Forum › Dynasty Cafe: A Home for Off-Topic Discussion where everyone's welcome! (ღˇ◡ˇ)~♥
Yyyaaaaayyyy hugs :D
Galich, good trade, please stop trying to destroy me D:
@CCL Well, if it weren't for me, you'd get no hugs from Anon.
@ Galich
Okay, on a serious note for a second:
If you only talked to that friend online and without having her email address then that really sucks... I feel with you!
Don't you have mutual friends...? Maybe? You could tell them to pass along a message at least...
Hey….maybe we should slow down a little... and give the new recruits a chance to reply as well... before we create another 20 pages until they come back... ;)
Don't want them to feel left out...
Love it, shows how primal and dumb people can be with their voting and political opinions :/
I talk to friends online without knowing their email addressees all the time D:
Sorry new people ;_;
@Anon Well, I wasn't totally rulling out the possibility of us having such an argument, wanted to get her email a few days before the day, but I never got around to actually asking.
No mutual friends either, no means to contact her. Actually, that's a lie. I've sent a letter the day after she had cut her contact with me, since I know her address. Either she's gonna end up reading it, or it'll end up in the trash.
I guess that it kind of helps? Maybe? Guess all I can do is refrain myself from doing anything harsh and just wait for the weekend >.> I hope it goes okay. If not.. well, I am of good thought. Don't want to be very pushy on her, seems she seemed to have a problem with it.
Didn't we have a similar conversation before? I'd say that they'll come back, it's important that they see that the thread is alive and kicking. Plus, judging by the fact we already got 2 more posters in the thread since yesterday, I'd say that the strategy works pretty well.
Boris and Trump would really make a lovely couple...
Great interview. He kinda seems to forget that sometimes, well, you can be hold accountable for the things you say. Not all people are as absent-minded as him and some really do listen to all the crap he says...
Without that douche the majority of people would never have voted “out” I'm sure...
Usually, when I talk to people for a while online I give them my email. There's no rule of course but when I consider someone a friend I'd give it to them. But that's just me. And I'm not that experienced with forums and stuff like that either... So never mind me ;)
Just go on talking folks! I didn't want you to stop. (☉__☉”)
@ Galich
Well... I keep my fingers crossed for you then!
Maybe she'll reply to your letter. I hope she will.
And you're right, I wouldn't flood her with letters or whatever. Would give off the wrong impression...
I'm not saying that we should stop entirely, just slow down a tiny little bit perhaps... seeing that we're exceptionally lively today and even KinkyKitty lost track of things as a result; I thought that this might apply to others as well... Maybe...? Not sure. It's kinda hard to keep it all balanced sometimes...
I enjoy messing around here too. Just don't wanna overwhelm others...
(I have no idea how they feel about it to be honest...)
last edited at Aug 18, 2016 5:53PM
Anon idk what you're talking about D:
Who's a douche absent minded forgets they're accountable responsible for brexit and whatever? D: Would make lovely couple with Trump? D:
I don's use my email much for correspondence... or like, at all.
Nuh, imma be silent D:
@Anon Thanks! Well, she knows how to find me online and knows my address. It's all up to her willingness. Oh well, I feel like it's beating a dead horse at this point.
Well, from personal experience when catching up I tend to skip shorter messages like the conversations I have with CCL.
Yea, the example of KinkyKitty has made me wonder that as well. The main problem is the timezones, since many people that are not regulars live in different timezones.. so it's either that the topic dies or we spam it. I cannot really see a middle ground here.
Guess we'll just have to wait for others to comment about that then.
I don't know either... And I'm pretty sure he's forgotten all about that as well... ;)
He's just as politically correct as she is:
People like that in politics... no, thank you! They just like to watch the world burn as long as their own ass is warm.
And I can't help it but he always reminds me of him:
That was his reaction too the moment he realized that Britain voted “out”...
@ Galich
Then you're always skipping the best part! o_O Makes no sense at all! (`・ω・´)
No more time zones then! Screw those! Prime Minister CCL will abolish them altogether! Worldwide! That's the kind of power they'll have!
I'd really like to know what others think about that...
Rika-chan, mint-leaf, Suosiki and everyone else we need your opinion on something!
I live in the exact timezone as you guys too, and I know many people on this site who live in europe too, so I don't see timezones as a main problem at all. The reasons you guys decided to join any thread are highly likely the right answers to your question.
I don't know either... And I'm pretty sure he's forgotten all about that as well... ;)
He's just as politically correct as she is:
People like that in politics... no, thank you! They just like to watch the world burn as long as their own ass is warm.And I can't help it but he always reminds me of him:
That was his reaction too the moment he realized that Britain voted “out”...
Are you talking about Brandeth or Corbyn? D:
Cos I'm a huge Corbyn fan and disagree with like, everything you said maybe about him I'm afraid >_>
The Corbyn is responsible for brexit thing is some made up bulllcrap by his enemies in the labour party as a "casus belli" to start a leadership challenge... A leadership challenge they've been planning since he became leader.
I shared the video because it highlights how people agree with a lot of what Corbyn said... Because his policies are great and actually resonate with people, it's just how the media's hate boner for Corbyn and tory vs labour tribalism leads to the cognitive dissonance the people in the video showed D:
@Anon99 I'll just use everything I have in my disposal to avoid discussing politics, I'm too opinionated on the matter.
Politicians can be very dumb tho. Any form of radicalism is bad, but I do understand people why people are voting for more radical options: they're not comfortable with their quality of life, regardless if it's justified or not. Content citizents tend to stick to more moderate views.
I feel obligated to link this, dunno the reason.
Do you like Weird Al Yankovic?
What can I say, I'm a boring person. The debates are when things start to get interesting.
Okay, I've worded that a bit awkwardly: I just tend to pay less attention. Dunno why to be honest.
I still refuse to have CCL as any government official, worst case scenario me and Blackkitty will organise a coup or something.
Yup, interested in others' opinions on the matter as well.
@oliver Cheers for the insight!
last edited at Aug 18, 2016 4:39PM
Well radicalism isn't always bad since it's usually a matter of perspective... The west is radically liberal compared to the middle east but I wouldn't say we're bad.
Oh, and if you meant Corbyn is anything like Trump, that's just... the furthest thing from Trump. Trump is a megalomaniac xenophobe, Corbyn is a pacifist who has strove all of his life for nuclear disarmament. Corbyn is a life long socialist and campaigner for minority and people's rights all of his career, Trump is... Trump...
@ChocolateCakeLover No, there is a point at which radicalism is objective, and that's when it overshadows morality. There are values which all humans share, even if they value it differently. True that the west is radically liberal in comparison to the middle east and it's not a bad thing, but that's not the "radicalism" I was talking about.
Sacrificing people senselessly for an ideology is radical, both the right wing and the left wing had their bad examples in the past.
A good example could be the Finnish civil war, with both whites and reds slaughtering lots of people left and right; while the whites ended up victorious and Finland was one of the very few democratic countries during the interwar period, it doesn't change the fact that both sides were playing it nasty.
I do think that we are thinking about different radicalism tho.
last edited at Aug 18, 2016 4:53PM
CCL - Prime Minister? I've been gone just for a few hours... ?! It smells of coup d'état around here...
Onee-sama - you are always on my radar... you can go on calling me all the kinky names that make you happy xD
Well, I did say usually, and no, there's not really any value that is truly universal, as evidenced by the fact that such extremes of radicalism can exist. I assumed you meant ideological radicalism since that's what seemed most relevant, and that is entirely a matter of perspective. Every position is moderate and every position radical depending on where you go from.
But my proposals... coup de tat for policy not for personal bias D:
last edited at Aug 18, 2016 4:52PM
@CCL Okay, maybe I've worded it a bit off. Sure, both morality and radicalism are subjective to some extend, but there are social norms which we take as norm, and it's accepted by the majority. Things like universal values do change overtime, but it's mostly progressing and evolving.
Radicalism offsprings radicalism, it's not rocket science.
May have screwed up a bit since I didn't pay attention to your posts to Anon since I didn't have any headphones on me to check the links.
Then again, you do have a point that culture does dictate the boundaries of radicalism, but if we were to give up on the ideas of trying to set standards, things like the Geneva convention (ignored too many times) and UN's Declaration of human rights would not have existed. Another case in point is set of laws. Sure, it's mostly artificial stuff, but it's something we just agree is the norm and crossing the line should be punished. Doesn't matter how eastern or western a nation is, left or right wing, serving the people or the ones in power, there are lines that we accept to not cross.
We're currently heading towards equalization of forms of such things, reactionaries always existed and always will.
Since both of our arguments are based around a fundamental assumption, I don't think I'll keep talking about it, this is not a place for such discussions. Such matters should be talked about in private and not in a thread like this, it also may end up backfiring for the number of people coming over. If ya want to keep discussing about it, hit me up in any form of private chat or something, if not then cool I guess.
last edited at Aug 18, 2016 5:34PM
Well now I never said we shouldn't have boundaries. I am a moral relativist insofar as I believe there is no absolute truth nor source to morality, but that doesn't mean I don't think standards should be implemented, just that there is no moral absoluteness to the goodness of that. So human rights and stuff may be good to me, but much of it would be odd alien and radical to other cultures... not killing people thing would have Vikings all like, but how do we even Valhalla bruv? D:
I think looking at history and getting oh yeah, people all had some underlying values sells short human psychology and assumes too much of your average doesn't think about it product of their time... I mean, what universal values do you glean from the colonisation of the americas or nazi germany or what have you.
I mean, I'm fine calling radicalism to the left of me wrong, to the right of me wrong, but I accept that's only my position, and it has no intrinsic value over the other positions. An aside however is that, I also believe I should campaign for my positions prominence else I can't really say I believe what I do... it's inconsistent to believe personally that discrimination against any minority is wrong and yet be fine with other people disagreeing and participating in it.
What in particular makes you think that? oO
I mean, you seems to fit my typical definition of liberal (socially not economically, I think you already said you were on the left economically... meaning I assumed some kind of socialist at least.) but I never really wrote with that in mind.
Wow... I've started something here without even realizing it... O_o
I was off for a bit to watch Stranger Things... My apologies!
I meant good old Boris Johnson, of course ^^
Sorry, should have dropped his name sooner, I guess.
I don't have a facebook account and when I opened that link they asked me to log in, so I reloaded the page and then this video of Boris Johnson and John Kerry popped up showing them at a press conference. You must have meant something else then...
I'm sorry >_>
fair enough, the video was of a man going around a tory stronghold in the general election and then asking what they thought of some policy positions. Most would like the majority of the positions and then he'd go - aha, so you're a secret socialist because you agree with Jeremy Corbyn! And the people would be so... dazed and confused and in denial :D Because even more so than with most leaders of the opposition, Corbyn has taken a hammering from the media (note, a lot of it owned by Rupert Murdoch, but even the supposedly left wing ones reported on a leadership debate with "Corbyn doesn't recognise Ant and Dec" rather than Owen Smith saying we should invite ISIS to the negotiation table").
I 5000% agree about bojo :D
I'm sorry, ranting at you for nothing ^^' Suddenly embarrassed about paragraphs ranting at a phantom >_>
I felt like I had to I'm sorry >< Corbyn has enough lies spreading about him that his supporters need to get the message out at any chance if thy're to have the chance... even with people who are from another country and can't vote >>
Sorrry >_>'''
Okay I'll stop now Dx
You're hilarious even in situations like this ^^
No problem, no offense taken!
To make sure I added the name in one of my previous posts to avoid further misunderstandings...
Well... you could always do the Miki thing and delete all of those posts if you want, but I don't really mind them.
I wouldn't have left had I known what was going on here because of that... ;)
I should delete... all 1,317(18 after this) posts... wonder how long would take...
I mean, you seems to fit my typical definition of liberal (socially not economically, I think you already said you were on the left economically... meaning I assumed some kind of socialist at least.) but I never really wrote with that in mind.
@CCL Ah, gocha. Well, we hit the spot where we can't really do anything, since I'm a firm believer in secular ethics. The further discussion would just evolve into "agree to disagree".
Well, just got a vibe of that, most people think I'm "let's let the poor die on the streets but hey we have legal gay marriage" kind of gal. It just irks me, since social injustice annoys me to no end.
Guess it's related to where we're coming from. In here if you're a social conservative then you're economic liberal and vice versa, I always tend to assume that.
Dunno if I've mentioned specifically I'm a leftie in economical matters as well, but yea, hit right on the money either way.
A good discussion nontheless, although I do feel like I have my hands tied behind my back since I don't like bringing some arguments in public. Had there been a "ChocolateCakeLover" on Steam, I guess that this conversation would've been handled a bit differently.
last edited at Aug 18, 2016 6:14PM
@Anon 2 soon ;__;
Well, I feel like we've kind of failed Miki. Really sucks she's not around here anymore.
@CCL Wouldn't take that long, click on the posts number next to the joined date, from there you can just spam "remove". Sure, would take a bit, but it would be a bit more efficient.
There's a Kantalogical on steam :P
I don't think Secular Ethics and moral relativism are necessarily different... I'd say they go pretty well together actually oO
I think most places the general dialogue is the same kind of diagonal slant, when it comes to social/economic liberalness and their counterparts.
"let's let the poor die on the streets but hey we have legal gay marriage"
How does anyone get that conclusion oO
Well with economic matters you mentioned you linked the internationale and responded well enough to Corbyn iirc
Wow, that's a fun idea actually, hunt down all my posts instead of go through the post history screen... would take suh long D:
last edited at Aug 18, 2016 6:18PM