topics better (cue the "B-but we're both girls!") and usually don't include as much fanservice... also, there are a lot of free Western VNs out there, so there's that too. Granted, I haven't played any Japanese yuri VNs yet since I'm too poor so perhaps I'm not the best person to speak about this...
Anyway, from the trailer, it looks like this thing will have animated CGs, which is quite interesting. I guess them showing up in the trailer isn't quite a confirmation, but I don't really see why they would invest the effort into making them if they wouldn't use it. They do look a bit stiff, but I understand that they have a pretty low budget, and, hey, it's better than nothing. It looks like the artist from Starlight Vega isn't coming back, but this art looks great too. Looking forward to one more yuri incest VN in the world! (I think Nurse Love Addiction and Tsui Yuri are the only other ones, but I don't really know much about untranslated VNs)